// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Sources;
namespace System.Net.Quic;
internal sealed class ResettableValueTaskSource : IValueTaskSource
// None -> [TryGetValueTask] -> Awaiting -> [TrySetResult|TrySetException(final: false)] -> Ready -> [GetResult] -> None
// None -> [TrySetResult|TrySetException(final: false)] -> Ready -> [TryGetValueTask] -> [GetResult] -> None
// None|Awaiting -> [TrySetResult|TrySetException(final: true)] -> Completed(never leaves this state)
// Ready -> [GetResult: TrySet*(final: true) was called] -> Completed(never leaves this state)
private enum State
private State _state;
private bool _hasWaiter;
private ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore<bool> _valueTaskSource;
private CancellationTokenRegistration _cancellationRegistration;
private CancellationToken _cancelledToken;
private Action<object?>? _cancellationAction;
private GCHandle _keepAlive;
private FinalTaskSource _finalTaskSource;
public ResettableValueTaskSource()
_state = State.None;
_hasWaiter = false;
_valueTaskSource = new ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore<bool>() { RunContinuationsAsynchronously = true };
_cancellationRegistration = default;
_cancelledToken = default;
_keepAlive = default;
_finalTaskSource = new FinalTaskSource();
/// <summary>
/// Allows setting additional cancellation action to be called if token passed to <see cref="TryGetValueTask(out ValueTask, object?, CancellationToken)"/> fires off.
/// The argument for the action is the <c>keepAlive</c> object from the same <see cref="TryGetValueTask(out ValueTask, object?, CancellationToken)"/> call.
/// </summary>
public Action<object?> CancellationAction { init { _cancellationAction = value; } }
/// <summary>
/// Returns <c>true</c> is this task source has entered its final state, i.e. <see cref="TrySetResult(bool)"/> or <see cref="TrySetException(Exception, bool)"/>
/// was called with <c>final</c> set to <c>true</c> and the result was propagated.
/// </summary>
public bool IsCompleted => (State)Volatile.Read(ref Unsafe.As<State, byte>(ref _state)) == State.Completed;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get a value task representing this task source. If this task source is <see cref="State.None"/>, it'll also transition it into <see cref="State.Awaiting"/> state.
/// It prevents concurrent operations from being invoked since it'll return <c>false</c> if the task source was already in <see cref="State.Awaiting"/> state.
/// In other states, it'll return a value task representing this task source without any other work. So to determine whether to invoke a P/Invoke operation or not,
/// the state of <paramref name="valueTask"/> must also be checked.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="valueTask">A value task representing the result. Only meaningful in case this method returns <c>true</c>. Might already be completed.</param>
/// <param name="keepAlive">An object to hold during a P/Invoke call. It'll get release with setting the result/exception.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token which might cancel the value task.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if this is not an overlapping call (task source transitioned or was already set); otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
public bool TryGetValueTask(out ValueTask valueTask, object? keepAlive = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
lock (this)
// Cancellation might kick off synchronously, re-entering the lock and changing the state to completed.
if (_state == State.None)
// Register cancellation if the token can be cancelled and the task is not completed yet.
if (cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled)
_cancellationRegistration = cancellationToken.UnsafeRegister(static (obj, cancellationToken) =>
(ResettableValueTaskSource thisRef, object? target) = ((ResettableValueTaskSource, object?))obj!;
lock (thisRef)
thisRef._cancelledToken = cancellationToken;
}, (this, keepAlive));
State state = _state;
// None: prepare for the actual operation happening and transition to Awaiting.
if (state == State.None)
// Keep alive the caller object until the result is read from the task.
// Used for keeping caller alive during async interop calls.
if (keepAlive is not null)
_keepAlive = GCHandle.Alloc(keepAlive);
_state = State.Awaiting;
// None, Ready, Completed: return the current task.
if (state is State.None or State.Ready or State.Completed)
// Remember that the value task with the current version is being given out.
_hasWaiter = true;
valueTask = new ValueTask(this, _valueTaskSource.Version);
return true;
// Awaiting: forbidden concurrent call.
valueTask = default;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a <see cref="Task"/> that will transition to a completed state with the last transition of this source, i.e. into <see cref="State.Completed"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The <see cref="Task"/> that will transition to a completed state with the last transition of this source.</returns>
public Task GetFinalTask(object? keepAlive)
lock (this)
return _finalTaskSource.GetTask(keepAlive);
private bool TryComplete(Exception? exception, bool final)
// Dispose the cancellation registration before completing the task, so that it cannot run after the awaiting method returned.
// Dispose must be done outside of lock since it will wait on pending cancellation callbacks that can hold the lock from another thread.
CancellationTokenRegistration cancellationRegistration = default;
lock (this)
cancellationRegistration = _cancellationRegistration;
_cancellationRegistration = default;
lock (this)
State state = _state;
// Completed: nothing to do.
if (state == State.Completed)
return false;
// The task was non-finally completed without having anyone awaiting on it.
// In such case, discard the temporary result and replace it with this final completion.
if (state == State.Ready && !_hasWaiter && final)
state = State.None;
// If the _valueTaskSource has already been set, we don't want to lose the result by overwriting it.
// So keep it as is and store the result in _finalTaskSource.
if (state is State.None or State.Awaiting)
_state = final ? State.Completed : State.Ready;
// Unblock the current task source and in case of a final also the final task source.
if (exception is not null)
// Set up the exception stack trace for the caller.
exception = exception.StackTrace is null ? ExceptionDispatchInfo.SetCurrentStackTrace(exception) : exception;
if (state is State.None or State.Awaiting)
if (state is State.None or State.Awaiting)
if (final)
if (_finalTaskSource.TryComplete(exception))
// Signal the final task only if we don't have another result in the value task source.
// In that case, the final task will be signalled after the value task result is retrieved.
if (state != State.Ready)
_finalTaskSource.TrySignal(out _);
return true;
return false;
return state != State.Ready;
// Un-root the kept alive object in all cases.
if (_keepAlive.IsAllocated)
/// <summary>
/// Tries to transition from <see cref="State.Awaiting"/> to either <see cref="State.Ready"/> or <see cref="State.Completed"/>, depending on the value of <paramref name="final"/>.
/// Only the first call (with either value for <paramref name="final"/>) is able to do that. I.e.: <c>TrySetResult()</c> followed by <c>TrySetResult(true)</c> will both return <c>true</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="final">Whether this is the final transition to <see cref="State.Completed" /> or just a transition into <see cref="State.Ready"/> from which the task source can be reset back to <see cref="State.None"/>.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if this is the first call that set the result; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
public bool TrySetResult(bool final = false)
return TryComplete(null, final);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to transition from <see cref="State.Awaiting"/> to either <see cref="State.Ready"/> or <see cref="State.Completed"/>, depending on the value of <paramref name="final"/>.
/// Only the first call is able to do that with the exception of <c>TrySetResult()</c> followed by <c>TrySetResult(true)</c>, which will both return <c>true</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="final">Whether this is the final transition to <see cref="State.Completed" /> or just a transition into <see cref="State.Ready"/> from which the task source can be reset back to <see cref="State.None"/>.</param>
/// <param name="exception">The exception to set as a result of the value task.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if this is the first call that set the result; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
public bool TrySetException(Exception exception, bool final = false)
return TryComplete(exception, final);
ValueTaskSourceStatus IValueTaskSource.GetStatus(short token)
=> _valueTaskSource.GetStatus(token);
void IValueTaskSource.OnCompleted(Action<object?> continuation, object? state, short token, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags flags)
=> _valueTaskSource.OnCompleted(continuation, state, token, flags);
void IValueTaskSource.GetResult(short token)
lock (this)
State state = _state;
_hasWaiter = false;
_cancelledToken = default;
if (state == State.Ready)
_state = State.None;
// Propagate the _finalTaskSource result into _valueTaskSource if completed.
if (_finalTaskSource.TrySignal(out Exception? exception))
_state = State.Completed;
if (exception is not null)
_state = State.None;
/// <summary>
/// It remembers the result from <see cref="TryComplete"/> and propagates it to <see cref="_finalTaskSource"/> only after <see cref="TrySignal"/> is called.
/// Effectively allowing to separate setting of the result from task completion, which is necessary when the resettable portion of the value task source needs to consumed first.
/// </summary>
private struct FinalTaskSource
private TaskCompletionSource? _finalTaskSource;
private bool _isCompleted;
private bool _isSignaled;
private Exception? _exception;
public FinalTaskSource()
_finalTaskSource = null;
_isCompleted = false;
_isSignaled = false;
_exception = null;
public Task GetTask(object? keepAlive)
if (_finalTaskSource is null)
if (_isSignaled)
return _exception is null
? Task.CompletedTask
: Task.FromException(_exception);
_finalTaskSource = new TaskCompletionSource(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
if (!_isCompleted)
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(keepAlive);
_finalTaskSource.Task.ContinueWith(static (_, state) =>
}, handle, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Default);
return _finalTaskSource.Task;
public bool TryComplete(Exception? exception = null)
if (_isCompleted)
return false;
_exception = exception;
_isCompleted = true;
return true;
public bool TrySignal(out Exception? exception)
if (!_isCompleted)
exception = default;
return false;
if (_exception is not null)
exception = _exception;
_isSignaled = true;
return true;