// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
internal static partial class Interop
internal static partial class Crypto
[LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_ObjTxt2Obj", StringMarshalling = StringMarshalling.Utf8)]
internal static partial SafeAsn1ObjectHandle ObjTxt2Obj(string s);
[LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_ObjObj2Txt")]
private static unsafe partial int ObjObj2Txt(byte* buf, int buf_len, IntPtr a);
[LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_GetObjectDefinitionByName", StringMarshalling = StringMarshalling.Utf8)]
private static partial IntPtr CryptoNative_GetObjectDefinitionByName(string friendlyName);
internal static IntPtr GetObjectDefinitionByName(string friendlyName)
IntPtr ret = CryptoNative_GetObjectDefinitionByName(friendlyName);
if (ret == IntPtr.Zero)
return ret;
// Returns shared pointers, should not be tracked as a SafeHandle.
[LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_ObjNid2Obj")]
internal static partial IntPtr ObjNid2Obj(int nid);
[LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_Asn1ObjectFree")]
internal static partial void Asn1ObjectFree(IntPtr o);
[LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_Asn1OctetStringNew")]
internal static partial SafeAsn1OctetStringHandle Asn1OctetStringNew();
[LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_Asn1OctetStringSet")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
internal static partial bool Asn1OctetStringSet(SafeAsn1OctetStringHandle o, byte[] d, int len);
[LibraryImport(Libraries.CryptoNative, EntryPoint = "CryptoNative_Asn1OctetStringFree")]
internal static partial void Asn1OctetStringFree(IntPtr o);
internal static unsafe string GetOidValue(IntPtr asn1ObjectPtr)
// OBJ_obj2txt returns the number of bytes that should have been in the answer, but it does not accept
// a NULL buffer. The documentation says "A buffer length of 80 should be more than enough to handle
// any OID encountered in practice", so start with a buffer of size 80, and try again if required.
const int StackCapacity = 80;
byte* bufStack = stackalloc byte[StackCapacity];
int bytesNeeded = ObjObj2Txt(bufStack, StackCapacity, asn1ObjectPtr);
if (bytesNeeded < 0)
throw CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();
Debug.Assert(bytesNeeded != 0, "OBJ_obj2txt reported a zero-length response");
if (bytesNeeded < StackCapacity)
return Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8((IntPtr)bufStack, bytesNeeded);
// bytesNeeded does not count the \0 which will be written on the end (based on OpenSSL 1.0.1f),
// so make sure to leave room for it.
int initialBytesNeeded = bytesNeeded;
byte[] bufHeap = new byte[bytesNeeded + 1];
fixed (byte* buf = &bufHeap[0])
bytesNeeded = ObjObj2Txt(buf, bufHeap.Length, asn1ObjectPtr);
if (bytesNeeded < 0)
throw CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();
bytesNeeded == initialBytesNeeded,
"OBJ_obj2txt changed the required number of bytes for the realloc call");
if (bytesNeeded > initialBytesNeeded)
// OBJ_obj2txt is demanding yet more memory
throw new CryptographicException();
return Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8((IntPtr)buf, bytesNeeded);