// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
namespace System.Net.Security
public partial class SslStream
private const string DisableTlsResumeCtxSwitch = "System.Net.Security.DisableTlsResume";
private const string DisableTlsResumeEnvironmentVariable = "DOTNET_SYSTEM_NET_SECURITY_DISABLETLSRESUME";
private static volatile int s_disableTlsResume = -1;
internal static bool DisableTlsResume
int disableTlsResume = s_disableTlsResume;
if (disableTlsResume != -1)
return disableTlsResume != 0;
// First check for the AppContext switch, giving it priority over the environment variable.
if (AppContext.TryGetSwitch(DisableTlsResumeCtxSwitch, out bool value))
s_disableTlsResume = value ? 1 : 0;
// AppContext switch wasn't used. Check the environment variable.
s_disableTlsResume =
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(DisableTlsResumeEnvironmentVariable) is string envVar &&
(envVar == "1" || envVar.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ? 1 : 0;
return s_disableTlsResume != 0;
private SafeFreeCredentials? _credentialsHandle;
private SafeDeleteSslContext? _securityContext;
private SslConnectionInfo _connectionInfo;
private X509Certificate? _selectedClientCertificate;
private X509Certificate2? _remoteCertificate;
private bool _remoteCertificateExposed;
// -1 for uninitialized, 0 for false, 1 for true, should be accessed via IsLocalClientCertificateUsed property
private int _localClientCertificateUsed = -1;
// These are the MAX encrypt buffer output sizes, not the actual sizes.
private int _headerSize = 5; //ATTN must be set to at least 5 by default
private int _trailerSize = 16;
private int _maxDataSize = 16354;
private static readonly Oid s_serverAuthOid = new Oid("", "");
private static readonly Oid s_clientAuthOid = new Oid("", "");
// Protocol properties
// LocalServerCertificate - local certificate for server mode channel
// LocalClientCertificate - selected certificated used in the client channel mode otherwise null
// IsRemoteCertificateAvailable - true if the remote side has provided a certificate
// HeaderSize - Header & trailer sizes used in the TLS stream
// TrailerSize -
internal X509Certificate? LocalServerCertificate
return _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext?.TargetCertificate;
// IsLocalCertificateUsed is expensive, but it does not change during the lifetime of the SslStream except for renegotiation, so we
// can cache the value.
private bool IsLocalClientCertificateUsed
if (_localClientCertificateUsed == -1)
_localClientCertificateUsed = CertificateValidationPal.IsLocalCertificateUsed(_credentialsHandle, _securityContext!)
? 1
: 0;
return _localClientCertificateUsed == 1;
internal X509Certificate? LocalClientCertificate
if (_selectedClientCertificate != null && IsLocalClientCertificateUsed)
return _selectedClientCertificate;
return null;
internal bool IsRemoteCertificateAvailable
return _remoteCertificate != null;
internal ChannelBinding? GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind kind)
ChannelBinding? result = null;
if (_securityContext != null)
result = SslStreamPal.QueryContextChannelBinding(_securityContext, kind);
return result;
internal int MaxDataSize
return _maxDataSize;
internal bool IsValidContext
return !(_securityContext == null || _securityContext.IsInvalid);
internal bool RemoteCertRequired
return _sslAuthenticationOptions.RemoteCertRequired;
internal void CloseContext()
if (!_remoteCertificateExposed)
_remoteCertificate = null;
// SECURITY: we open a private key container on behalf of the caller
// and we require the caller to have permission associated with that operation.
internal static X509Certificate2? FindCertificateWithPrivateKey(object instance, bool isServer, X509Certificate certificate)
if (certificate == null)
return null;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Log.LocatingPrivateKey(certificate, instance);
// Protecting from X509Certificate2 derived classes.
X509Certificate2? certEx = MakeEx(certificate);
if (certEx != null)
if (certEx.HasPrivateKey)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
return certEx;
if (!object.ReferenceEquals(certificate, certEx))
string certHash = certEx!.Thumbprint;
// ELSE Try the MY user and machine stores for private key check.
// For server side mode MY machine store takes priority.
X509Certificate2? found =
FindCertWithPrivateKey(isServer) ??
if (found is not null)
return found;
X509Certificate2? FindCertWithPrivateKey(bool isServer)
if (CertificateValidationPal.EnsureStoreOpened(isServer) is X509Store store)
X509Certificate2Collection certs = store.Certificates;
X509Certificate2Collection found = certs.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, certHash, false);
X509Certificate2? cert = null;
if (found.Count > 0)
cert = found[0];
if (cert.HasPrivateKey)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Log.FoundCertInStore(isServer, instance);
return cert;
for (int i = 0; i < found.Count; i++)
X509Certificate2 toDispose = found[i];
if (!ReferenceEquals(toDispose, cert))
for (int i = 0; i < certs.Count; i++)
return null;
catch (CryptographicException)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
return null;
private static X509Certificate2? MakeEx(X509Certificate certificate)
Debug.Assert(certificate != null);
if (certificate.GetType() == typeof(X509Certificate2))
return (X509Certificate2)certificate;
X509Certificate2? certificateEx = null;
if (certificate.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
certificateEx = new X509Certificate2(certificate);
catch (SecurityException) { }
catch (CryptographicException) { }
return certificateEx;
// Get certificate_authorities list, according to RFC 5246, Section 7.4.4.
// Used only by client SSL code, never returns null.
private string[] GetRequestCertificateAuthorities()
string[] issuers = Array.Empty<string>();
if (IsValidContext)
issuers = CertificateValidationPal.GetRequestCertificateAuthorities(_securityContext!);
return issuers;
internal X509Certificate2? SelectClientCertificate()
X509Certificate? clientCertificate = null; // candidate certificate that can come from the user callback or be guessed when targeting a session restart.
X509Certificate2? selectedCert = null; // final selected cert (ensured that it does have private key with it).
List<X509Certificate>? filteredCerts = null; // This is an intermediate client certs collection that try to use if no selectedCert is available yet.
string[] issuers; // This is a list of issuers sent by the server, only valid if we do know what the server cert is.
if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext != null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
// SslStreamCertificateContext can only be constructed with a cert with a
// private key, so we don't have to do any further processing.
_selectedClientCertificate = _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext.TargetCertificate;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Selected cert = {_selectedClientCertificate}");
return _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext.TargetCertificate;
else if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertSelectionDelegate != null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, "Calling CertificateSelectionCallback");
X509Certificate2? remoteCert = null;
issuers = GetRequestCertificateAuthorities();
remoteCert = CertificateValidationPal.GetRemoteCertificate(_securityContext);
_sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates ??= new X509CertificateCollection();
clientCertificate = _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertSelectionDelegate(this, _sslAuthenticationOptions.TargetHost, _sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates, remoteCert, issuers);
if (clientCertificate != null)
EnsureInitialized(ref filteredCerts).Add(clientCertificate);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates == null || _sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates.Count == 0)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
else if (_credentialsHandle == null && _sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates != null && _sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates.Count > 0)
// This is where we attempt to restart a session by picking the FIRST cert from the collection.
// Otherwise it is either server sending a client cert request or the session is renegotiated.
clientCertificate = _sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates[0];
if (clientCertificate != null)
EnsureInitialized(ref filteredCerts).Add(clientCertificate);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Log.AttemptingRestartUsingCert(clientCertificate, this);
else if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates != null && _sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates.Count > 0)
// This should be a server request for the client cert sent over currently anonymous sessions.
issuers = GetRequestCertificateAuthorities();
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
if (issuers == null || issuers.Length == 0)
NetEventSource.Log.LookForMatchingCerts(issuers.Length, this);
for (int i = 0; i < _sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates.Count; ++i)
// Make sure we add only if the cert matches one of the issuers.
// If no issuers were sent and then try all client certs starting with the first one.
if (issuers != null && issuers.Length != 0)
X509Certificate2? certificateEx = null;
X509Chain? chain = null;
certificateEx = MakeEx(_sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates[i]);
if (certificateEx == null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Root cert: {certificateEx}");
chain = new X509Chain();
chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck;
chain.ChainPolicy.VerificationFlags = X509VerificationFlags.IgnoreInvalidName;
bool found = false;
// We ignore any errors happened with chain.
if (chain.ChainElements.Count > 0)
int elementsCount = chain.ChainElements.Count;
for (int ii = 0; ii < elementsCount; ++ii)
string issuer = chain.ChainElements[ii].Certificate!.Issuer;
found = Array.IndexOf(issuers, issuer) != -1;
if (found)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Matched {issuer}");
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"No match: {issuer}");
if (!found)
if (chain != null)
int elementsCount = chain.ChainElements.Count;
for (int element = 0; element < elementsCount; element++)
if (certificateEx != null && (object)certificateEx != (object)_sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates[i])
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Log.SelectedCert(_sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates[i], this);
EnsureInitialized(ref filteredCerts).Add(_sslAuthenticationOptions.ClientCertificates[i]);
clientCertificate = null;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
if (filteredCerts != null && filteredCerts.Count != 0)
NetEventSource.Log.CertsAfterFiltering(filteredCerts.Count, this);
NetEventSource.Log.CertsAfterFiltering(0, this);
NetEventSource.Info(this, "No client certificate to choose from");
// ATTN: When the client cert was returned by the user callback OR it was guessed AND it has no private key,
// THEN anonymous (no client cert) credential will be used.
// SECURITY: Accessing X509 cert Credential is disabled for semitrust.
// We no longer need to demand for unmanaged code permissions.
// FindCertificateWithPrivateKey should do the right demand for us.
if (filteredCerts != null)
for (int i = 0; i < filteredCerts.Count; ++i)
clientCertificate = filteredCerts[i];
if ((selectedCert = FindCertificateWithPrivateKey(this, _sslAuthenticationOptions.IsServer, clientCertificate)) != null)
clientCertificate = null;
selectedCert = null;
Debug.Assert((object?)clientCertificate == (object?)selectedCert || clientCertificate!.Equals(selectedCert), "'selectedCert' does not match 'clientCertificate'.");
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Selected cert = {selectedCert}");
_selectedClientCertificate = clientCertificate;
return selectedCert;
AcquireCredentials - Attempts to find Client Credential
Information, that can be sent to the server. In our case,
this is only Client Certificates, that we have Credential Info.
How it works:
case 0: Cert Selection delegate is present
Always use its result as the client cert answer.
Try to use cached credential handle whenever feasible.
Do not use cached anonymous creds if the delegate has returned null
and the collection is not empty (allow responding with the cert later).
case 1: Certs collection is empty
Always use the same statically acquired anonymous SSL Credential
case 2: Before our Connection with the Server
If we have a cached credential handle keyed by first X509Certificate
**content** in the passed collection, then we use that cached
credential and hoping to restart a session.
Otherwise create a new anonymous (allow responding with the cert later).
case 3: After our Connection with the Server (i.e. during handshake or re-handshake)
The server has requested that we send it a Certificate then
we Enumerate a list of server sent Issuers trying to match against
our list of Certificates, the first match is sent to the server.
Once we got a cert we again try to match cached credential handle if possible.
This will not restart a session but helps minimizing the number of handles we create.
In the case of an error getting a Certificate or checking its private Key we fall back
to the behavior of having no certs, case 1.
Returns: True if cached creds were used, false otherwise.
private bool AcquireClientCredentials(ref byte[]? thumbPrint, bool newCredentialsRequested = false)
// Acquire possible Client Certificate information and set it on the handle.
bool cachedCred = false; // this is a return result from this method.
X509Certificate2? selectedCert = SelectClientCertificate();
if (newCredentialsRequested)
if (selectedCert != null)
// build the cert context only if it was not provided by the user
_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext ??= SslStreamCertificateContext.Create(selectedCert);
if (SslStreamPal.TryUpdateClintCertificate(_credentialsHandle, _securityContext, _sslAuthenticationOptions))
// If the certificate was updated we do not need to deal with the credential handle.
return false;
// Try to locate cached creds first.
// SECURITY: selectedCert ref if not null is a safe object that does not depend on possible **user** inherited X509Certificate type.
byte[]? guessedThumbPrint = selectedCert?.GetCertHash(HashAlgorithmName.SHA512);
SafeFreeCredentials? cachedCredentialHandle = SslSessionsCache.TryCachedCredential(
_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateRevocationCheckMode != X509RevocationMode.NoCheck,
sendTrustList: false);
// We can probably do some optimization here. If the selectedCert is returned by the delegate
// we can always go ahead and use the certificate to create our credential
// (instead of going anonymous as we do here).
if (!newCredentialsRequested &&
cachedCredentialHandle == null &&
selectedCert != null &&
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, "Reset to anonymous session.");
// IIS does not renegotiate a restarted session if client cert is needed.
// So we don't want to reuse **anonymous** cached credential for a new SSL connection if the client has passed some certificate.
// The following block happens if client did specify a certificate but no cached creds were found in the cache.
// Since we don't restart a session the server side can still challenge for a client cert.
if ((object?)_selectedClientCertificate != (object?)selectedCert)
guessedThumbPrint = null;
selectedCert = null;
_selectedClientCertificate = null;
if (cachedCredentialHandle != null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
_credentialsHandle = cachedCredentialHandle;
cachedCred = true;
if (selectedCert != null)
_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext ??= SslStreamCertificateContext.Create(selectedCert!);
if (selectedCert != null)
_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext ??= SslStreamCertificateContext.Create(selectedCert!);
_credentialsHandle = AcquireCredentialsHandle(_sslAuthenticationOptions, newCredentialsRequested);
thumbPrint = guessedThumbPrint; // Delay until here in case something above threw.
if (selectedCert != null)
_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext ??= SslStreamCertificateContext.Create(selectedCert);
return cachedCred;
private static List<T> EnsureInitialized<T>(ref List<T>? list) => list ??= new List<T>();
// Acquire Server Side Certificate information and set it on the class.
private bool AcquireServerCredentials(ref byte[]? thumbPrint)
X509Certificate? localCertificate = null;
X509Certificate2? selectedCert = null;
bool cachedCred = false;
// There are three options for selecting the server certificate. When
// selecting which to use, we prioritize the new ServerCertSelectionDelegate
// API. If the new API isn't used we call LocalCertSelectionCallback (for compat
// with .NET Framework), and if neither is set we fall back to using CertificateContext.
if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.ServerCertSelectionDelegate != null)
localCertificate = _sslAuthenticationOptions.ServerCertSelectionDelegate(this, _sslAuthenticationOptions.TargetHost);
if (localCertificate == null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Error(this, $"ServerCertSelectionDelegate returned no certificate for '{_sslAuthenticationOptions.TargetHost}'.");
throw new AuthenticationException(SR.net_ssl_io_no_server_cert);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, "ServerCertSelectionDelegate selected Cert");
else if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertSelectionDelegate != null)
X509CertificateCollection tempCollection = new X509CertificateCollection();
// We pass string.Empty here to maintain strict compatibility with .NET Framework.
localCertificate = _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertSelectionDelegate(this, string.Empty, tempCollection, null, Array.Empty<string>());
if (localCertificate == null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Error(this, $"CertSelectionDelegate returned no certificaete for '{_sslAuthenticationOptions.TargetHost}'.");
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.net_ssl_io_no_server_cert);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, "CertSelectionDelegate selected Cert");
else if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext != null)
selectedCert = _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext.TargetCertificate;
if (selectedCert == null)
// We will get here if certificate was selected via legacy callback using X509Certificate
// Fail immediately if no certificate was given.
if (localCertificate == null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Error(this, "Certiticate callback returned no certificaete.");
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.net_ssl_io_no_server_cert);
// SECURITY: Accessing X509 cert Credential is disabled for semitrust.
// We no longer need to demand for unmanaged code permissions.
// EnsurePrivateKey should do the right demand for us.
selectedCert = FindCertificateWithPrivateKey(this, _sslAuthenticationOptions.IsServer, localCertificate);
if (selectedCert == null)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.net_ssl_io_no_server_cert);
Debug.Assert(localCertificate.Equals(selectedCert), "'selectedCert' does not match 'localCertificate'.");
_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext = SslStreamCertificateContext.Create(selectedCert);
Debug.Assert(_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext != null);
// Note selectedCert is a safe ref possibly cloned from the user passed Cert object
byte[] guessedThumbPrint = selectedCert.GetCertHash(HashAlgorithmName.SHA512);
bool sendTrustedList = _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext!.Trust?._sendTrustInHandshake ?? false;
SafeFreeCredentials? cachedCredentialHandle = SslSessionsCache.TryCachedCredential(guessedThumbPrint,
_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateRevocationCheckMode != X509RevocationMode.NoCheck,
if (cachedCredentialHandle != null)
_credentialsHandle = cachedCredentialHandle;
cachedCred = true;
_credentialsHandle = AcquireCredentialsHandle(_sslAuthenticationOptions);
thumbPrint = guessedThumbPrint;
return cachedCred;
private static SafeFreeCredentials? AcquireCredentialsHandle(SslAuthenticationOptions sslAuthenticationOptions, bool newCredentialsRequested = false)
SafeFreeCredentials? cred = SslStreamPal.AcquireCredentialsHandle(sslAuthenticationOptions, newCredentialsRequested);
if (sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext != null && cred != null)
// Since the SafeFreeCredentials can be cached and reused, it may happen on long running processes that some cert on
// the chain expires and all subsequent connections would send expired intermediate certificates. Find the earliest
// NotAfter timestamp on the chain and use it as expiration timestamp for the credentials.
// This provides an opportunity to recreate the credentials with an alternative (and still valid)
// certificate chain.
SslStreamCertificateContext certificateContext = sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext;
cred._expiry = GetExpiryTimestamp(certificateContext);
if (cred._expiry < DateTime.UtcNow)
// The CertificateContext from auth options is recreated just before creating the SafeFreeCredentials. However, in case when
// it was provided by the user code, it may still contain the (now expired) certificate chain. Such expiration timestamp would
// effectively disable caching as it would lead to creating new credentials for each connection. We attempt to recover by creating
// a temporary certificate context (which builds a new chain with hopefully more recent chain).
certificateContext = certificateContext.Duplicate();
cred._expiry = GetExpiryTimestamp(certificateContext);
static DateTime GetExpiryTimestamp(SslStreamCertificateContext certificateContext)
DateTime expiry = certificateContext.TargetCertificate.NotAfter;
foreach (X509Certificate2 cert in certificateContext.IntermediateCertificates)
if (cert.NotAfter < expiry)
expiry = cert.NotAfter;
return expiry.ToUniversalTime();
return cred;
internal ProtocolToken NextMessage(ReadOnlySpan<byte> incomingBuffer, out int consumed)
ProtocolToken token = GenerateToken(incomingBuffer, out consumed);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
if (token.Failed)
NetEventSource.Error(this, $"Authentication failed. Status: {token.Status}, Exception message: {token.GetException()!.Message}");
return token;
GenerateToken - Called after each successive state
in the Client - Server handshake. This function
generates a set of bytes that will be sent next to
the server. The server responds, each response,
is pass then into this function, again, and the cycle
repeats until successful connection, or failure.
input - bytes from the wire
token - ProtocolToken with status and optionally buffer.
private ProtocolToken GenerateToken(ReadOnlySpan<byte> inputBuffer, out int consumed)
bool cachedCreds = false;
bool sendTrustList = false;
byte[]? thumbPrint = null;
ProtocolToken token = default;
token.RentBuffer = true;
// We need to try get credentials at the beginning.
// _credentialsHandle may be always null on some platforms but
// _securityContext will be allocated on first call.
bool refreshCredentialNeeded = _securityContext == null;
// Looping through ASC or ISC with potentially cached credential that could have been
// already disposed from a different thread before ISC or ASC dir increment a cred ref count.
thumbPrint = null;
if (refreshCredentialNeeded)
cachedCreds = _sslAuthenticationOptions.IsServer
? AcquireServerCredentials(ref thumbPrint)
: AcquireClientCredentials(ref thumbPrint);
if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.IsServer)
sendTrustList = _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateContext?.Trust?._sendTrustInHandshake ?? false;
token = SslStreamPal.AcceptSecurityContext(
ref _credentialsHandle!,
ref _securityContext,
out consumed,
if (token.Status.ErrorCode == SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.HandshakeStarted)
token.Status = SslStreamPal.SelectApplicationProtocol(
if (token.Status.ErrorCode == SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.OK)
token = SslStreamPal.AcceptSecurityContext(
ref _credentialsHandle!,
ref _securityContext,
out _,
string hostName = TargetHostNameHelper.NormalizeHostName(_sslAuthenticationOptions.TargetHost);
token = SslStreamPal.InitializeSecurityContext(
ref _credentialsHandle!,
ref _securityContext,
out consumed,
if (token.Status.ErrorCode == SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.CredentialsNeeded)
refreshCredentialNeeded = true;
cachedCreds = AcquireClientCredentials(ref thumbPrint, newCredentialsRequested: true);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, "InitializeSecurityContext() returned 'CredentialsNeeded'.");
token = SslStreamPal.InitializeSecurityContext(
ref _credentialsHandle!,
ref _securityContext,
out _,
} while (cachedCreds && _credentialsHandle == null);
if (refreshCredentialNeeded)
// Assuming the ISC or ASC has referenced the credential,
// we want to call dispose so to decrement the effective ref count.
// This call may bump up the credential reference count further.
// Note that thumbPrint is retrieved from a safe cert object that was possible cloned from the user passed cert.
if (!cachedCreds && _securityContext != null && !_securityContext.IsInvalid && _credentialsHandle != null && !_credentialsHandle.IsInvalid)
_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateRevocationCheckMode != X509RevocationMode.NoCheck,
return token;
internal ProtocolToken Renegotiate()
Debug.Assert(_securityContext != null);
return SslStreamPal.Renegotiate(
ref _credentialsHandle!,
ref _securityContext,
ProcessHandshakeSuccess -
Called on successful completion of Handshake -
used to set header/trailer sizes for encryption use
Fills in the information about established protocol
internal void ProcessHandshakeSuccess()
SslStreamPal.QueryContextStreamSizes(_securityContext!, out StreamSizes streamSizes);
_headerSize = streamSizes.Header;
_trailerSize = streamSizes.Trailer;
_maxDataSize = streamSizes.MaximumMessage;
Debug.Assert(_maxDataSize > 0);
SslStreamPal.QueryContextConnectionInfo(_securityContext!, ref _connectionInfo);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
// This keeps the property alive only for tests via reflection
// Otherwise it could be optimized out as it is not used by production code.
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"TLS resumed {_connectionInfo.TlsResumed}");
internal ProtocolToken Encrypt(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.DumpBuffer(this, buffer.Span);
ProtocolToken token = SslStreamPal.EncryptMessage(
if (token.Status.ErrorCode != SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.OK)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.Error(this, $"ERROR {token.Status}");
return token;
internal SecurityStatusPal Decrypt(Span<byte> buffer, out int outputOffset, out int outputCount)
SecurityStatusPal status = SslStreamPal.DecryptMessage(_securityContext!, buffer, out outputOffset, out outputCount);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled() && status.ErrorCode == SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.OK)
NetEventSource.DumpBuffer(this, buffer.Slice(outputOffset, outputCount));
return status;
VerifyRemoteCertificate - Validates the content of a Remote Certificate
checkCRL if true, checks the certificate revocation list for validity.
checkCertName, if true checks the CN field of the certificate
//This method validates a remote certificate.
internal bool VerifyRemoteCertificate(RemoteCertificateValidationCallback? remoteCertValidationCallback, SslCertificateTrust? trust, ref ProtocolToken alertToken, out SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors, out X509ChainStatusFlags chainStatus)
sslPolicyErrors = SslPolicyErrors.None;
chainStatus = X509ChainStatusFlags.NoError;
// We don't catch exceptions in this method, so it's safe for "accepted" be initialized with true.
bool success = false;
X509Chain? chain = null;
X509Certificate2? certificate = CertificateValidationPal.GetRemoteCertificate(_securityContext, ref chain, _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateChainPolicy);
if (_remoteCertificate != null &&
certificate != null &&
// This is renegotiation or TLS 1.3 and the certificate did not change.
// There is no reason to process callback again as we already established trust.
return true;
_remoteCertificate = certificate;
if (_remoteCertificate == null)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled() && RemoteCertRequired) NetEventSource.Error(this, $"Remote certificate required, but no remote certificate received");
sslPolicyErrors |= SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNotAvailable;
chain ??= new X509Chain();
if (_sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateChainPolicy != null)
chain.ChainPolicy = _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateChainPolicy;
chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = _sslAuthenticationOptions.CertificateRevocationCheckMode;
chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationFlag = X509RevocationFlag.ExcludeRoot;
if (trust != null)
chain.ChainPolicy.TrustMode = X509ChainTrustMode.CustomRootTrust;
if (trust._store != null)
if (trust._trustList != null)
// set ApplicationPolicy unless already provided.
if (chain.ChainPolicy.ApplicationPolicy.Count == 0)
// Authenticate the remote party: (e.g. when operating in server mode, authenticate the client).
chain.ChainPolicy.ApplicationPolicy.Add(_sslAuthenticationOptions.IsServer ? s_clientAuthOid : s_serverAuthOid);
sslPolicyErrors |= CertificateValidationPal.VerifyCertificateProperties(
if (remoteCertValidationCallback != null)
success = remoteCertValidationCallback(this, _remoteCertificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors);
if (!RemoteCertRequired)
sslPolicyErrors &= ~SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNotAvailable;
success = (sslPolicyErrors == SslPolicyErrors.None);
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
LogCertificateValidation(remoteCertValidationCallback, sslPolicyErrors, success, chain!);
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Cert validation, remote cert = {_remoteCertificate}");
if (!success)
CreateFatalHandshakeAlertToken(sslPolicyErrors, chain!, ref alertToken);
if (chain != null)
foreach (X509ChainStatus status in chain.ChainStatus)
chainStatus |= status.Status;
// At least on Win2k server the chain is found to have dependencies on the original cert context.
// So it should be closed first.
if (chain != null)
int elementsCount = chain.ChainElements.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < elementsCount; i++)
return success;
private void CreateFatalHandshakeAlertToken(SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors, X509Chain chain, ref ProtocolToken alertToken)
TlsAlertMessage alertMessage;
switch (sslPolicyErrors)
case SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors:
alertMessage = GetAlertMessageFromChain(chain);
case SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch:
alertMessage = TlsAlertMessage.BadCertificate;
case SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNotAvailable:
alertMessage = TlsAlertMessage.CertificateUnknown;
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"alertMessage:{alertMessage}");
SecurityStatusPal status;
status = SslStreamPal.ApplyAlertToken(_securityContext, TlsAlertType.Fatal, alertMessage);
if (status.ErrorCode != SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.OK)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"ApplyAlertToken() returned {status.ErrorCode}");
if (status.Exception != null)
alertToken = GenerateAlertToken();
private ProtocolToken CreateShutdownToken()
SecurityStatusPal status;
status = SslStreamPal.ApplyShutdownToken(_securityContext!);
if (status.ErrorCode != SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.OK)
if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
NetEventSource.Info(this, $"ApplyAlertToken() returned {status.ErrorCode}");
if (status.Exception != null)
return default;
return GenerateToken(default, out _);
private ProtocolToken GenerateAlertToken()
return GenerateToken(default, out _);
private static TlsAlertMessage GetAlertMessageFromChain(X509Chain chain)
foreach (X509ChainStatus chainStatus in chain.ChainStatus)
if (chainStatus.Status == X509ChainStatusFlags.NoError)
if ((chainStatus.Status &
(X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot | X509ChainStatusFlags.PartialChain |
X509ChainStatusFlags.Cyclic)) != 0)
return TlsAlertMessage.UnknownCA;
if ((chainStatus.Status &
(X509ChainStatusFlags.Revoked | X509ChainStatusFlags.OfflineRevocation)) != 0)
return TlsAlertMessage.CertificateRevoked;
if ((chainStatus.Status &
(X509ChainStatusFlags.CtlNotTimeValid | X509ChainStatusFlags.NotTimeNested |
X509ChainStatusFlags.NotTimeValid)) != 0)
return TlsAlertMessage.CertificateExpired;
if ((chainStatus.Status & X509ChainStatusFlags.CtlNotValidForUsage) != 0)
return TlsAlertMessage.UnsupportedCert;
if ((chainStatus.Status &
(X509ChainStatusFlags.CtlNotSignatureValid | X509ChainStatusFlags.InvalidExtension |
X509ChainStatusFlags.NotSignatureValid | X509ChainStatusFlags.InvalidPolicyConstraints) |
X509ChainStatusFlags.NoIssuanceChainPolicy | X509ChainStatusFlags.NotValidForUsage) != 0)
return TlsAlertMessage.BadCertificate;
// All other errors:
return TlsAlertMessage.CertificateUnknown;
return TlsAlertMessage.BadCertificate;
private void LogCertificateValidation(RemoteCertificateValidationCallback? remoteCertValidationCallback, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors, bool success, X509Chain chain)
if (!NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
if (sslPolicyErrors != SslPolicyErrors.None)
NetEventSource.Log.RemoteCertificateError(this, SR.net_log_remote_cert_has_errors);
if ((sslPolicyErrors & SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNotAvailable) != 0)
NetEventSource.Log.RemoteCertificateError(this, SR.net_log_remote_cert_not_available);
if ((sslPolicyErrors & SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) != 0)
NetEventSource.Log.RemoteCertificateError(this, SR.net_log_remote_cert_name_mismatch);
if ((sslPolicyErrors & SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors) != 0)
string chainStatusString = "ChainStatus: ";
foreach (X509ChainStatus chainStatus in chain.ChainStatus)
chainStatusString += "\t" + chainStatus.StatusInformation;
NetEventSource.Log.RemoteCertificateError(this, chainStatusString);
if (success)
if (remoteCertValidationCallback != null)
if (remoteCertValidationCallback != null)
// ProtocolToken - used to process and handle the return codes from the SSPI wrapper
internal struct ProtocolToken
internal SecurityStatusPal Status;
internal byte[]? Payload;
internal int Size;
internal bool RentBuffer;
internal bool Failed
return ((Status.ErrorCode != SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.OK) && (Status.ErrorCode != SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.ContinueNeeded));
internal bool Done
return (Status.ErrorCode == SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.OK);
internal bool Renegotiate
return (Status.ErrorCode == SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.Renegotiate);
internal bool CloseConnection
return (Status.ErrorCode == SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.ContextExpired);
internal void SetPayload(ReadOnlySpan<byte> payload)
Debug.Assert(Payload == null);
Size = payload.Length;
if (Size > 0)
Payload = RentBuffer ? ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(Size) : new byte[Size];
payload.CopyTo(new Span<byte>(Payload, 0, Size));
internal void EnsureAvailableSpace(int size)
if (Available >= size)
var oldPayload = Payload;
Payload = RentBuffer ? ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(Size + size) : new byte[Size + size];
if (oldPayload != null)
if (RentBuffer)
internal int Available => Payload == null ? 0 : Payload.Length - Size;
internal Span<byte> AvailableSpan => Payload == null ? Span<byte>.Empty : new Span<byte>(Payload, Size, Available);
internal ReadOnlyMemory<byte> AsMemory() => new ReadOnlyMemory<byte>(Payload, 0, Size);
internal void ReleasePayload()
Debug.Assert(Payload != null || Size == 0);
byte[]? toReturn = Payload;
Payload = null;
Size = 0;
if (RentBuffer && toReturn != null)
internal Exception? GetException()
// If it's not done, then there's got to be an error, even if it's
// a Handshake message up, and we only have a Warning message.
return Done ? null : SslStreamPal.GetException(Status);