File: artifacts\obj\System.Net.Mail\Debug\net9.0-unix\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Net.Mail\src\System.Net.Mail.csproj (System.Net.Mail)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.Net.Mail
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.Net.Mail.SR)));
        /// <summary>The IAsyncResult object was not returned from the corresponding asynchronous method on this class.</summary>
        internal static string @net_io_invalidasyncresult => GetResourceString("net_io_invalidasyncresult", @"The IAsyncResult object was not returned from the corresponding asynchronous method on this class.");
        /// <summary>{0} can only be called once for each asynchronous operation.</summary>
        internal static string @net_io_invalidendcall => GetResourceString("net_io_invalidendcall", @"{0} can only be called once for each asynchronous operation.");
        /// <summary>The byte count must not exceed {0} bytes for this stream type.</summary>
        internal static string @net_io_out_range => GetResourceString("net_io_out_range", @"The byte count must not exceed {0} bytes for this stream type.");
        /// <summary>This method is not implemented by this class.</summary>
        internal static string @net_MethodNotImplementedException => GetResourceString("net_MethodNotImplementedException", @"This method is not implemented by this class.");
        /// <summary>Insufficient buffer space. Required: {0} Actual: {1}.</summary>
        internal static string @net_context_buffer_too_small => GetResourceString("net_context_buffer_too_small", @"Insufficient buffer space. Required: {0} Actual: {1}.");
        /// <summary>GSSAPI operation failed with error - {0} ({1}).</summary>
        internal static string @net_gssapi_operation_failed_detailed => GetResourceString("net_gssapi_operation_failed_detailed", @"GSSAPI operation failed with error - {0} ({1}).");
        /// <summary>GSSAPI operation failed with status: {0} (Minor status: {1}).</summary>
        internal static string @net_gssapi_operation_failed => GetResourceString("net_gssapi_operation_failed", @"GSSAPI operation failed with status: {0} (Minor status: {1}).");
        /// <summary>GSSAPI operation failed with error - {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @net_gssapi_operation_failed_detailed_majoronly => GetResourceString("net_gssapi_operation_failed_detailed_majoronly", @"GSSAPI operation failed with error - {0}.");
        /// <summary>GSSAPI operation failed with status: {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @net_gssapi_operation_failed_majoronly => GetResourceString("net_gssapi_operation_failed_majoronly", @"GSSAPI operation failed with status: {0}.");
        /// <summary>NTLM authentication requires the GSSAPI plugin 'gss-ntlmssp'.</summary>
        internal static string @net_gssapi_ntlm_missing_plugin => GetResourceString("net_gssapi_ntlm_missing_plugin", @"NTLM authentication requires the GSSAPI plugin 'gss-ntlmssp'.");
        /// <summary>NTLM authentication is not possible with default credentials on this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @net_ntlm_not_possible_default_cred => GetResourceString("net_ntlm_not_possible_default_cred", @"NTLM authentication is not possible with default credentials on this platform.");
        /// <summary>Target name should be non empty if default credentials are passed.</summary>
        internal static string @net_nego_not_supported_empty_target_with_defaultcreds => GetResourceString("net_nego_not_supported_empty_target_with_defaultcreds", @"Target name should be non empty if default credentials are passed.");
        /// <summary>Server implementation is not supported</summary>
        internal static string @net_nego_server_not_supported => GetResourceString("net_nego_server_not_supported", @"Server implementation is not supported");
        /// <summary>Requested protection level is not supported with the GSSAPI implementation currently installed.</summary>
        internal static string @net_nego_protection_level_not_supported => GetResourceString("net_nego_protection_level_not_supported", @"Requested protection level is not supported with the GSSAPI implementation currently installed.");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not a supported handle type.</summary>
        internal static string @SSPIInvalidHandleType => GetResourceString("SSPIInvalidHandleType", @"'{0}' is not a supported handle type.");
        /// <summary>Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not encrypted as required by the effective Protection Level.</summary>
        internal static string @net_auth_message_not_encrypted => GetResourceString("net_auth_message_not_encrypted", @"Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not encrypted as required by the effective Protection Level.");
        /// <summary>The specified value is not valid in the '{0}' enumeration.</summary>
        internal static string @net_invalid_enum => GetResourceString("net_invalid_enum", @"The specified value is not valid in the '{0}' enumeration.");
        /// <summary>An invalid character was found in the Base-64 stream.</summary>
        internal static string @MailBase64InvalidCharacter => GetResourceString("MailBase64InvalidCharacter", @"An invalid character was found in the Base-64 stream.");
        /// <summary>The requested security package is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @net_securitypackagesupport => GetResourceString("net_securitypackagesupport", @"The requested security package is not supported.");
        /// <summary>The collection is read-only.</summary>
        internal static string @MailCollectionIsReadOnly => GetResourceString("MailCollectionIsReadOnly", @"The collection is read-only.");
        /// <summary>The date is in an invalid format.</summary>
        internal static string @MailDateInvalidFormat => GetResourceString("MailDateInvalidFormat", @"The date is in an invalid format.");
        /// <summary>The mail header is malformed.</summary>
        internal static string @MailHeaderFieldMalformedHeader => GetResourceString("MailHeaderFieldMalformedHeader", @"The mail header is malformed.");
        /// <summary>This operation cannot be performed while in content.</summary>
        internal static string @MailWriterIsInContent => GetResourceString("MailWriterIsInContent", @"This operation cannot be performed while in content.");
        /// <summary>{0} failed with error {1}.</summary>
        internal static string @net_log_operation_failed_with_error => GetResourceString("net_log_operation_failed_with_error", @"{0} failed with error {1}.");
        /// <summary>The MIME transfer encoding '{0}' is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @MimeTransferEncodingNotSupported => GetResourceString("MimeTransferEncodingNotSupported", @"The MIME transfer encoding '{0}' is not supported.");
        /// <summary>Invalid hex digit '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidHexDigit => GetResourceString("InvalidHexDigit", @"Invalid hex digit '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>An invalid character was found in header name.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidHeaderName => GetResourceString("InvalidHeaderName", @"An invalid character was found in header name.");
        /// <summary>The specified content type is invalid.</summary>
        internal static string @ContentTypeInvalid => GetResourceString("ContentTypeInvalid", @"The specified content type is invalid.");
        /// <summary>The specified content disposition is invalid.</summary>
        internal static string @ContentDispositionInvalid => GetResourceString("ContentDispositionInvalid", @"The specified content disposition is invalid.");
        /// <summary>One of the streams has already been used and can't be reset to the origin.</summary>
        internal static string @MimePartCantResetStream => GetResourceString("MimePartCantResetStream", @"One of the streams has already been used and can't be reset to the origin.");
        /// <summary>The specified media type is invalid.</summary>
        internal static string @MediaTypeInvalid => GetResourceString("MediaTypeInvalid", @"The specified media type is invalid.");
        /// <summary>The specified port is invalid. The port must be greater than 0.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidPort => GetResourceString("InvalidPort", @"The specified port is invalid. The port must be greater than 0.");
        /// <summary>The ContentID cannot contain a '&lt;' or '&gt;' character.</summary>
        internal static string @MailHeaderInvalidCID => GetResourceString("MailHeaderInvalidCID", @"The ContentID cannot contain a '<' or '>' character.");
        /// <summary>The server response was: {0}</summary>
        internal static string @MailServerResponse => GetResourceString("MailServerResponse", @"The server response was: {0}");
        /// <summary>An asynchronous call is already in progress. It must be completed or canceled before you can call this method.</summary>
        internal static string @net_inasync => GetResourceString("net_inasync", @"An asynchronous call is already in progress. It must be completed or canceled before you can call this method.");
        /// <summary>The operation has timed out.</summary>
        internal static string @net_timeout => GetResourceString("net_timeout", @"The operation has timed out.");
        /// <summary>Unable to send to all recipients.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpAllRecipientsFailed => GetResourceString("SmtpAllRecipientsFailed", @"Unable to send to all recipients.");
        /// <summary>Bad sequence of commands.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpBadCommandSequence => GetResourceString("SmtpBadCommandSequence", @"Bad sequence of commands.");
        /// <summary>Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpClientNotPermitted => GetResourceString("SmtpClientNotPermitted", @"Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server.");
        /// <summary>Command not implemented.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpCommandNotImplemented => GetResourceString("SmtpCommandNotImplemented", @"Command not implemented.");
        /// <summary>Command parameter not implemented.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpCommandParameterNotImplemented => GetResourceString("SmtpCommandParameterNotImplemented", @"Command parameter not implemented.");
        /// <summary>Syntax error, command unrecognized.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpCommandUnrecognized => GetResourceString("SmtpCommandUnrecognized", @"Syntax error, command unrecognized.");
        /// <summary>Exceeded storage allocation.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpExceededStorageAllocation => GetResourceString("SmtpExceededStorageAllocation", @"Exceeded storage allocation.");
        /// <summary>A from address must be specified.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpFromRequired => GetResourceString("SmtpFromRequired", @"A from address must be specified.");
        /// <summary>Help message.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpHelpMessage => GetResourceString("SmtpHelpMessage", @"Help message.");
        /// <summary>Insufficient system storage.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpInsufficientStorage => GetResourceString("SmtpInsufficientStorage", @"Insufficient system storage.");
        /// <summary>The address has an invalid host name: {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpInvalidHostName => GetResourceString("SmtpInvalidHostName", @"The address has an invalid host name: {0}.");
        /// <summary>This operation cannot be performed while a message is being sent.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpInvalidOperationDuringSend => GetResourceString("SmtpInvalidOperationDuringSend", @"This operation cannot be performed while a message is being sent.");
        /// <summary>Error in processing.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpLocalErrorInProcessing => GetResourceString("SmtpLocalErrorInProcessing", @"Error in processing.");
        /// <summary>Mailbox unavailable.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpMailboxBusy => GetResourceString("SmtpMailboxBusy", @"Mailbox unavailable.");
        /// <summary>The requested security protocol is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @net_securityprotocolnotsupported => GetResourceString("net_securityprotocolnotsupported", @"The requested security protocol is not supported.");
        /// <summary>Mailbox name not allowed.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpMailboxNameNotAllowed => GetResourceString("SmtpMailboxNameNotAllowed", @"Mailbox name not allowed.");
        /// <summary>Mailbox unavailable.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpMailboxUnavailable => GetResourceString("SmtpMailboxUnavailable", @"Mailbox unavailable.");
        /// <summary>The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpMustIssueStartTlsFirst => GetResourceString("SmtpMustIssueStartTlsFirst", @"The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated.");
        /// <summary>Only absolute directories are allowed for pickup directory.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpNeedAbsolutePickupDirectory => GetResourceString("SmtpNeedAbsolutePickupDirectory", @"Only absolute directories are allowed for pickup directory.");
        /// <summary>The client or server is only configured for E-mail addresses with ASCII local-parts: {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpNonAsciiUserNotSupported => GetResourceString("SmtpNonAsciiUserNotSupported", @"The client or server is only configured for E-mail addresses with ASCII local-parts: {0}.");
        /// <summary>Completed.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpOK => GetResourceString("SmtpOK", @"Completed.");
        /// <summary>SSL must not be enabled for pickup-directory delivery methods.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpPickupDirectoryDoesnotSupportSsl => GetResourceString("SmtpPickupDirectoryDoesnotSupportSsl", @"SSL must not be enabled for pickup-directory delivery methods.");
        /// <summary>Unable to send to a recipient.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpRecipientFailed => GetResourceString("SmtpRecipientFailed", @"Unable to send to a recipient.");
        /// <summary>A recipient must be specified.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpRecipientRequired => GetResourceString("SmtpRecipientRequired", @"A recipient must be specified.");
        /// <summary>Failure sending mail.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpSendMailFailure => GetResourceString("SmtpSendMailFailure", @"Failure sending mail.");
        /// <summary>Service closing transmission channel.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpServiceClosingTransmissionChannel => GetResourceString("SmtpServiceClosingTransmissionChannel", @"Service closing transmission channel.");
        /// <summary>Service ready.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpServiceReady => GetResourceString("SmtpServiceReady", @"Service ready.");
        /// <summary>Start mail input; end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpStartMailInput => GetResourceString("SmtpStartMailInput", @"Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>.");
        /// <summary>Syntax error in parameters or arguments.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpSyntaxError => GetResourceString("SmtpSyntaxError", @"Syntax error in parameters or arguments.");
        /// <summary>System status, or system help reply.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpSystemStatus => GetResourceString("SmtpSystemStatus", @"System status, or system help reply.");
        /// <summary>Transaction failed.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpTransactionFailed => GetResourceString("SmtpTransactionFailed", @"Transaction failed.");
        /// <summary>User not local; please try a different path.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpUserNotLocalTryAlternatePath => GetResourceString("SmtpUserNotLocalTryAlternatePath", @"User not local; please try a different path.");
        /// <summary>User not local; will forward to specified path.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpUserNotLocalWillForward => GetResourceString("SmtpUserNotLocalWillForward", @"User not local; will forward to specified path.");
        /// <summary>The SMTP host was not specified.</summary>
        internal static string @UnspecifiedHost => GetResourceString("UnspecifiedHost", @"The SMTP host was not specified.");
        /// <summary>Already connected.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpAlreadyConnected => GetResourceString("SmtpAlreadyConnected", @"Already connected.");
        /// <summary>Authentication failed.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpAuthenticationFailed => GetResourceString("SmtpAuthenticationFailed", @"Authentication failed.");
        /// <summary>This operation cannot be performed on a completed asynchronous result object.</summary>
        internal static string @net_completed_result => GetResourceString("net_completed_result", @"This operation cannot be performed on a completed asynchronous result object.");
        /// <summary>An invalid character was found in the mail header: '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @MailHeaderFieldInvalidCharacter => GetResourceString("MailHeaderFieldInvalidCharacter", @"An invalid character was found in the mail header: '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>Seeking is not supported on this stream.</summary>
        internal static string @SeekNotSupported => GetResourceString("SeekNotSupported", @"Seeking is not supported on this stream.");
        /// <summary>Reading is not supported on this stream.</summary>
        internal static string @ReadNotSupported => GetResourceString("ReadNotSupported", @"Reading is not supported on this stream.");
        /// <summary>Writing is not supported on this stream.</summary>
        internal static string @WriteNotSupported => GetResourceString("WriteNotSupported", @"Writing is not supported on this stream.");
        /// <summary>The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.</summary>
        internal static string @MailAddressInvalidFormat => GetResourceString("MailAddressInvalidFormat", @"The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.");
        /// <summary>The server returned an invalid response in the authentication handshake.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpAuthResponseInvalid => GetResourceString("SmtpAuthResponseInvalid", @"The server returned an invalid response in the authentication handshake.");
        /// <summary>The server committed a protocol violation.</summary>
        internal static string @net_webstatus_ServerProtocolViolation => GetResourceString("net_webstatus_ServerProtocolViolation", @"The server committed a protocol violation.");
        /// <summary>Data stream is still open.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpDataStreamOpen => GetResourceString("SmtpDataStreamOpen", @"Data stream is still open.");
        /// <summary>The server returned an invalid response to the EHLO command.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpEhloResponseInvalid => GetResourceString("SmtpEhloResponseInvalid", @"The server returned an invalid response to the EHLO command.");
        /// <summary>Unable to read data from the transport connection: {0}.</summary>
        internal static string @net_io_readfailure => GetResourceString("net_io_readfailure", @"Unable to read data from the transport connection: {0}.");
        /// <summary>The connection was closed</summary>
        internal static string @net_io_connectionclosed => GetResourceString("net_io_connectionclosed", @"The connection was closed");
        /// <summary>Smtp server returned an invalid response.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpInvalidResponse => GetResourceString("SmtpInvalidResponse", @"Smtp server returned an invalid response.");
        /// <summary>Service not available, closing transmission channel.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpServiceNotAvailable => GetResourceString("SmtpServiceNotAvailable", @"Service not available, closing transmission channel.");
        /// <summary>The specified string is not in the form required for a subject.</summary>
        internal static string @MailSubjectInvalidFormat => GetResourceString("MailSubjectInvalidFormat", @"The specified string is not in the form required for a subject.");
        /// <summary>Server does not support secure connections.</summary>
        internal static string @MailServerDoesNotSupportStartTls => GetResourceString("MailServerDoesNotSupportStartTls", @"Server does not support secure connections.");
        /// <summary>The SMTP host was not found.</summary>
        internal static string @MailHostNotFound => GetResourceString("MailHostNotFound", @"The SMTP host was not found.");
        /// <summary>IIS delivery is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @SmtpGetIisPickupDirectoryNotSupported => GetResourceString("SmtpGetIisPickupDirectoryNotSupported", @"IIS delivery is not supported.");
        /// <summary>System.Net.Mail is not supported on this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @PlatformNotSupported_NetMail => GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_NetMail", @"System.Net.Mail is not supported on this platform.");