File: src\libraries\Common\src\Interop\Unix\System.Security.Cryptography.Native\Interop.SslCtx.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Net.Security\src\System.Net.Security.csproj (System.Net.Security)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
internal static partial class Interop
    internal static partial class Ssl
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxCreate")]
        internal static partial SafeSslContextHandle SslCtxCreate(IntPtr method);
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxDestroy")]
        internal static partial void SslCtxDestroy(IntPtr ctx);
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxGetData")]
        internal static partial IntPtr SslCtxGetData(IntPtr ctx);
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxSetData")]
        internal static partial int SslCtxSetData(SafeSslContextHandle ctx, IntPtr data);
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxSetData")]
        internal static partial int SslCtxSetData(IntPtr ctx, IntPtr data);
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxSetAlpnSelectCb")]
        internal static unsafe partial void SslCtxSetAlpnSelectCb(SafeSslContextHandle ctx, delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, byte**, byte*, byte*, uint, IntPtr, int> callback, IntPtr arg);
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxSetKeylogCallback")]
        internal static unsafe partial void SslCtxSetKeylogCallback(SafeSslContextHandle ctx, delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, char*, void> callback);
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxSetCaching")]
        internal static unsafe partial int SslCtxSetCaching(SafeSslContextHandle ctx, int mode, int cacheSize, int contextIdLength, Span<byte> contextId, delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, IntPtr, int> neewSessionCallback, delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, IntPtr, void> removeSessionCallback);
        [LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_SslCtxRemoveSession")]
        internal static unsafe partial void SslCtxRemoveSession(SafeSslContextHandle ctx, IntPtr session);
        internal static bool AddExtraChainCertificates(SafeSslContextHandle ctx, ReadOnlyCollection<X509Certificate2> chain)
            // send pre-computed list of intermediates.
            for (int i = 0; i < chain.Count; i++)
                SafeX509Handle dupCertHandle = Crypto.X509UpRef(chain[i].Handle);
                if (!SslCtxAddExtraChainCert(ctx, dupCertHandle))
                    dupCertHandle.Dispose(); // we still own the safe handle; clean it up
                    return false;
                dupCertHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); // ownership has been transferred to sslHandle; do not free via this safe handle
            return true;
namespace Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
    internal sealed class SafeSslContextHandle : SafeHandle, ISafeHandleCachable
        // This is session cache keyed by SNI e.g. TargetHost
        private Dictionary<string, IntPtr>? _sslSessions;
        private GCHandle _gch;
        // SSL_CTX handles are cached, so we need to keep track of the
        // number of times a handle is being used. Once we decide to dispose the handle,
        // we set the _rentCount to -1.
        private volatile int _rentCount;
        public SafeSslContextHandle()
            : base(IntPtr.Zero, true)
        internal SafeSslContextHandle(IntPtr handle, bool ownsHandle)
            : base(handle, ownsHandle)
        public override bool IsInvalid
            get { return handle == IntPtr.Zero; }
        public bool TryAddRentCount()
            int oldCount;
                oldCount = _rentCount;
                if (oldCount < 0)
                    // The handle is already disposed.
                    return false;
            } while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _rentCount, oldCount + 1, oldCount) != oldCount);
            return true;
        public bool TryMarkForDispose()
            return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _rentCount, -1, 0) == 0;
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref _rentCount) < 0)
                // _rentCount is 0 if the handle was never rented (e.g. failure during creation),
                // and is -1 when evicted from cache.
        protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
            if (_sslSessions != null)
                // The SSL_CTX is ref counted and may not immediately die when we call SslCtxDestroy()
                // Since there is no relation between SafeSslContextHandle and SafeSslHandle `this` can be release
                // while we still have SSL session using it.
                Interop.Ssl.SslCtxSetData(handle, IntPtr.Zero);
                lock (_sslSessions)
                    foreach (IntPtr session in _sslSessions.Values)
            return true;
        internal void EnableSessionCache()
            Debug.Assert(_sslSessions == null);
            _sslSessions = new Dictionary<string, IntPtr>();
            _gch = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
            // This is needed so we can find the handle from session in SessionRemove callback.
            Interop.Ssl.SslCtxSetData(this, (IntPtr)_gch);
        internal bool TryAddSession(IntPtr namePtr, IntPtr session)
            Debug.Assert(_sslSessions != null && session != IntPtr.Zero);
            if (_sslSessions == null || namePtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                return false;
            string? targetName = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(namePtr);
            Debug.Assert(targetName != null);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetName))
                // We do this only for lookup in RemoveSession.
                // Since this is part of cache manipulation and no function impact it is done here.
                // This will use strdup() so it is safe to pass in raw pointer.
                Interop.Ssl.SessionSetHostname(session, namePtr);
                IntPtr oldSession = IntPtr.Zero;
                lock (_sslSessions)
                    if (!_sslSessions.TryAdd(targetName, session))
                        // session to this target host exists, replace it
                        _sslSessions.Remove(targetName, out oldSession);
                        bool added = _sslSessions.TryAdd(targetName, session);
                if (oldSession != IntPtr.Zero)
                    // remove old session also from the internal OpenSSL cache
                    // and drop reference count. Since SSL_CTX_remove_session
                    // will call session_remove_cb, we need to do this outside
                    // of _sslSessions lock to avoid deadlock with another thread
                    // which could be holding SSL_CTX lock and trying to acquire
                    // _sslSessions lock.
                    Interop.Ssl.SslCtxRemoveSession(this, oldSession);
                return true;
            return false;
        internal void RemoveSession(IntPtr namePtr, IntPtr session)
            Debug.Assert(_sslSessions != null);
            string? targetName = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(namePtr);
            Debug.Assert(targetName != null);
            if (_sslSessions != null && targetName != null)
                IntPtr oldSession = IntPtr.Zero;
                bool removed = false;
                lock (_sslSessions)
                    if (_sslSessions.TryGetValue(targetName, out IntPtr existingSession) && existingSession == session)
                        removed = _sslSessions.Remove(targetName, out oldSession);
                if (removed)
                    // It seems like we may be called more than once. Since we grabbed only one refference
                    // when added to Dictionary, we will also drop exactly one when removed.
        internal bool TrySetSession(SafeSslHandle sslHandle, string name)
            Debug.Assert(_sslSessions != null);
            if (_sslSessions == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                return false;
            // even if we don't have matching session, we can get new one and we need
            // way how to link SSL back to `this`.
            Debug.Assert(Interop.Ssl.SslGetData(sslHandle) == IntPtr.Zero);
            Interop.Ssl.SslSetData(sslHandle, (IntPtr)_gch);
            lock (_sslSessions)
                if (_sslSessions.TryGetValue(name, out IntPtr session))
                    // This will increase reference count on the session as needed.
                    // We need to hold lock here to prevent session being deleted before the call is done.
                    Interop.Ssl.SslSetSession(sslHandle, session);
                    return true;
            return false;