File: System\Net\Http\SocketsHttpHandler\HttpConnectionPoolManager.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Net.Http\src\System.Net.Http.csproj (System.Net.Http)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Net.Http
    // General flow of requests through the various layers:
    // (1) HttpConnectionPoolManager.SendAsync: Does proxy lookup
    // (2) HttpConnectionPoolManager.SendAsyncCore: Find or create connection pool
    // (3) HttpConnectionPool.SendAsync: Handle basic/digest request auth
    // (4) HttpConnectionPool.SendWithProxyAuthAsync: Handle basic/digest proxy auth
    // (5) HttpConnectionPool.SendWithRetryAsync: Retrieve connection from pool, or create new
    //                                            Also, handle retry for failures on connection reuse
    // (6) HttpConnection.SendAsync: Handle negotiate/ntlm connection auth
    // (7) HttpConnection.SendWithNtProxyAuthAsync: Handle negotiate/ntlm proxy auth
    // (8) HttpConnection.SendAsyncCore: Write request to connection and read response
    //                                   Also, handle cookie processing
    // Redirect and decompression handling are done above HttpConnectionPoolManager,
    // in RedirectHandler and DecompressionHandler respectively.
    /// <summary>Provides a set of connection pools, each for its own endpoint.</summary>
    internal sealed class HttpConnectionPoolManager : IDisposable
        /// <summary>How frequently an operation should be initiated to clean out old pools and connections in those pools.</summary>
        private readonly TimeSpan _cleanPoolTimeout;
        /// <summary>The pools, indexed by endpoint.</summary>
        private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<HttpConnectionKey, HttpConnectionPool> _pools;
        /// <summary>Timer used to initiate cleaning of the pools.</summary>
        private readonly Timer? _cleaningTimer;
        /// <summary>Heart beat timer currently used for Http2 ping only.</summary>
        private readonly Timer? _heartBeatTimer;
        private readonly HttpConnectionSettings _settings;
        private readonly IWebProxy? _proxy;
        private readonly ICredentials? _proxyCredentials;
        private NetworkChangeCleanup? _networkChangeCleanup;
        /// <summary>
        /// Keeps track of whether or not the cleanup timer is running. It helps us avoid the expensive
        /// <see cref="ConcurrentDictionary{TKey,TValue}.IsEmpty"/> call.
        /// </summary>
        private bool _timerIsRunning;
        /// <summary>Object used to synchronize access to state in the pool.</summary>
        private object SyncObj => _pools;
        /// <summary>Initializes the pools.</summary>
        public HttpConnectionPoolManager(HttpConnectionSettings settings)
            _settings = settings;
            _pools = new ConcurrentDictionary<HttpConnectionKey, HttpConnectionPool>();
            // As an optimization, we can sometimes avoid the overheads associated with
            // storing connections.  This is possible when we would immediately terminate
            // connections anyway due to either the idle timeout or the lifetime being
            // set to zero, as in that case the timeout effectively immediately expires.
            // However, we can only do such optimizations if we're not also tracking
            // connections per server, as we use data in the associated data structures
            // to do that tracking.
            bool avoidStoringConnections =
                settings._maxConnectionsPerServer == int.MaxValue &&
                (settings._pooledConnectionIdleTimeout == TimeSpan.Zero ||
                 settings._pooledConnectionLifetime == TimeSpan.Zero);
            // Start out with the timer not running, since we have no pools.
            // When it does run, run it with a frequency based on the idle timeout.
            if (!avoidStoringConnections)
                if (settings._pooledConnectionIdleTimeout == Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan)
                    const int DefaultScavengeSeconds = 30;
                    _cleanPoolTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DefaultScavengeSeconds);
                    const int ScavengesPerIdle = 4;
                    const int MinScavengeSeconds = 1;
                    TimeSpan timerPeriod = settings._pooledConnectionIdleTimeout / ScavengesPerIdle;
                    _cleanPoolTimeout = timerPeriod.TotalSeconds >= MinScavengeSeconds ? timerPeriod : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(MinScavengeSeconds);
                using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow()) // Don't capture the current ExecutionContext and its AsyncLocals onto the timer causing them to live forever
                    // Create the timer.  Ensure the Timer has a weak reference to this manager; otherwise, it
                    // can introduce a cycle that keeps the HttpConnectionPoolManager rooted by the Timer
                    // implementation until the handler is Disposed (or indefinitely if it's not).
                    var thisRef = new WeakReference<HttpConnectionPoolManager>(this);
                    _cleaningTimer = new Timer(static s =>
                        var wr = (WeakReference<HttpConnectionPoolManager>)s!;
                        if (wr.TryGetTarget(out HttpConnectionPoolManager? thisRef))
                    }, thisRef, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
                    // For now heart beat is used only for ping functionality.
                    if (_settings._keepAlivePingDelay != Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan)
                        long heartBeatInterval = (long)Math.Max(1000, Math.Min(_settings._keepAlivePingDelay.TotalMilliseconds, _settings._keepAlivePingTimeout.TotalMilliseconds) / 4);
                        _heartBeatTimer = new Timer(static state =>
                            var wr = (WeakReference<HttpConnectionPoolManager>)state!;
                            if (wr.TryGetTarget(out HttpConnectionPoolManager? thisRef))
                        }, thisRef, heartBeatInterval, heartBeatInterval);
            // Figure out proxy stuff.
            if (settings._useProxy)
                _proxy = settings._proxy ?? HttpClient.DefaultProxy;
                if (_proxy != null)
                    _proxyCredentials = _proxy.Credentials ?? settings._defaultProxyCredentials;
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts monitoring for network changes. Upon a change, <see cref="HttpConnectionPool.OnNetworkChanged"/> will be
        /// called for every <see cref="HttpConnectionPool"/> in the <see cref="HttpConnectionPoolManager"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public void StartMonitoringNetworkChanges()
            if (_networkChangeCleanup != null)
            // Monitor network changes to invalidate Alt-Svc headers.
            // A weak reference is used to avoid NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged keeping a non-disposed connection pool alive.
            NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler networkChangedDelegate;
            { // scope to avoid closure if _networkChangeCleanup != null
                var poolsRef = new WeakReference<ConcurrentDictionary<HttpConnectionKey, HttpConnectionPool>>(_pools);
                networkChangedDelegate = delegate
                    if (poolsRef.TryGetTarget(out ConcurrentDictionary<HttpConnectionKey, HttpConnectionPool>? pools))
                        foreach (HttpConnectionPool pool in pools.Values)
            var cleanup = new NetworkChangeCleanup(networkChangedDelegate);
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _networkChangeCleanup, cleanup, null) != null)
                // We lost a race, another thread already started monitoring.
            // RFC:
            //    When alternative services are used to send a client to the most
            //    optimal server, a change in network configuration can result in
            //    cached values becoming suboptimal.  Therefore, clients SHOULD remove
            //    from cache all alternative services that lack the "persist" flag with
            //    the value "1" when they detect such a change, when information about
            //    network state is available.
                using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
                    NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += networkChangedDelegate;
            catch (NetworkInformationException e)
                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.Error(this, $"Exception when subscribing to NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged: {e}");
                // We can't monitor network changes, so technically "information
                // about network state is not available" and we can just keep
                // all Alt-Svc entries until their expiration time.
                // keep the _networkChangeCleanup field assigned so we don't try again needlessly
        private sealed class NetworkChangeCleanup : IDisposable
            private readonly NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler _handler;
            public NetworkChangeCleanup(NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler handler)
                _handler = handler;
            // If user never disposes the HttpClient, use finalizer to remove from NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged.
            // _handler will be rooted in NetworkChange, so should be safe to use here.
            ~NetworkChangeCleanup() => NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged -= _handler;
            public void Dispose()
                NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged -= _handler;
        public HttpConnectionSettings Settings => _settings;
        public ICredentials? ProxyCredentials => _proxyCredentials;
        private static string ParseHostNameFromHeader(string hostHeader)
            // See if we need to trim off a port.
            int colonPos = hostHeader.IndexOf(':');
            if (colonPos >= 0)
                // There is colon, which could either be a port separator or a separator in
                // an IPv6 address.  See if this is an IPv6 address; if it's not, use everything
                // before the colon as the host name, and if it is, use everything before the last
                // colon iff the last colon is after the end of the IPv6 address (otherwise it's a
                // part of the address).
                int ipV6AddressEnd = hostHeader.IndexOf(']');
                if (ipV6AddressEnd == -1)
                    return hostHeader.Substring(0, colonPos);
                    colonPos = hostHeader.LastIndexOf(':');
                    if (colonPos > ipV6AddressEnd)
                        return hostHeader.Substring(0, colonPos);
            return hostHeader;
        private HttpConnectionKey GetConnectionKey(HttpRequestMessage request, Uri? proxyUri, bool isProxyConnect)
            Uri? uri = request.RequestUri;
            Debug.Assert(uri != null);
            if (isProxyConnect)
                Debug.Assert(uri == proxyUri);
                return new HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind.ProxyConnect, uri.IdnHost, uri.Port, null, proxyUri, GetIdentityIfDefaultCredentialsUsed(_settings._defaultCredentialsUsedForProxy));
            string? sslHostName = null;
            if (HttpUtilities.IsSupportedSecureScheme(uri.Scheme))
                string? hostHeader = request.Headers.Host;
                if (hostHeader != null)
                    sslHostName = ParseHostNameFromHeader(hostHeader);
                    // No explicit Host header. Use host from uri.
                    sslHostName = uri.IdnHost;
            string identity = GetIdentityIfDefaultCredentialsUsed(proxyUri != null ? _settings._defaultCredentialsUsedForProxy : _settings._defaultCredentialsUsedForServer);
            if (proxyUri != null)
                if (HttpUtilities.IsSocksScheme(proxyUri.Scheme))
                    // Socks proxy
                    if (sslHostName != null)
                        return new HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind.SslSocksTunnel, uri.IdnHost, uri.Port, sslHostName, proxyUri, identity);
                        return new HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind.SocksTunnel, uri.IdnHost, uri.Port, null, proxyUri, identity);
                else if (sslHostName == null)
                    if (HttpUtilities.IsNonSecureWebSocketScheme(uri.Scheme))
                        // Non-secure websocket connection through proxy to the destination.
                        return new HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind.ProxyTunnel, uri.IdnHost, uri.Port, null, proxyUri, identity);
                        // Standard HTTP proxy usage for non-secure requests
                        // The destination host and port are ignored here, since these connections
                        // will be shared across any requests that use the proxy.
                        return new HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind.Proxy, null, 0, null, proxyUri, identity);
                    // Tunnel SSL connection through proxy to the destination.
                    return new HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind.SslProxyTunnel, uri.IdnHost, uri.Port, sslHostName, proxyUri, identity);
            else if (sslHostName != null)
                return new HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind.Https, uri.IdnHost, uri.Port, sslHostName, null, identity);
                return new HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind.Http, uri.IdnHost, uri.Port, null, null, identity);
        public ValueTask<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, Uri? proxyUri, bool async, bool doRequestAuth, bool isProxyConnect, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            HttpConnectionKey key = GetConnectionKey(request, proxyUri, isProxyConnect);
            HttpConnectionPool? pool;
            while (!_pools.TryGetValue(key, out pool))
                pool = new HttpConnectionPool(this, key.Kind, key.Host, key.Port, key.SslHostName, key.ProxyUri);
                if (_cleaningTimer == null)
                    // There's no cleaning timer, which means we're not adding connections into pools, but we still need
                    // the pool object for this request.  We don't need or want to add the pool to the pools, though,
                    // since we don't want it to sit there forever, which it would without the cleaning timer.
                if (_pools.TryAdd(key, pool))
                    // We need to ensure the cleanup timer is running if it isn't
                    // already now that we added a new connection pool.
                    lock (SyncObj)
                        if (!_timerIsRunning)
                // We created a pool and tried to add it to our pools, but some other thread got there before us.
                // We don't need to Dispose the pool, as that's only needed when it contains connections
                // that need to be closed.
            return pool.SendAsync(request, async, doRequestAuth, cancellationToken);
        public ValueTask<HttpResponseMessage> SendProxyConnectAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Uri proxyUri, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return SendAsyncCore(request, proxyUri, async, doRequestAuth: false, isProxyConnect: true, cancellationToken);
        public ValueTask<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, bool async, bool doRequestAuth, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (_proxy == null)
                return SendAsyncCore(request, null, async, doRequestAuth, isProxyConnect: false, cancellationToken);
            // Do proxy lookup.
            Uri? proxyUri = null;
                Debug.Assert(request.RequestUri != null);
                if (!_proxy.IsBypassed(request.RequestUri))
                    if (_proxy is IMultiWebProxy multiWebProxy)
                        MultiProxy multiProxy = multiWebProxy.GetMultiProxy(request.RequestUri);
                        if (multiProxy.ReadNext(out proxyUri, out bool isFinalProxy) && !isFinalProxy)
                            return SendAsyncMultiProxy(request, async, doRequestAuth, multiProxy, proxyUri, cancellationToken);
                        proxyUri = _proxy.GetProxy(request.RequestUri);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Eat any exception from the IWebProxy and just treat it as no proxy.
                // This matches the behavior of other handlers.
                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.Error(this, $"Exception from {_proxy.GetType().Name}.GetProxy({request.RequestUri}): {ex}");
            if (proxyUri != null && !HttpUtilities.IsSupportedProxyScheme(proxyUri.Scheme))
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.net_http_invalid_proxy_scheme);
            return SendAsyncCore(request, proxyUri, async, doRequestAuth, isProxyConnect: false, cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates a request over a set of proxies until one works, or all proxies have failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request message.</param>
        /// <param name="async">Whether to execute the request synchronously or asynchronously.</param>
        /// <param name="doRequestAuth">Whether to perform request authentication.</param>
        /// <param name="multiProxy">The set of proxies to use.</param>
        /// <param name="firstProxy">The first proxy try.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token to use for the operation.</param>
        private async ValueTask<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsyncMultiProxy(HttpRequestMessage request, bool async, bool doRequestAuth, MultiProxy multiProxy, Uri? firstProxy, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            HttpRequestException rethrowException;
                    return await SendAsyncCore(request, firstProxy, async, doRequestAuth, isProxyConnect: false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (HttpRequestException ex) when (ex.AllowRetry != RequestRetryType.NoRetry)
                    rethrowException = ex;
            while (multiProxy.ReadNext(out firstProxy, out _));
            return null; // should never be reached: VS doesn't realize Throw() never returns.
        /// <summary>Disposes of the pools, disposing of each individual pool.</summary>
        public void Dispose()
            foreach (KeyValuePair<HttpConnectionKey, HttpConnectionPool> pool in _pools)
        /// <summary>Sets <see cref="_cleaningTimer"/> and <see cref="_timerIsRunning"/> based on the specified timeout.</summary>
        private void SetCleaningTimer(TimeSpan timeout)
            if (_cleaningTimer!.Change(timeout, Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan))
                _timerIsRunning = timeout != Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan;
        /// <summary>Removes unusable connections from each pool, and removes stale pools entirely.</summary>
        private void RemoveStalePools()
            Debug.Assert(_cleaningTimer != null);
            // Iterate through each pool in the set of pools.  For each, ask it to clear out
            // any unusable connections (e.g. those which have expired, those which have been closed, etc.)
            // The pool may detect that it's empty and long unused, in which case it'll dispose of itself,
            // such that any connections returned to the pool to be cached will be disposed of.  In such
            // a case, we also remove the pool from the set of pools to avoid a leak.
            foreach (KeyValuePair<HttpConnectionKey, HttpConnectionPool> entry in _pools)
                if (entry.Value.CleanCacheAndDisposeIfUnused())
                    _pools.TryRemove(entry.Key, out _);
            // Restart the timer if we have any pools to clean up.
            lock (SyncObj)
                SetCleaningTimer(!_pools.IsEmpty ? _cleanPoolTimeout : Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan);
            // NOTE: There is a possible race condition with regards to a pool getting cleaned up at the same
            // time it's about to be used for another request.  The timer cleanup could start running, see that
            // a pool is empty, and initiate its disposal.  Concurrently, the pools could hand out the pool
            // to a request looking to get a connection, because the pool may not have been removed yet
            // from the pools.  Worst case here is that connection will end up getting returned to an
            // already disposed pool, in which case the connection will also end up getting disposed rather
            // than reused.  This should be a rare occurrence, so for now we don't worry about it.  In the
            // future, there are a variety of possible ways to address it, such as allowing connections to
            // be returned to pools they weren't associated with.
        private void HeartBeat()
            foreach (KeyValuePair<HttpConnectionKey, HttpConnectionPool> pool in _pools)
        private static string GetIdentityIfDefaultCredentialsUsed(bool defaultCredentialsUsed)
            return defaultCredentialsUsed ? CurrentUserIdentityProvider.GetIdentity() : string.Empty;
        internal readonly struct HttpConnectionKey : IEquatable<HttpConnectionKey>
            public readonly HttpConnectionKind Kind;
            public readonly string? Host;
            public readonly int Port;
            public readonly string? SslHostName;     // null if not SSL
            public readonly Uri? ProxyUri;
            public readonly string Identity;
            public HttpConnectionKey(HttpConnectionKind kind, string? host, int port, string? sslHostName, Uri? proxyUri, string identity)
                Kind = kind;
                Host = host;
                Port = port;
                SslHostName = sslHostName;
                ProxyUri = proxyUri;
                Identity = identity;
            // In the common case, SslHostName (when present) is equal to Host.  If so, don't include in hash.
            public override int GetHashCode() =>
                (SslHostName == Host ?
                    HashCode.Combine(Kind, Host, Port, ProxyUri, Identity) :
                    HashCode.Combine(Kind, Host, Port, SslHostName, ProxyUri, Identity));
            public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj) =>
                obj is HttpConnectionKey hck &&
            public bool Equals(HttpConnectionKey other) =>
                Kind == other.Kind &&
                Host == other.Host &&
                Port == other.Port &&
                ProxyUri == other.ProxyUri &&
                SslHostName == other.SslHostName &&
                Identity == other.Identity;