File: artifacts\obj\System.Net.Ping\Debug\net9.0-unix\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Net.Ping\src\System.Net.Ping.csproj (System.Net.Ping)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.Net.Ping
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.Net.Ping.SR)));
        /// <summary>An asynchronous call is already in progress. It must be completed or canceled before you can call this method.</summary>
        internal static string @net_inasync => GetResourceString("net_inasync", @"An asynchronous call is already in progress. It must be completed or canceled before you can call this method.");
        /// <summary>The AddressFamily {0} is not valid for the {1} end point, use {2} instead.</summary>
        internal static string @net_InvalidAddressFamily => GetResourceString("net_InvalidAddressFamily", @"The AddressFamily {0} is not valid for the {1} end point, use {2} instead.");
        /// <summary>The supplied {0} is an invalid size for the {1} end point.</summary>
        internal static string @net_InvalidSocketAddressSize => GetResourceString("net_InvalidSocketAddressSize", @"The supplied {0} is an invalid size for the {1} end point.");
        /// <summary>The buffer length must not exceed 65500 bytes.</summary>
        internal static string @net_invalidPingBufferSize => GetResourceString("net_invalidPingBufferSize", @"The buffer length must not exceed 65500 bytes.");
        /// <summary>IPv4 address and IPv6 address ::0 are unspecified addresses that cannot be used as a target address.</summary>
        internal static string @net_invalid_ip_addr => GetResourceString("net_invalid_ip_addr", @"IPv4 address and IPv6 address ::0 are unspecified addresses that cannot be used as a target address.");
        /// <summary>An exception occurred during a Ping request.</summary>
        internal static string @net_ping => GetResourceString("net_ping", @"An exception occurred during a Ping request.");
        /// <summary>The system's ping utility could not be found.</summary>
        internal static string @net_ping_utility_not_found => GetResourceString("net_ping_utility_not_found", @"The system's ping utility could not be found.");
        /// <summary>IPv4 is not installed.</summary>
        internal static string @net_ipv4_not_installed => GetResourceString("net_ipv4_not_installed", @"IPv4 is not installed.");
        /// <summary>IPv6 is not installed.</summary>
        internal static string @net_ipv6_not_installed => GetResourceString("net_ipv6_not_installed", @"IPv6 is not installed.");
        /// <summary>System.Net.Ping is not supported on this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @SystemNetPing_PlatformNotSupported => GetResourceString("SystemNetPing_PlatformNotSupported", @"System.Net.Ping is not supported on this platform.");
        /// <summary>Unable to send custom ping payload. Run program under privileged user account or grant cap_net_raw capability using setcap(8).</summary>
        internal static string @net_ping_utility_custom_payload => GetResourceString("net_ping_utility_custom_payload", @"Unable to send custom ping payload. Run program under privileged user account or grant cap_net_raw capability using setcap(8).");