// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Net
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFrom("System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")]
public enum CookieVariant
Default = Rfc2109
// Cookie class
// Adheres to RFC 2965
// Currently, only represents client-side cookies. The cookie classes know
// how to parse a set-cookie format string, but not a cookie format string
// (e.g. "Cookie: $Version=1; name=value; $Path=/foo; $Secure")
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFrom("System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")]
public sealed class Cookie
// NOTE: these two constants must change together.
internal const int MaxSupportedVersion = 1;
internal const string MaxSupportedVersionString = "1";
internal const string SeparatorLiteral = "; ";
internal const char EqualsLiteral = '=';
internal const string QuotesLiteral = "\"";
internal const string SpecialAttributeLiteral = "$";
internal static readonly char[] PortSplitDelimiters = new char[] { ' ', ',', '\"' };
// Space (' ') should be reserved as well per RFCs, but major web browsers support it and some web sites use it - so we support it too
private static readonly SearchValues<char> s_reservedToNameChars = SearchValues.Create("\t\r\n=;,");
private static readonly SearchValues<char> s_domainChars =
private string m_comment = string.Empty; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private Uri? m_commentUri; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private CookieVariant m_cookieVariant = CookieVariant.Plain; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private bool m_discard; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private string m_domain = string.Empty; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private bool m_domain_implicit = true; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private DateTime m_expires = DateTime.MinValue; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private string m_name = string.Empty; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private string m_path = string.Empty; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private bool m_path_implicit = true; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private string m_port = string.Empty; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private bool m_port_implicit = true; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private int[]? m_port_list; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private bool m_secure; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private bool m_httpOnly = false; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private DateTime m_timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private string m_value = string.Empty; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private int m_version; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
private string m_domainKey = string.Empty; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
#pragma warning disable 0649 // set via reflection by CookieParser: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/19348
internal bool IsQuotedVersion; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
internal bool IsQuotedDomain; // Do not rename (binary serialization)
#pragma warning restore 0649
static Cookie()
Debug.Assert(MaxSupportedVersion.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo).Equals(MaxSupportedVersionString, StringComparison.Ordinal));
// These DynamicDependency attributes are a workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/19348.
// HttpListener uses the non-public ToServerString, which isn't used by anything else in this assembly,
// and which accesses other internals and can't be moved to HttpListener (at least not without incurring
// functional differences). However, once we do our initial System.Net.Primitives build and ToServerString
// survives to it, we no longer want the DynamicDependencyAttribute to remain around, so that ToServerString
// can be trimmed out if the relevant functionality from HttpListener isn't used when performing whole-app
// analysis. As such, when trimming System.Net.Primitives, we build the assembly with ILLinkKeepDepAttributes=false,
// such that when this assembly is compiled, ToServerString will remain but the DynamicDependency attributes
// will be removed. This hack will need to be revisited if anything else in the assembly starts using
// DynamicDependencyAttribute.
// https://github.com/mono/linker/issues/802
public Cookie()
[DynamicDependency("ToServerString")] // Workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/19348
public Cookie(string name, string? value)
Name = name;
Value = value;
public Cookie(string name, string? value, string? path)
: this(name, value)
Path = path;
public Cookie(string name, string? value, string? path, string? domain)
: this(name, value, path)
Domain = domain;
public string Comment
return m_comment;
m_comment = value ?? string.Empty;
public Uri? CommentUri
return m_commentUri;
m_commentUri = value;
public bool HttpOnly
return m_httpOnly;
m_httpOnly = value;
public bool Discard
return m_discard;
m_discard = value;
public string Domain
return m_domain;
m_domain = value ?? string.Empty;
m_domain_implicit = false;
m_domainKey = string.Empty; // _domainKey will be set when adding this cookie to a container.
internal bool DomainImplicit
return m_domain_implicit;
m_domain_implicit = value;
public bool Expired
return (m_expires != DateTime.MinValue) && (m_expires.ToUniversalTime() <= DateTime.UtcNow);
if (value)
m_expires = DateTime.UtcNow;
public DateTime Expires
return m_expires;
m_expires = value;
public string Name
return m_name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || !InternalSetName(value))
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, "Name", value ?? "<null>"));
internal bool InternalSetName(string? value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)
|| value.StartsWith('$')
|| value.StartsWith(' ')
|| value.EndsWith(' ')
|| value.AsSpan().ContainsAny(s_reservedToNameChars))
m_name = string.Empty;
return false;
m_name = value;
return true;
public string Path
return m_path;
m_path = value ?? string.Empty;
m_path_implicit = false;
internal bool Plain
return Variant == CookieVariant.Plain;
internal Cookie Clone()
Cookie clonedCookie = new Cookie(m_name, m_value);
// Copy over all the properties from the original cookie
if (!m_port_implicit)
clonedCookie.Port = m_port;
if (!m_path_implicit)
clonedCookie.Path = m_path;
clonedCookie.Domain = m_domain;
// If the domain in the original cookie was implicit, we should preserve that property
clonedCookie.DomainImplicit = m_domain_implicit;
clonedCookie.m_timeStamp = m_timeStamp;
clonedCookie.Comment = m_comment;
clonedCookie.CommentUri = m_commentUri;
clonedCookie.HttpOnly = m_httpOnly;
clonedCookie.Discard = m_discard;
clonedCookie.Expires = m_expires;
clonedCookie.Version = m_version;
clonedCookie.Secure = m_secure;
// The variant is set when we set properties like port/version. So,
// we should copy over the variant from the original cookie after
// we set all other properties
clonedCookie.m_cookieVariant = m_cookieVariant;
return clonedCookie;
private static bool IsDomainEqualToHost(string domain, string host)
// +1 in the host length is to account for the leading dot in domain
return (host.Length + 1 == domain.Length) &&
(string.Compare(host, 0, domain, 1, host.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
// According to spec we must assume default values for attributes but still
// keep in mind that we must not include them into the requests.
// We also check the validity of all attributes based on the version and variant (read RFC)
// To work properly this function must be called after cookie construction with
// default (response) URI AND setDefault == true
// Afterwards, the function can be called many times with other URIs and
// setDefault == false to check whether this cookie matches given uri
internal bool VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant variant, Uri uri, bool isLocalDomain, string localDomain, bool setDefault, bool shouldThrow)
string host = uri.Host;
int port = uri.Port;
string path = uri.AbsolutePath;
bool valid = true;
if (setDefault)
// Set Variant. If version is zero => reset cookie to Version0 style
if (Version == 0)
variant = CookieVariant.Plain;
else if (Version == 1 && variant == CookieVariant.Unknown)
// Since we don't expose Variant to an app, set it to Default
variant = CookieVariant.Default;
m_cookieVariant = variant;
// Check the name
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_name) ||
m_name.StartsWith('$') ||
m_name.StartsWith(' ') ||
m_name.EndsWith(' ') ||
if (shouldThrow)
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, "Name", m_name ?? "<null>"));
return false;
// Check the value
if (m_value == null ||
(!(m_value.Length > 2 && m_value.StartsWith('\"') && m_value.EndsWith('\"')) && m_value.AsSpan().ContainsAny(';', ',')))
if (shouldThrow)
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, "Value", m_value ?? "<null>"));
return false;
// Check Comment syntax
if (Comment != null && !(Comment.Length > 2 && Comment.StartsWith('\"') && Comment.EndsWith('\"'))
&& (Comment.AsSpan().ContainsAny(';', ',')))
if (shouldThrow)
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.CommentAttributeName, Comment));
return false;
// Check Path syntax
if (Path != null && !(Path.Length > 2 && Path.StartsWith('\"') && Path.EndsWith('\"'))
&& (Path.AsSpan().ContainsAny(';', ',')))
if (shouldThrow)
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.PathAttributeName, Path));
return false;
// Check/set domain
// If domain is implicit => assume a) uri is valid, b) just set domain to uri hostname.
if (setDefault && m_domain_implicit)
m_domain = host;
if (!m_domain_implicit)
// Forwarding note: If Uri.Host is of IP address form then the only supported case
// is for IMPLICIT domain property of a cookie.
// The code below (explicit cookie.Domain value) will try to parse Uri.Host IP string
// as a fqdn and reject the cookie.
// Aliasing since we might need the KeyValue (but not the original one).
string domain = m_domain;
// Syntax check for Domain charset plus empty string.
if (!DomainCharsTest(domain))
if (shouldThrow)
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.DomainAttributeName, domain ?? "<null>"));
return false;
// Domain must start with '.' if set explicitly.
if (domain[0] != '.')
domain = '.' + domain;
int host_dot = host.IndexOf('.');
// First quick check is for pushing a cookie into the local domain.
if (isLocalDomain && string.Equals(localDomain, domain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
valid = true;
else if (domain.IndexOf('.', 1, domain.Length - 2) == -1)
// A single label domain is valid only if the domain is exactly the same as the host specified in the URI.
if (!IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host))
valid = false;
else if (variant == CookieVariant.Plain)
// We distinguish between Version0 cookie and other versions on domain issue.
// According to Version0 spec a domain must be just a substring of the hostname.
if (!IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host))
if (host.Length <= domain.Length ||
(string.Compare(host, host.Length - domain.Length, domain, 0, domain.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0))
valid = false;
else if (host_dot == -1 ||
domain.Length != host.Length - host_dot ||
(string.Compare(host, host_dot, domain, 0, domain.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0))
// Starting from the first dot, the host must match the domain.
// For null hosts, the host must match the domain exactly.
if (!IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host))
valid = false;
if (valid)
m_domainKey = domain.ToLowerInvariant();
// For implicitly set domain AND at the set_default == false time
// we simply need to match uri.Host against m_domain.
if (!string.Equals(host, m_domain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
valid = false;
if (!valid)
if (shouldThrow)
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.DomainAttributeName, m_domain));
return false;
// Check/Set Path
if (setDefault && m_path_implicit)
// This code assumes that the URI path is always valid and contains at least one '/'.
switch (m_cookieVariant)
case CookieVariant.Plain:
// As per RFC6265 5.1.4. (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.4):
// | 2. If the uri-path is empty or if the first character of the uri-
// | path is not a %x2F ("/") character, output %x2F ("/") and skip
// | the remaining steps.
// | 3. If the uri-path contains no more than one %x2F ("/") character,
// | output %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining step.
// Note: Normally Uri.AbsolutePath contains at least one "/" after parsing,
// but it's possible construct Uri with an empty path using a custom UriParser
int lastSlash;
if (!path.StartsWith('/') || (lastSlash = path.LastIndexOf('/')) == 0)
m_path = "/";
// | 4. Output the characters of the uri-path from the first character up
// | to, but not including, the right-most %x2F ("/").
m_path = path.Substring(0, lastSlash);
case CookieVariant.Rfc2109:
m_path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/')); // May be empty
case CookieVariant.Rfc2965:
// NOTE: this code is not resilient against future versions with different 'Path' semantics.
m_path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
// Set the default port if Port attribute was present but had no value.
if (setDefault && (m_port_implicit == false && m_port.Length == 0))
m_port_list = new int[1] { port };
if (m_port_implicit == false)
// Port must match against the one from the uri.
valid = false;
foreach (int p in m_port_list!)
if (p == port)
valid = true;
if (!valid)
if (shouldThrow)
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.PortAttributeName, m_port));
return false;
return true;
// Very primitive test to make sure that the name does not have illegal characters
// as per RFC 952 (relaxed on first char could be a digit and string can have '_').
private static bool DomainCharsTest(string name) =>
!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) &&
public string Port
return m_port;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
// "Port" is present but has no value.
// Therefore; the effective port value is implicit.
m_port_implicit = true;
m_port = string.Empty;
// "Port" value is present, so we use the provided value rather than an implicit one.
m_port_implicit = false;
// Parse port list
if (!value.StartsWith('\"') || !value.EndsWith('\"'))
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.PortAttributeName, value));
string[] ports = value.Split(PortSplitDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int[] parsedPorts = new int[ports.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < ports.Length; ++i)
if (!int.TryParse(ports[i], out int port))
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.PortAttributeName, value));
// valid values for port 0 - 0xFFFF
if ((port < 0) || (port > 0xFFFF))
throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.PortAttributeName, value));
parsedPorts[i] = port;
m_port_list = parsedPorts;
m_port = value;
m_version = MaxSupportedVersion;
m_cookieVariant = CookieVariant.Rfc2965;
internal int[]? PortList
// PortList will be null if Port Attribute was omitted in the response.
return m_port_list;
public bool Secure
return m_secure;
m_secure = value;
public DateTime TimeStamp
return m_timeStamp;
public string Value
return m_value;
m_value = value ?? string.Empty;
internal CookieVariant Variant
return m_cookieVariant;
// _domainKey member is set internally in VerifySetDefaults().
// If it is not set then verification function was not called;
// this should never happen.
internal string DomainKey
return m_domain_implicit ? Domain : m_domainKey;
public int Version
return m_version;
m_version = value;
if (value > 0 && m_cookieVariant < CookieVariant.Rfc2109)
m_cookieVariant = CookieVariant.Rfc2109;
public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? comparand)
return comparand is Cookie other
&& string.Equals(Name, other.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& string.Equals(Value, other.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal)
&& string.Equals(Path, other.Path, StringComparison.Ordinal)
&& CookieComparer.EqualDomains(Domain, other.Domain)
&& (Version == other.Version);
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashCode.Combine(
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderCache.Acquire();
return StringBuilderCache.GetStringAndRelease(sb);
internal void ToString(StringBuilder sb)
int beforeLength = sb.Length;
// Add the Cookie version if necessary.
if (Version != 0)
sb.Append(SpecialAttributeLiteral + CookieFields.VersionAttributeName + EqualsLiteral); // const strings
if (IsQuotedVersion) sb.Append('"');
sb.Append(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, $"{m_version}");
if (IsQuotedVersion) sb.Append('"');
// Add the Cookie Name=Value pair.
if (!Plain)
// Add the Path if necessary.
if (!m_path_implicit && m_path.Length > 0)
sb.Append(SeparatorLiteral + SpecialAttributeLiteral + CookieFields.PathAttributeName + EqualsLiteral); // const strings
// Add the Domain if necessary.
if (!m_domain_implicit && m_domain.Length > 0)
sb.Append(SeparatorLiteral + SpecialAttributeLiteral + CookieFields.DomainAttributeName + EqualsLiteral); // const strings
if (IsQuotedDomain) sb.Append('"');
if (IsQuotedDomain) sb.Append('"');
// Add the Port if necessary.
if (!m_port_implicit)
sb.Append(SeparatorLiteral + SpecialAttributeLiteral + CookieFields.PortAttributeName); // const strings
if (m_port.Length > 0)
// Check to see whether the only thing we added was "=", and if so,
// remove it so that we leave the StringBuilder unchanged in contents.
int afterLength = sb.Length;
if (afterLength == (1 + beforeLength) && sb[beforeLength] == '=')
sb.Length = beforeLength;
internal string? ToServerString()
string result = Name + EqualsLiteral + Value;
if (m_comment != null && m_comment.Length > 0)
result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.CommentAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_comment;
if (m_commentUri != null)
result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.CommentUrlAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + QuotesLiteral + m_commentUri.ToString() + QuotesLiteral;
if (m_discard)
result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.DiscardAttributeName;
if (!m_domain_implicit && m_domain != null && m_domain.Length > 0)
result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.DomainAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_domain;
if (Expires != DateTime.MinValue)
int seconds = (int)(Expires.ToUniversalTime() - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds;
if (seconds < 0)
// This means that the cookie has already expired. Set Max-Age to 0
// so that the client will discard the cookie immediately.
seconds = 0;
result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.MaxAgeAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + seconds.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
if (!m_path_implicit && m_path != null && m_path.Length > 0)
result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.PathAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_path;
if (!Plain && !m_port_implicit && m_port != null && m_port.Length > 0)
// QuotesLiteral are included in _port.
result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.PortAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_port;
if (m_version > 0)
result += SeparatorLiteral + CookieFields.VersionAttributeName + EqualsLiteral + m_version.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
return result == "=" ? null : result;