// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
namespace System.Net.Security
public partial class SslStreamCertificateContext
internal static TimeSpan DefaultOcspRefreshInterval => TimeSpan.FromHours(24);
internal static TimeSpan MinRefreshBeforeExpirationInterval => TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
internal static TimeSpan RefreshAfterFailureBackOffInterval => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
private const bool TrimRootCertificate = true;
private const bool ChainBuildNeedsTrustedRoot = false;
internal readonly SafeX509Handle CertificateHandle;
internal readonly SafeEvpPKeyHandle KeyHandle;
private object SyncObject => KeyHandle;
private bool _staplingForbidden;
private byte[]? _ocspResponse;
private DateTimeOffset _ocspExpiration;
private DateTimeOffset _nextDownload;
// Private copy of the intermediate certificates, in case the user decides to dispose the
// instances reachable through IntermediateCertificates property.
private X509Certificate2[] _privateIntermediateCertificates;
private X509Certificate2? _rootCertificate;
private Task<byte[]?>? _pendingDownload;
private List<string>? _ocspUrls;
private SslStreamCertificateContext(X509Certificate2 target, ReadOnlyCollection<X509Certificate2> intermediates, SslCertificateTrust? trust)
IntermediateCertificates = intermediates;
if (intermediates.Count > 0)
_privateIntermediateCertificates = new X509Certificate2[intermediates.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < intermediates.Count; i++)
_privateIntermediateCertificates[i] = new X509Certificate2(intermediates[i]);
_privateIntermediateCertificates = Array.Empty<X509Certificate2>();
TargetCertificate = target;
Trust = trust;
using (RSAOpenSsl? rsa = (RSAOpenSsl?)target.GetRSAPrivateKey())
if (rsa != null)
KeyHandle = rsa.DuplicateKeyHandle();
if (KeyHandle == null)
using (ECDsaOpenSsl? ecdsa = (ECDsaOpenSsl?)target.GetECDsaPrivateKey())
if (ecdsa != null)
KeyHandle = ecdsa.DuplicateKeyHandle();
if (KeyHandle == null)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.net_ssl_io_no_server_cert);
CertificateHandle = Interop.Crypto.X509UpRef(target.Handle);
internal static SslStreamCertificateContext Create(X509Certificate2 target) =>
Create(target, null, offline: false, trust: null, noOcspFetch: true);
internal bool OcspStaplingAvailable => _ocspUrls is not null;
partial void SetNoOcspFetch(bool noOcspFetch)
_staplingForbidden = noOcspFetch;
partial void AddRootCertificate(X509Certificate2? rootCertificate, ref bool transferredOwnership)
_rootCertificate = rootCertificate;
transferredOwnership = rootCertificate != null;
if (!_staplingForbidden)
// Create the task, let the download finish in the background.
internal byte[]? GetOcspResponseNoWaiting()
ValueTask<byte[]?> task = GetOcspResponseAsync();
if (task.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Got OCSP response.");
return task.Result;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, "No OCSP response available.");
return null;
internal ValueTask<byte[]?> GetOcspResponseAsync()
if (_staplingForbidden)
return ValueTask.FromResult((byte[]?)null);
DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
if (now > _ocspExpiration)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, "Cached OCSP response expired, fetching fresh staple.");
return DownloadOcspAsync();
if (now > _nextDownload)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, "Starting async refresh of OCSP staple");
// Calling DownloadOcsp will activate a Task to initiate
// in the background. Further calls will attach to the
// same Task if it's still running.
// We don't want the result here, just the task to background.
#pragma warning disable CA2012 // Use ValueTasks correctly
#pragma warning restore CA2012 // Use ValueTasks correctly
return ValueTask.FromResult(_ocspResponse);
internal ValueTask<byte[]?> WaitForPendingOcspFetchAsync()
Task<byte[]?>? pending = _pendingDownload;
if (pending is not null && !pending.IsFaulted)
return new ValueTask<byte[]?>(pending);
return ValueTask.FromResult(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow <= _ocspExpiration ? _ocspResponse : null);
private ValueTask<byte[]?> DownloadOcspAsync()
Task<byte[]?>? pending = _pendingDownload;
if (pending is not null && !pending.IsFaulted)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Pending download task exists.");
return new ValueTask<byte[]?>(pending);
if (_ocspUrls is null && _rootCertificate is not null)
foreach (X509Extension ext in TargetCertificate.Extensions)
if (ext is X509AuthorityInformationAccessExtension aia)
foreach (string entry in aia.EnumerateOcspUris())
if (Uri.TryCreate(entry, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri? uri))
if (uri.Scheme == UriScheme.Http)
(_ocspUrls ??= new List<string>()).Add(entry);
if (_ocspUrls is null)
_ocspExpiration = _nextDownload = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue;
return new ValueTask<byte[]?>((byte[]?)null);
lock (SyncObject)
pending = _pendingDownload;
if (pending is null || pending.IsFaulted)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Starting new OCSP download task.");
pending = FetchOcspAsync();
return new ValueTask<byte[]?>(pending);
private Task<byte[]?> FetchOcspAsync()
Debug.Assert(_rootCertificate != null);
X509Certificate2? caCert = _privateIntermediateCertificates.Length > 0 ? _privateIntermediateCertificates[0] : _rootCertificate;
Debug.Assert(_ocspUrls is not null);
Debug.Assert(_ocspUrls.Count > 0);
Debug.Assert(caCert is not null);
IntPtr subject = TargetCertificate.Handle;
IntPtr issuer = caCert.Handle;
Debug.Assert(subject != 0);
Debug.Assert(issuer != 0);
// This should not happen - but in the event that it does, we can't give null pointers when building the
// request, so skip stapling, and set it as forbidden so we don't bother looking for new stapled responses
// in the future.
if (subject == 0 || issuer == 0)
_staplingForbidden = true;
return Task.FromResult<byte[]?>(null);
IntPtr[] issuerHandles = ArrayPool<IntPtr>.Shared.Rent(_privateIntermediateCertificates.Length + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < _privateIntermediateCertificates.Length; i++)
issuerHandles[i] = _privateIntermediateCertificates[i].Handle;
issuerHandles[_privateIntermediateCertificates.Length] = _rootCertificate.Handle;
TaskCompletionSource<byte[]?> completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<byte[]?>();
_pendingDownload = completionSource.Task;
return completionSource.Task;
async void FetchOcspAsyncCore(TaskCompletionSource<byte[]?> completionSource)
using SafeOcspRequestHandle ocspRequest = Interop.Crypto.X509BuildOcspRequest(subject, issuer);
byte[] rentedBytes = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(Interop.Crypto.GetOcspRequestDerSize(ocspRequest));
int encodingSize = Interop.Crypto.EncodeOcspRequest(ocspRequest, rentedBytes);
ArraySegment<byte> encoded = new ArraySegment<byte>(rentedBytes, 0, encodingSize);
ArraySegment<char> rentedChars = UrlBase64Encoding.RentEncode(encoded);
byte[]? ret = null;
for (int i = 0; i < _ocspUrls.Count; i++)
string url = MakeUrl(_ocspUrls[i], rentedChars);
ret = await System.Net.Http.X509ResourceClient.DownloadAssetAsync(url, TimeSpan.MaxValue).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (ret is not null)
if (!Interop.Crypto.X509DecodeOcspToExpiration(ret, ocspRequest, subject, issuerHandles.AsSpan(0, _privateIntermediateCertificates.Length + 1), out DateTimeOffset expiration))
ret = null;
// Swap the working URL in as the first one we'll try next time.
if (i != 0)
string tmp = _ocspUrls[0];
_ocspUrls[0] = _ocspUrls[i];
_ocspUrls[i] = tmp;
DateTimeOffset nextCheckA = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(DefaultOcspRefreshInterval);
DateTimeOffset nextCheckB = expiration.Subtract(MinRefreshBeforeExpirationInterval);
_ocspResponse = ret;
_ocspExpiration = expiration;
_nextDownload = nextCheckA < nextCheckB ? nextCheckA : nextCheckB;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Received {ret.Length} B OCSP response, Expiration: {_ocspExpiration}, Next refresh: {_nextDownload}");
if (ret == null)
// All download attempts failed, don't try again for 5 seconds.
// This backoff will be applied only if the OCSP staple is not expired.
// If it is expired, we will force-refresh it during next GetOcspResponseAsync call.
_nextDownload = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(RefreshAfterFailureBackOffInterval);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"OCSP response fetch failed, backing off, Next refresh = {_nextDownload}");
_pendingDownload = null;
catch (Exception ex)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Error(this, $"OCSP refresh failed: {ex}");
private static string MakeUrl(string baseUri, ArraySegment<char> encodedRequest)
Debug.Assert(baseUri.Length > 0);
Debug.Assert(encodedRequest.Count > 0);
// From https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6960:
// An OCSP request using the GET method is constructed as follows:
// GET {url}/{url-encoding of base-64 encoding of the DER encoding of
// the OCSPRequest}
// where {url} may be derived from the value of the authority
// information access extension in the certificate being checked for
// revocation
// Since the certificate isn't expected to have a slash at the end, but might,
// use a custom concat over Uri's built-in combining constructor.
string uriString;
if (baseUri.EndsWith('/'))
uriString = string.Concat(baseUri, encodedRequest.AsSpan());
uriString = string.Concat(baseUri, "/", encodedRequest.AsSpan());
return uriString;