2 instantiations of IPNetwork
System.Net.Primitives (2)
System\Net\IPNetwork.cs (2)
210result = new IPNetwork(address, prefixLength, false); 239result = new IPNetwork(address, prefixLength, false);
55 references to IPNetwork
System.Net.Primitives (55)
System\Net\IPNetwork.cs (55)
24public readonly struct IPNetwork : IEquatable<IPNetwork>, ISpanFormattable, ISpanParsable<IPNetwork>, IUtf8SpanFormattable, IUtf8SpanParsable<IPNetwork> 39/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IPNetwork"/> class with the specified <see cref="IPAddress"/> and prefix length. 129/// Converts a CIDR <see cref="string"/> to an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance. 132/// <returns>An <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance.</returns> 135public static IPNetwork Parse(string s) 142/// Converts a CIDR character span to an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance. 145/// <returns>An <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance.</returns> 147public static IPNetwork Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) 149if (!TryParse(s, out IPNetwork result)) 158/// Converts a UTF-8 CIDR character span to an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance. 161/// <returns>An <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance.</returns> 163public static IPNetwork Parse(ReadOnlySpan<byte> utf8Text) 165if (!TryParse(utf8Text, out IPNetwork result)) 174/// Converts the specified CIDR string to an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance and returns a value indicating whether the conversion succeeded. 177/// <param name="result">When the method returns, contains an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance if the conversion succeeds.</param> 179public static bool TryParse(string? s, out IPNetwork result) 191/// Converts the specified CIDR character span to an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance and returns a value indicating whether the conversion succeeded. 194/// <param name="result">When the method returns, contains an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance if the conversion succeeds.</param> 196public static bool TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, out IPNetwork result) 220/// Converts the specified UTF-8 CIDR character span to an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance and returns a value indicating whether the conversion succeeded. 223/// <param name="result">When the method returns, contains an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance if the conversion succeeds.</param> 225public static bool TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<byte> utf8Text, out IPNetwork result) 284/// Converts the instance to a string containing the <see cref="IPNetwork"/>'s CIDR notation. 286/// <returns>The <see cref="string"/> containing the <see cref="IPNetwork"/>'s CIDR notation.</returns> 291/// Attempts to write the <see cref="IPNetwork"/>'s CIDR notation to the given <paramref name="destination"/> span and returns a value indicating whether the operation succeeded. 300/// Attempts to write the <see cref="IPNetwork"/>'s CIDR notation to the given <paramref name="utf8Destination"/> UTF-8 span and returns a value indicating whether the operation succeeded. 309/// Determines whether two <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instances are equal. 311/// <param name="other">The <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance to compare to this instance.</param> 313/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Uninitialized <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance.</exception> 314public bool Equals(IPNetwork other) => 319/// Determines whether two <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instances are equal. 321/// <param name="obj">The <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance to compare to this instance.</param> 322/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="obj"/> is an <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance and the networks are equal; otherwise <see langword="false"/>.</returns> 323/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Uninitialized <see cref="IPNetwork"/> instance.</exception> 325obj is IPNetwork other && 329/// Determines whether the specified instances of <see cref="IPNetwork"/> are equal. 334public static bool operator ==(IPNetwork left, IPNetwork right) => left.Equals(right); 337/// Determines whether the specified instances of <see cref="IPNetwork"/> are not equal. 342public static bool operator !=(IPNetwork left, IPNetwork right) => !(left == right); 364static IPNetwork IParsable<IPNetwork>.Parse([NotNull] string s, IFormatProvider? provider) => Parse(s); 367static bool IParsable<IPNetwork>.TryParse([NotNullWhen(true)] string? s, IFormatProvider? provider, out IPNetwork result) => TryParse(s, out result); 370static IPNetwork ISpanParsable<IPNetwork>.Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, IFormatProvider? provider) => Parse(s); 373static IPNetwork IUtf8SpanParsable<IPNetwork>.Parse(ReadOnlySpan<byte> utf8Text, IFormatProvider? provider) => Parse(utf8Text); 376static bool ISpanParsable<IPNetwork>.TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, IFormatProvider? provider, out IPNetwork result) => TryParse(s, out result); 379static bool IUtf8SpanParsable<IPNetwork>.TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<byte> utf8Text, IFormatProvider? provider, out IPNetwork result) => TryParse(utf8Text, out result);