// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Net.ServerSentEvents
/// <summary>Provides a parser for server-sent events information.</summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Specifies the type of data parsed from an event.</typeparam>
public sealed class SseParser<T>
// For reference:
// Specification: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/server-sent-events.html#server-sent-events
/// <summary>Carriage Return.</summary>
private const byte CR = (byte)'\r';
/// <summary>Line Feed.</summary>
private const byte LF = (byte)'\n';
/// <summary>Carriage Return Line Feed.</summary>
private static ReadOnlySpan<byte> CRLF => "\r\n"u8;
/// <summary>The maximum number of milliseconds representible by <see cref="System.TimeSpan"/>.</summary>
private readonly long TimeSpan_MaxValueMilliseconds = (long)TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalMilliseconds;
/// <summary>The default size of an ArrayPool buffer to rent.</summary>
/// <remarks>Larger size used by default to minimize number of reads. Smaller size used in debug to stress growth/shifting logic.</remarks>
private const int DefaultArrayPoolRentSize =
/// <summary>The stream to be parsed.</summary>
private readonly Stream _stream;
/// <summary>The parser delegate used to transform bytes into a <typeparamref name="T"/>.</summary>
private readonly SseItemParser<T> _itemParser;
/// <summary>Indicates whether the enumerable has already been used for enumeration.</summary>
private int _used;
/// <summary>Buffer, either empty or rented, containing the data being read from the stream while looking for the next line.</summary>
private byte[] _lineBuffer = [];
/// <summary>The starting offset of valid data in <see cref="_lineBuffer"/>.</summary>
private int _lineOffset;
/// <summary>The length of valid data in <see cref="_lineBuffer"/>, starting from <see cref="_lineOffset"/>.</summary>
private int _lineLength;
/// <summary>The index in <see cref="_lineBuffer"/> where a newline ('\r', '\n', or "\r\n") was found.</summary>
private int _newlineIndex;
/// <summary>The index in <see cref="_lineBuffer"/> of characters already checked for newlines.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is to avoid O(LineLength^2) behavior in the rare case where we have long lines that are built-up over multiple reads.
/// We want to avoid re-checking the same characters we've already checked over and over again.
/// </remarks>
private int _lastSearchedForNewline;
/// <summary>Set when eof has been reached in the stream.</summary>
private bool _eof;
/// <summary>Rented buffer containing buffered data for the next event.</summary>
private byte[]? _dataBuffer;
/// <summary>The length of valid data in <see cref="_dataBuffer"/>, starting from index 0.</summary>
private int _dataLength;
/// <summary>Whether data has been appended to <see cref="_dataBuffer"/>.</summary>
/// <remarks>This can be different than <see cref="_dataLength"/> != 0 if empty data was appended.</remarks>
private bool _dataAppended;
/// <summary>The event type for the next event.</summary>
private string? _eventType;
/// <summary>The event id for the next event.</summary>
private string? _eventId;
/// <summary>The reconnection interval for the next event.</summary>
private TimeSpan? _nextReconnectionInterval;
/// <summary>Initialize the enumerable.</summary>
/// <param name="stream">The stream to parse.</param>
/// <param name="itemParser">The function to use to parse payload bytes into a <typeparamref name="T"/>.</param>
internal SseParser(Stream stream, SseItemParser<T> itemParser)
_stream = stream;
_itemParser = itemParser;
/// <summary>Gets an enumerable of the server-sent events from this parser.</summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The parser has already been enumerated. Such an exception may propagate out of a call to <see cref="IEnumerator.MoveNext"/>.</exception>
public IEnumerable<SseItem<T>> Enumerate()
// Validate that the parser is only used for one enumeration.
// Rent a line buffer. This will grow as needed. The line buffer is what's passed to the stream,
// so we want it to be large enough to reduce the number of reads we need to do when data is
// arriving quickly. (In debug, we use a smaller buffer to stress the growth and shifting logic.)
_lineBuffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(DefaultArrayPoolRentSize);
// Spec: "Event streams in this format must always be encoded as UTF-8".
// Skip a UTF8 BOM if it exists at the beginning of the stream. (The BOM is defined as optional in the SSE grammar.)
while (FillLineBuffer() != 0 && _lineLength < Utf8Bom.Length) ;
// Process all events in the stream.
while (true)
// See if there's a complete line in data already read from the stream. Lines are permitted to
// end with CR, LF, or CRLF. Look for all of them and if we find one, process the line. However,
// if we only find a CR and it's at the end of the read data, don't process it now, as we want
// to process it together with an LF that might immediately follow, rather than treating them
// as two separate characters, in which case we'd incorrectly process the CR as a line by itself.
GetNextSearchOffsetAndLength(out int searchOffset, out int searchLength);
_newlineIndex = _lineBuffer.AsSpan(searchOffset, searchLength).IndexOfAny(CR, LF);
if (_newlineIndex >= 0)
_lastSearchedForNewline = -1;
_newlineIndex += searchOffset;
if (_lineBuffer[_newlineIndex] is LF || // the newline is LF
_newlineIndex - _lineOffset + 1 < _lineLength || // we must have CR and we have whatever comes after it
_eof) // if we get here, we know we have a CR at the end of the buffer, so it's definitely the whole newline if we've hit EOF
// Process the line.
if (ProcessLine(out SseItem<T> sseItem, out int advance))
yield return sseItem;
// Move past the line.
_lineOffset += advance;
_lineLength -= advance;
// Record the last position searched for a newline. The next time we search,
// we'll search from here rather than from _lineOffset, in order to avoid searching
// the same characters again.
_lastSearchedForNewline = _lineOffset + _lineLength;
// We've processed everything in the buffer we currently can, so if we've already read EOF, we're done.
if (_eof)
// Spec: "Once the end of the file is reached, any pending data must be discarded. (If the file ends in the middle of an
// event, before the final empty line, the incomplete event is not dispatched.)"
// Read more data into the buffer.
if (_dataBuffer is not null)
/// <summary>Gets an asynchronous enumerable of the server-sent events from this parser.</summary>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token to use to cancel the enumeration.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The parser has already been enumerated. Such an exception may propagate out of a call to <see cref="IAsyncEnumerator{T}.MoveNextAsync"/>.</exception>
/// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">The enumeration was canceled. Such an exception may propagate out of a call to <see cref="IAsyncEnumerator{T}.MoveNextAsync"/>.</exception>
public async IAsyncEnumerable<SseItem<T>> EnumerateAsync([EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// Validate that the parser is only used for one enumeration.
// Rent a line buffer. This will grow as needed. The line buffer is what's passed to the stream,
// so we want it to be large enough to reduce the number of reads we need to do when data is
// arriving quickly. (In debug, we use a smaller buffer to stress the growth and shifting logic.)
_lineBuffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(DefaultArrayPoolRentSize);
// Spec: "Event streams in this format must always be encoded as UTF-8".
// Skip a UTF8 BOM if it exists at the beginning of the stream. (The BOM is defined as optional in the SSE grammar.)
while (await FillLineBufferAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false) != 0 && _lineLength < Utf8Bom.Length) ;
// Process all events in the stream.
while (true)
// See if there's a complete line in data already read from the stream. Lines are permitted to
// end with CR, LF, or CRLF. Look for all of them and if we find one, process the line. However,
// if we only find a CR and it's at the end of the read data, don't process it now, as we want
// to process it together with an LF that might immediately follow, rather than treating them
// as two separate characters, in which case we'd incorrectly process the CR as a line by itself.
GetNextSearchOffsetAndLength(out int searchOffset, out int searchLength);
_newlineIndex = _lineBuffer.AsSpan(searchOffset, searchLength).IndexOfAny(CR, LF);
if (_newlineIndex >= 0)
_lastSearchedForNewline = -1;
_newlineIndex += searchOffset;
if (_lineBuffer[_newlineIndex] is LF || // newline is LF
_newlineIndex - _lineOffset + 1 < _lineLength || // newline is CR, and we have whatever comes after it
_eof) // if we get here, we know we have a CR at the end of the buffer, so it's definitely the whole newline if we've hit EOF
// Process the line.
if (ProcessLine(out SseItem<T> sseItem, out int advance))
yield return sseItem;
// Move past the line.
_lineOffset += advance;
_lineLength -= advance;
// Record the last position searched for a newline. The next time we search,
// we'll search from here rather than from _lineOffset, in order to avoid searching
// the same characters again.
_lastSearchedForNewline = searchOffset + searchLength;
// We've processed everything in the buffer we currently can, so if we've already read EOF, we're done.
if (_eof)
// Spec: "Once the end of the file is reached, any pending data must be discarded. (If the file ends in the middle of an
// event, before the final empty line, the incomplete event is not dispatched.)"
// Read more data into the buffer.
await FillLineBufferAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (_dataBuffer is not null)
/// <summary>Gets the next index and length with which to perform a newline search.</summary>
private void GetNextSearchOffsetAndLength(out int searchOffset, out int searchLength)
if (_lastSearchedForNewline > _lineOffset)
searchOffset = _lastSearchedForNewline;
searchLength = _lineLength - (_lastSearchedForNewline - _lineOffset);
searchOffset = _lineOffset;
searchLength = _lineLength;
Debug.Assert(searchOffset >= _lineOffset, $"{searchOffset}, {_lineLength}");
Debug.Assert(searchOffset <= _lineOffset + _lineLength, $"{searchOffset}, {_lineOffset}, {_lineLength}");
Debug.Assert(searchOffset <= _lineBuffer.Length, $"{searchOffset}, {_lineBuffer.Length}");
Debug.Assert(searchLength >= 0, $"{searchLength}");
Debug.Assert(searchLength <= _lineLength, $"{searchLength}, {_lineLength}");
private int GetNewLineLength()
Debug.Assert(_newlineIndex - _lineOffset < _lineLength, "Expected to be positioned at a non-empty newline");
return _lineBuffer.AsSpan(_newlineIndex, _lineLength - (_newlineIndex - _lineOffset)).StartsWith(CRLF) ? 2 : 1;
/// <summary>
/// If there's no room remaining in the line buffer, either shifts the contents
/// left or grows the buffer in order to make room for the next read.
/// </summary>
private void ShiftOrGrowLineBufferIfNecessary()
// If data we've read is butting up against the end of the buffer and
// it's not taking up the entire buffer, slide what's there down to
// the beginning, making room to read more data into the buffer (since
// there's no newline in the data that's there). Otherwise, if the whole
// buffer is full, grow the buffer to accommodate more data, since, again,
// what's there doesn't contain a newline and thus a line is longer than
// the current buffer accommodates.
if (_lineOffset + _lineLength == _lineBuffer.Length)
if (_lineOffset != 0)
_lineBuffer.AsSpan(_lineOffset, _lineLength).CopyTo(_lineBuffer);
if (_lastSearchedForNewline >= 0)
_lastSearchedForNewline -= _lineOffset;
_lineOffset = 0;
else if (_lineLength == _lineBuffer.Length)
GrowBuffer(ref _lineBuffer, _lineBuffer.Length * 2);
/// <summary>Processes a complete line from the SSE stream.</summary>
/// <param name="sseItem">The parsed item if the method returns true.</param>
/// <param name="advance">How many characters to advance in the line buffer.</param>
/// <returns>true if an SSE item was successfully parsed; otherwise, false.</returns>
private bool ProcessLine(out SseItem<T> sseItem, out int advance)
ReadOnlySpan<byte> line = _lineBuffer.AsSpan(_lineOffset, _newlineIndex - _lineOffset);
// Spec: "If the line is empty (a blank line) Dispatch the event"
if (line.IsEmpty)
advance = GetNewLineLength();
if (_dataAppended)
T data = _itemParser(_eventType ?? SseParser.EventTypeDefault, _dataBuffer.AsSpan(0, _dataLength));
sseItem = new SseItem<T>(data, _eventType) { EventId = _eventId, ReconnectionInterval = _nextReconnectionInterval };
_eventType = null;
_eventId = null;
_nextReconnectionInterval = null;
_dataLength = 0;
_dataAppended = false;
return true;
sseItem = default;
return false;
// Find the colon separating the field name and value.
int colonPos = line.IndexOf((byte)':');
ReadOnlySpan<byte> fieldName;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> fieldValue;
if (colonPos >= 0)
// Spec: "Collect the characters on the line before the first U+003A COLON character (:), and let field be that string."
fieldName = line.Slice(0, colonPos);
// Spec: "Collect the characters on the line after the first U+003A COLON character (:), and let value be that string.
// If value starts with a U+0020 SPACE character, remove it from value."
fieldValue = line.Slice(colonPos + 1);
if (!fieldValue.IsEmpty && fieldValue[0] == (byte)' ')
fieldValue = fieldValue.Slice(1);
// Spec: "using the whole line as the field name, and the empty string as the field value."
fieldName = line;
fieldValue = [];
if (fieldName.SequenceEqual("data"u8))
// Spec: "Append the field value to the data buffer, then append a single U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character to the data buffer."
// Spec: "If the data buffer's last character is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character, then remove the last character from the data buffer."
// If there's nothing currently in the data buffer and we can easily detect that this line is immediately followed by
// an empty line, we can optimize it to just handle the data directly from the line buffer, rather than first copying
// into the data buffer and dispatching from there.
if (!_dataAppended)
int newlineLength = GetNewLineLength();
ReadOnlySpan<byte> remainder = _lineBuffer.AsSpan(_newlineIndex + newlineLength, _lineLength - line.Length - newlineLength);
if (!remainder.IsEmpty &&
(remainder[0] is LF || (remainder[0] is CR && remainder.Length > 1)))
advance = line.Length + newlineLength + (remainder.StartsWith(CRLF) ? 2 : 1);
T data = _itemParser(_eventType ?? SseParser.EventTypeDefault, fieldValue);
sseItem = new SseItem<T>(data, _eventType) { EventId = _eventId, ReconnectionInterval = _nextReconnectionInterval };
_eventType = null;
_eventId = null;
_nextReconnectionInterval = null;
return true;
// We need to copy the data from the data buffer to the line buffer. Make sure there's enough room.
if (_dataBuffer is null || _dataLength + _lineLength + 1 > _dataBuffer.Length)
GrowBuffer(ref _dataBuffer, _dataLength + _lineLength + 1);
// Append a newline if there's already content in the buffer.
// Then copy the field value to the data buffer
if (_dataAppended)
_dataBuffer[_dataLength++] = LF;
_dataLength += fieldValue.Length;
_dataAppended = true;
else if (fieldName.SequenceEqual("event"u8))
// Spec: "Set the event type buffer to field value."
_eventType = SseParser.Utf8GetString(fieldValue);
else if (fieldName.SequenceEqual("id"u8))
// Spec: "If the field value does not contain U+0000 NULL, then set the last event ID buffer to the field value. Otherwise, ignore the field."
if (fieldValue.IndexOf((byte)'\0') < 0)
// Note that fieldValue might be empty, in which case LastEventId will naturally be reset to the empty string. This is per spec.
LastEventId = _eventId = SseParser.Utf8GetString(fieldValue);
else if (fieldName.SequenceEqual("retry"u8))
// Spec: "If the field value consists of only ASCII digits, then interpret the field value as an integer in base ten,
// and set the event stream's reconnection time to that integer. Otherwise, ignore the field."
if (long.TryParse(
#if NET
NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out long milliseconds) &&
0 <= milliseconds && milliseconds <= TimeSpan_MaxValueMilliseconds)
// Workaround for TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds not being able to roundtrip TimeSpan.MaxValue
TimeSpan timeSpan = milliseconds == TimeSpan_MaxValueMilliseconds ? TimeSpan.MaxValue : TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds);
_nextReconnectionInterval = ReconnectionInterval = timeSpan;
// We'll end up here if the line starts with a colon, producing an empty field name, or if the field name is otherwise unrecognized.
// Spec: "If the line starts with a U+003A COLON character (:) Ignore the line."
// Spec: "Otherwise, The field is ignored"
advance = line.Length + GetNewLineLength();
sseItem = default;
return false;
/// <summary>Gets the last event ID.</summary>
/// <remarks>This value is updated any time a new last event ID is parsed. It is not reset between SSE items.</remarks>
public string LastEventId { get; private set; } = string.Empty; // Spec: "must be initialized to the empty string"
/// <summary>Gets the reconnection interval.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If no retry event was received, this defaults to <see cref="Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan"/>, and it will only
/// ever be <see cref="Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan"/> in that situation. If a client wishes to retry, the server-sent
/// events specification states that the interval may then be decided by the client implementation and should be a
/// few seconds.
/// </remarks>
public TimeSpan ReconnectionInterval { get; private set; } = Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan;
/// <summary>Transitions the object to a used state, throwing if it's already been used.</summary>
private void ThrowIfNotFirstEnumeration()
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _used, 1) != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_EnumerateOnlyOnce);
/// <summary>Reads data from the stream into the line buffer.</summary>
private int FillLineBuffer()
int offset = _lineOffset + _lineLength;
int bytesRead = _stream.Read(
#if NET
_lineBuffer, offset, _lineBuffer.Length - offset);
if (bytesRead > 0)
_lineLength += bytesRead;
_eof = true;
bytesRead = 0;
return bytesRead;
/// <summary>Reads data asynchronously from the stream into the line buffer.</summary>
private async ValueTask<int> FillLineBufferAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
int offset = _lineOffset + _lineLength;
int bytesRead = await _stream.ReadAsync(_lineBuffer.AsMemory(offset), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (bytesRead > 0)
_lineLength += bytesRead;
_eof = true;
bytesRead = 0;
return bytesRead;
/// <summary>Gets the UTF8 BOM.</summary>
private static ReadOnlySpan<byte> Utf8Bom => [0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF];
/// <summary>Called at the beginning of processing to skip over an optional UTF8 byte order mark.</summary>
private void SkipBomIfPresent()
Debug.Assert(_lineOffset == 0, $"Expected _lineOffset == 0, got {_lineOffset}");
if (_lineBuffer.AsSpan(0, _lineLength).StartsWith(Utf8Bom))
_lineOffset += 3;
_lineLength -= 3;
/// <summary>Grows the buffer, returning the existing one to the ArrayPool and renting an ArrayPool replacement.</summary>
private static void GrowBuffer([NotNull] ref byte[]? buffer, int minimumLength)
byte[]? toReturn = buffer;
buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(Math.Max(minimumLength, DefaultArrayPoolRentSize));
if (toReturn is not null)
Array.Copy(toReturn, buffer, toReturn.Length);