// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation
/// <summary>
/// IPInterfaceStatistics provider for Linux.
/// Reads information out of /proc/net/dev and other locations.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class LinuxIPInterfaceStatistics : IPInterfaceStatistics
// /proc/net/dev statistics table for network interface
private readonly IPInterfaceStatisticsTable _table;
// From /sys/class/net/<interface>/tx_queue_len
private readonly int _transmitQueueLength;
public LinuxIPInterfaceStatistics(string name)
_table = StringParsingHelpers.ParseInterfaceStatisticsTableFromFile(NetworkFiles.InterfaceListingFile, name);
// sys/class/net/<interfacename>/tx_queue_len
string transmitQueueLengthFilePath = Path.Combine(NetworkFiles.SysClassNetFolder, name, NetworkFiles.TransmitQueueLengthFileName);
_transmitQueueLength = StringParsingHelpers.ParseRawIntFile(transmitQueueLengthFilePath);
public override long BytesReceived { get { return _table.BytesReceived; } }
public override long BytesSent { get { return _table.BytesTransmitted; } }
public override long IncomingPacketsDiscarded { get { return _table.IncomingPacketsDropped; } }
public override long IncomingPacketsWithErrors { get { return _table.ErrorsReceived; } }
public override long IncomingUnknownProtocolPackets { get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.net_InformationUnavailableOnPlatform); } }
public override long NonUnicastPacketsReceived { get { return _table.MulticastFramesReceived; } }
public override long NonUnicastPacketsSent { get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.net_InformationUnavailableOnPlatform); } }
public override long OutgoingPacketsDiscarded { get { return _table.OutgoingPacketsDropped; } }
public override long OutgoingPacketsWithErrors { get { return _table.ErrorsTransmitted; } }
public override long OutputQueueLength { get { return _transmitQueueLength; } }
public override long UnicastPacketsReceived { get { return _table.PacketsReceived; } }
public override long UnicastPacketsSent { get { return _table.PacketsTransmitted; } }