// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Net.Mail
internal static class MailHeaderInfo
// Structure that wraps information about a single mail header
private readonly struct HeaderInfo
public readonly string NormalizedName;
public readonly bool IsSingleton;
public readonly MailHeaderID ID;
public readonly bool IsUserSettable;
public readonly bool AllowsUnicode;
public HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID id, string name, bool isSingleton, bool isUserSettable, bool allowsUnicode)
ID = id;
NormalizedName = name;
IsSingleton = isSingleton;
IsUserSettable = isUserSettable;
AllowsUnicode = allowsUnicode;
// Table of well-known mail headers.
// Keep the initializers in sync with the enum above.
private static readonly HeaderInfo[] s_headerInfo = {
// ID NormalizedString IsSingleton IsUserSettable AllowsUnicode
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Bcc, "Bcc", true, false, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Cc, "Cc", true, false, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Comments, "Comments", false, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentDescription, "Content-Description", true, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentDisposition, "Content-Disposition", true, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentID, "Content-ID", true, false, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentLocation, "Content-Location", true, false, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentTransferEncoding, "Content-Transfer-Encoding", true, false, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentType, "Content-Type", true, false, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Date, "Date", true, false, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.From, "From", true, false, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Importance, "Importance", true, false, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.InReplyTo, "In-Reply-To", true, true, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Keywords, "Keywords", false, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Max, "Max", false, true, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.MessageID, "Message-ID", true, true, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.MimeVersion, "MIME-Version", true, false, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Priority, "Priority", true, false, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.References, "References", true, true, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ReplyTo, "Reply-To", true, false, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentBcc, "Resent-Bcc", false, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentCc, "Resent-Cc", false, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentDate, "Resent-Date", false, true, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentFrom, "Resent-From", false, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentMessageID, "Resent-Message-ID", false, true, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentSender, "Resent-Sender", false, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentTo, "Resent-To", false, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Sender, "Sender", true, false, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Subject, "Subject", true, false, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.To, "To", true, false, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XPriority, "X-Priority", true, false, false),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XReceiver, "X-Receiver", false, true, true),
new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XSender, "X-Sender", true, true, true)
private static readonly Dictionary<string, int> s_headerDictionary = CreateHeaderDictionary();
private static Dictionary<string, int> CreateHeaderDictionary()
// Create dictionary for string-to-enum lookup. Ordinal and IgnoreCase are intentional.
var headers = new Dictionary<string, int>((int)MailHeaderID.ZMaxEnumValue + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
for (int i = 0; i < s_headerInfo.Length; i++)
Debug.Assert((int)s_headerInfo[i].ID == i, "Header info data structures are not in sync");
headers.Add(s_headerInfo[i].NormalizedName, i);
return headers;
internal static string? GetString(MailHeaderID id)
switch (id)
case MailHeaderID.Unknown:
case MailHeaderID.ZMaxEnumValue + 1:
return null;
return s_headerInfo[(int)id].NormalizedName;
internal static MailHeaderID GetID(string name)
int id;
return s_headerDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out id) ? (MailHeaderID)id : MailHeaderID.Unknown;
internal static bool IsUserSettable(string name)
//values not in the list of well-known headers are always user-settable
int index;
return !s_headerDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index) || s_headerInfo[index].IsUserSettable;
internal static bool IsSingleton(string name)
int index;
return s_headerDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index) && s_headerInfo[index].IsSingleton;
internal static string NormalizeCase(string name)
int index;
return s_headerDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index) ? s_headerInfo[index].NormalizedName : name;
internal static bool AllowsUnicode(string name)
int index;
return !s_headerDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index) || s_headerInfo[index].AllowsUnicode;