// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
internal static partial class Interop
internal static partial class Sys
internal const int IPv4AddressBytes = 4;
internal const int IPv6AddressBytes = 16;
internal const int MAX_IP_ADDRESS_BYTES = 16;
internal const int INET_ADDRSTRLEN = 22;
internal const int INET6_ADDRSTRLEN = 65;
// NOTE: `_isIPv6` cannot be of type `bool` because `bool` is not a blittable type and this struct is
// embedded in other structs for interop purposes.
internal unsafe struct IPAddress : IEquatable<IPAddress>
public bool IsIPv6
get { return _isIPv6 != 0; }
set { _isIPv6 = value ? 1u : 0u; }
internal fixed byte Address[MAX_IP_ADDRESS_BYTES]; // Buffer to fit an IPv4 or IPv6 address
private uint _isIPv6; // Non-zero if this is an IPv6 address; zero for IPv4.
internal uint ScopeId; // Scope ID (IPv6 only)
public override unsafe int GetHashCode()
HashCode h = default;
h.AddBytes(MemoryMarshal.CreateReadOnlySpan(ref Address[0], IsIPv6 ? IPv6AddressBytes : IPv4AddressBytes));
return h.ToHashCode();
public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj) =>
obj is IPAddress other && Equals(other);
public bool Equals(IPAddress other)
int addressByteCount;
if (IsIPv6)
if (!other.IsIPv6)
return false;
if (ScopeId != other.ScopeId)
return false;
addressByteCount = IPv6AddressBytes;
if (other.IsIPv6)
return false;
addressByteCount = IPv4AddressBytes;
return MemoryMarshal.CreateReadOnlySpan(ref Address[0], addressByteCount).SequenceEqual(
new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(other.Address, addressByteCount));