File: System\Net\Http\SocketsHttpHandler\Http3Connection.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Net.Http\src\System.Net.Http.csproj (System.Net.Http)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Net.Quic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Net.Http
    internal sealed class Http3Connection : HttpConnectionBase
        private readonly HttpAuthority _authority;
        private readonly byte[]? _altUsedEncodedHeader;
        private QuicConnection? _connection;
        private Task? _connectionClosedTask;
        // Keep a collection of requests around so we can process GOAWAY.
        private readonly Dictionary<QuicStream, Http3RequestStream> _activeRequests = new Dictionary<QuicStream, Http3RequestStream>();
        // Set when GOAWAY is being processed, when aborting, or when disposing.
        private long _firstRejectedStreamId = -1;
        // Our control stream.
        private QuicStream? _clientControl;
        private Task? _sendSettingsTask;
        // Server-advertised SETTINGS_MAX_FIELD_SECTION_SIZE
        private uint _maxHeaderListSize = uint.MaxValue; // Defaults to infinite
        // Once the server's streams are received, these are set to true. Further receipt of these streams results in a connection error.
        private bool _haveServerControlStream;
        private bool _haveServerQpackDecodeStream;
        private bool _haveServerQpackEncodeStream;
        // A connection-level error will abort any future operations.
        private Exception? _abortException;
        public HttpAuthority Authority => _authority;
        public HttpConnectionPool Pool => _pool;
        public uint MaxHeaderListSize => _maxHeaderListSize;
        public byte[]? AltUsedEncodedHeaderBytes => _altUsedEncodedHeader;
        public Exception? AbortException => Volatile.Read(ref _abortException);
        private object SyncObj => _activeRequests;
        private int _availableRequestStreamsCount;
        private TaskCompletionSource<bool>? _availableStreamsWaiter;
        /// <summary>
        /// If true, we've received GOAWAY, are aborting due to a connection-level error, or are disposing due to pool limits.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ShuttingDown
                return _firstRejectedStreamId != -1;
        public Http3Connection(HttpConnectionPool pool, HttpAuthority authority, bool includeAltUsedHeader)
            : base(pool)
            _authority = authority;
            if (includeAltUsedHeader)
                bool altUsedDefaultPort = pool.Kind == HttpConnectionKind.Http && authority.Port == HttpConnectionPool.DefaultHttpPort || pool.Kind == HttpConnectionKind.Https && authority.Port == HttpConnectionPool.DefaultHttpsPort;
                string altUsedValue = altUsedDefaultPort ? authority.IdnHost : string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{authority.IdnHost}:{authority.Port}");
                _altUsedEncodedHeader = QPack.QPackEncoder.EncodeLiteralHeaderFieldWithoutNameReferenceToArray(KnownHeaders.AltUsed.Name, altUsedValue);
            uint maxHeaderListSize = _pool._lastSeenHttp3MaxHeaderListSize;
            if (maxHeaderListSize > 0)
                // Previous connections to the same host advertised a limit.
                // Use this as an initial value before we receive the SETTINGS frame.
                _maxHeaderListSize = maxHeaderListSize;
        public void InitQuicConnection(QuicConnection connection, Activity? connectionSetupActivity)
            MarkConnectionAsEstablished(connectionSetupActivity: connectionSetupActivity, remoteEndPoint: connection.RemoteEndPoint);
            _connection = connection;
            // Avoid capturing the initial request's ExecutionContext for the entire lifetime of the new connection.
            using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
                // Errors are observed via Abort().
                _sendSettingsTask = SendSettingsAsync();
                // This process is cleaned up when _connection is disposed, and errors are observed via Abort().
                _ = AcceptStreamsAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts shutting down the <see cref="Http3Connection"/>. Final cleanup will happen when there are no more active requests.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Dispose()
            lock (SyncObj)
                if (_firstRejectedStreamId == -1)
                    _firstRejectedStreamId = long.MaxValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when shutting down, this checks for when shutdown is complete (no more active requests) and does actual disposal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Requires <see cref="SyncObj"/> to be locked.</remarks>
        private void CheckForShutdown()
            if (_activeRequests.Count != 0)
            if (_connection != null)
                // Close the QuicConnection in the background.
                _availableStreamsWaiter = null;
                _connectionClosedTask ??= _connection.CloseAsync((long)Http3ErrorCode.NoError).AsTask();
                QuicConnection connection = _connection;
                _connection = null;
                _ = _connectionClosedTask.ContinueWith(async closeTask =>
                    if (closeTask.IsFaulted && NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                        Trace($"{nameof(QuicConnection)} failed to close: {closeTask.Exception!.InnerException}");
                        await connection.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Trace($"{nameof(QuicConnection)} failed to dispose: {ex}");
                    if (_clientControl != null)
                        await _sendSettingsTask!.ConfigureAwait(false);
                        await _clientControl.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                        _clientControl = null;
                }, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Default);
        public bool TryReserveStream()
            lock (SyncObj)
                Debug.Assert(_availableRequestStreamsCount >= 0);
                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"_availableRequestStreamsCount = {_availableRequestStreamsCount}");
                if (_availableRequestStreamsCount == 0)
                    return false;
                return true;
        public void ReleaseStream()
            lock (SyncObj)
                Debug.Assert(_availableRequestStreamsCount >= 0);
                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"_availableRequestStreamsCount = {_availableRequestStreamsCount}");
                _availableStreamsWaiter = null;
        public void StreamCapacityCallback(QuicConnection connection, QuicStreamCapacityChangedArgs args)
            Debug.Assert(_connection is null || connection == _connection);
            lock (SyncObj)
                Debug.Assert(_availableRequestStreamsCount >= 0);
                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"_availableRequestStreamsCount = {_availableRequestStreamsCount} + bidirectionalStreamsCountIncrement = {args.BidirectionalIncrement}");
                _availableRequestStreamsCount += args.BidirectionalIncrement;
                _availableStreamsWaiter = null;
        public Task<bool> WaitForAvailableStreamsAsync()
            lock (SyncObj)
                Debug.Assert(_availableRequestStreamsCount >= 0);
                if (ShuttingDown)
                    return Task.FromResult(false);
                if (_availableRequestStreamsCount > 0)
                    return Task.FromResult(true);
                Debug.Assert(_availableStreamsWaiter is null);
                _availableStreamsWaiter = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
                return _availableStreamsWaiter.Task;
        public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, long queueStartingTimestamp, Activity? waitForConnectionActivity, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Allocate an active request
            QuicStream? quicStream = null;
            Http3RequestStream? requestStream = null;
                    QuicConnection? conn = _connection;
                    if (conn != null)
                        quicStream = await conn.OpenOutboundStreamAsync(QuicStreamType.Bidirectional, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        requestStream = new Http3RequestStream(request, this, quicStream);
                        lock (SyncObj)
                            if (_activeRequests.Count == 0)
                            _activeRequests.Add(quicStream, requestStream);
                // Swallow any exceptions caused by the connection being closed locally or even disposed due to a race.
                // Since quicStream will stay `null`, the code below will throw appropriate exception to retry the request.
                catch (ObjectDisposedException e)
                    ConnectionSetupDistributedTracing.ReportError(waitForConnectionActivity, e);
                catch (QuicException e) when (e.QuicError != QuicError.OperationAborted)
                    ConnectionSetupDistributedTracing.ReportError(waitForConnectionActivity, e);
                    if (queueStartingTimestamp != 0)
                        TimeSpan duration = Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(queueStartingTimestamp);
                        _pool.Settings._metrics!.RequestLeftQueue(request, Pool, duration, versionMajor: 3);
                        if (HttpTelemetry.Log.IsEnabled())
                            HttpTelemetry.Log.RequestLeftQueue(versionMajor: 3, duration);
                if (quicStream == null)
                    throw new HttpRequestException(HttpRequestError.Unknown, SR.net_http_request_aborted, null, RequestRetryType.RetryOnConnectionFailure);
                requestStream!.StreamId = quicStream.Id;
                bool goAway;
                lock (SyncObj)
                    goAway = _firstRejectedStreamId != -1 && requestStream.StreamId >= _firstRejectedStreamId;
                if (goAway)
                    throw new HttpRequestException(HttpRequestError.Unknown, SR.net_http_request_aborted, null, RequestRetryType.RetryOnConnectionFailure);
                Debug.Assert(waitForConnectionActivity?.IsStopped != false);
                if (ConnectionSetupActivity is not null) ConnectionSetupDistributedTracing.AddConnectionLinkToRequestActivity(ConnectionSetupActivity);
                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Sending request: {request}");
                Task<HttpResponseMessage> responseTask = requestStream.SendAsync(cancellationToken);
                // null out requestStream to avoid disposing in finally block. It is now in charge of disposing itself.
                requestStream = null;
                return await responseTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (QuicException ex) when (ex.QuicError == QuicError.OperationAborted)
                // This will happen if we aborted _connection somewhere and we have pending OpenOutboundStreamAsync call.
                // note that _abortException may be null if we closed the connection in response to a GOAWAY frame
                throw new HttpRequestException(HttpRequestError.Unknown, SR.net_http_client_execution_error, _abortException, RequestRetryType.RetryOnConnectionFailure);
                if (requestStream is not null)
                    await requestStream.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Aborts the connection with an error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Used for e.g. I/O or connection-level frame parsing errors.
        /// </remarks>
        internal Exception Abort(Exception abortException)
            // Only observe the first exception we get.
            Exception? firstException = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _abortException, abortException, null);
            if (firstException != null)
                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled() && !ReferenceEquals(firstException, abortException))
                    // Lost the race to set the field to another exception, so just trace this one.
                return firstException;
            // Stop sending requests to this connection.
            // Do not dispose the connection when invalidating as the rest of this method does exactly that:
            //   set up _firstRejectedStreamId, close the connection with proper error code and CheckForShutdown.
            _pool.InvalidateHttp3Connection(this, dispose: false);
            long connectionResetErrorCode = (abortException as HttpProtocolException)?.ErrorCode ?? (long)Http3ErrorCode.InternalError;
            lock (SyncObj)
                // Set _firstRejectedStreamId != -1 to make ShuttingDown = true.
                // It's possible GOAWAY is already being processed, in which case this would already be != -1.
                if (_firstRejectedStreamId == -1)
                    _firstRejectedStreamId = long.MaxValue;
                // Abort the connection. This will cause all of our streams to abort on their next I/O.
                if (_connection != null && _connectionClosedTask == null)
                    _connectionClosedTask = _connection.CloseAsync((long)connectionResetErrorCode).AsTask();
            return abortException;
        private void OnServerGoAway(long firstRejectedStreamId)
            if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                Trace($"GOAWAY received. First rejected stream ID = {firstRejectedStreamId}");
            // Stop sending requests to this connection.
            // Do not dispose the connection when invalidating as the rest of this method does exactly that:
            //   set up _firstRejectedStreamId to the stream id from GO_AWAY frame and CheckForShutdown.
            _pool.InvalidateHttp3Connection(this, dispose: false);
            var streamsToGoAway = new List<Http3RequestStream>();
            lock (SyncObj)
                if (_firstRejectedStreamId != -1 && firstRejectedStreamId > _firstRejectedStreamId)
                    // Server can send multiple GOAWAY frames.
                    // Spec says a server MUST NOT increase the stream ID in subsequent GOAWAYs,
                    // but doesn't specify what client should do if that is violated. Ignore for now.
                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                        Trace("HTTP/3 server sent GOAWAY with increasing stream ID. Retried requests may have been double-processed by server.");
                _firstRejectedStreamId = firstRejectedStreamId;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<QuicStream, Http3RequestStream> request in _activeRequests)
                    if (request.Value.StreamId >= firstRejectedStreamId)
            // GOAWAY each stream outside of the lock, so they can acquire the lock to remove themselves from _activeRequests.
            foreach (Http3RequestStream stream in streamsToGoAway)
        public void RemoveStream(QuicStream stream)
            lock (SyncObj)
                if (_activeRequests.Remove(stream))
                    if (ShuttingDown)
                    if (_activeRequests.Count == 0)
        public override void Trace(string message, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null) =>
            Trace(0, _connection is not null ? $"{_connection} {message}" : message, memberName);
        internal void Trace(long streamId, string message, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null) =>
                _pool?.GetHashCode() ?? 0,    // pool ID
                GetHashCode(),                // connection ID
                (int)streamId,                // stream ID
                memberName,                   // method name
                message);                     // message
        private async Task SendSettingsAsync()
                _clientControl = await _connection!.OpenOutboundStreamAsync(QuicStreamType.Unidirectional).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Server MUST NOT abort our control stream, setup a continuation which will react accordingly
                _ = _clientControl.WritesClosed.ContinueWith(t =>
                    if (t.Exception?.InnerException is QuicException ex && ex.QuicError == QuicError.StreamAborted)
                }, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Current);
                await _clientControl.WriteAsync(_pool.Settings.Http3SettingsFrame, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (QuicException ex) when (ex.QuicError == QuicError.ConnectionAborted)
                Http3ErrorCode code = (Http3ErrorCode)ex.ApplicationErrorCode.Value;
                Abort(HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(code, SR.net_http_http3_connection_close));
            catch (Exception ex)
        public static byte[] BuildSettingsFrame(HttpConnectionSettings settings)
            Span<byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[4 + VariableLengthIntegerHelper.MaximumEncodedLength];
            int integerLength = VariableLengthIntegerHelper.WriteInteger(buffer.Slice(4), settings.MaxResponseHeadersByteLength);
            int payloadLength = 1 + integerLength; // includes the setting ID and the integer value.
            Debug.Assert(payloadLength <= VariableLengthIntegerHelper.OneByteLimit);
            buffer[0] = (byte)Http3StreamType.Control;
            buffer[1] = (byte)Http3FrameType.Settings;
            buffer[2] = (byte)payloadLength;
            buffer[3] = (byte)Http3SettingType.MaxHeaderListSize;
            return buffer.Slice(0, 4 + integerLength).ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts unidirectional streams (control, QPack, ...) from the server.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task AcceptStreamsAsync()
                while (true)
                    ValueTask<QuicStream> streamTask;
                    lock (SyncObj)
                        if (ShuttingDown)
                        // No cancellation token is needed here; we expect the operation to cancel itself when _connection is disposed.
                        streamTask = _connection!.AcceptInboundStreamAsync(CancellationToken.None);
                    QuicStream stream = await streamTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // This process is cleaned up when _connection is disposed, and errors are observed via Abort().
                    _ = ProcessServerStreamAsync(stream);
            catch (QuicException ex) when (ex.QuicError == QuicError.OperationAborted)
                // Shutdown initiated by us, no need to abort.
            catch (QuicException ex) when (ex.QuicError == QuicError.ConnectionAborted)
                Http3ErrorCode code = (Http3ErrorCode)ex.ApplicationErrorCode.Value;
                Abort(HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(code, SR.net_http_http3_connection_close));
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Routes a stream to an appropriate stream-type-specific processor
        /// </summary>
        private async Task ProcessServerStreamAsync(QuicStream stream)
            ArrayBuffer buffer = default;
                await using (stream.ConfigureAwait(false))
                    if (stream.CanWrite)
                        // Server initiated bidirectional streams are either push streams or extensions, and we support neither.
                        throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.StreamCreationError);
                    buffer = new ArrayBuffer(initialSize: 32, usePool: true);
                    int bytesRead;
                        bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AvailableMemory, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    catch (QuicException ex) when (ex.QuicError == QuicError.StreamAborted)
                        // Treat identical to receiving 0. See below comment.
                        bytesRead = 0;
                    if (bytesRead == 0)
                        // A sender can close or reset a unidirectional stream unless otherwise specified. A receiver MUST
                        // tolerate unidirectional streams being closed or reset prior to the reception of the unidirectional
                        // stream header.
                    // Stream type is a variable-length integer, but we only check the first byte. There is no known type requiring more than 1 byte.
                    switch (buffer.ActiveSpan[0])
                        case (byte)Http3StreamType.Control:
                            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _haveServerControlStream, true))
                                // A second control stream has been received.
                                throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.StreamCreationError);
                            // Discard the stream type header.
                            // Ownership of buffer is transferred to ProcessServerControlStreamAsync.
                            ArrayBuffer bufferCopy = buffer;
                            buffer = default;
                            await ProcessServerControlStreamAsync(stream, bufferCopy).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        case (byte)Http3StreamType.QPackDecoder:
                            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _haveServerQpackDecodeStream, true))
                                // A second QPack decode stream has been received.
                                throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.StreamCreationError);
                            // The stream must not be closed, but we aren't using QPACK right now -- ignore.
                            await stream.CopyToAsync(Stream.Null).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        case (byte)Http3StreamType.QPackEncoder:
                            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _haveServerQpackEncodeStream, true))
                                // A second QPack encode stream has been received.
                                throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.StreamCreationError);
                            // We haven't enabled QPack in our SETTINGS frame, so we shouldn't receive any meaningful data here.
                            // However, the standard says the stream must not be closed for the lifetime of the connection. Just ignore any data.
                            await stream.CopyToAsync(Stream.Null).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        case (byte)Http3StreamType.Push:
                            // We don't support push streams.
                            // Because no maximum push stream ID was negotiated via a MAX_PUSH_ID frame, server should not have sent this. Abort the connection with H3_ID_ERROR.
                            throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.IdError);
                            // Unknown stream type. Per spec, these must be ignored and aborted but not be considered a connection-level error.
                            if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                                // Read the rest of the integer, which might be more than 1 byte, so we can log it.
                                long unknownStreamType;
                                while (!VariableLengthIntegerHelper.TryRead(buffer.ActiveSpan, out unknownStreamType, out _))
                                    bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AvailableMemory, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                    if (bytesRead == 0)
                                        unknownStreamType = -1;
                                NetEventSource.Info(this, $"Ignoring server-initiated stream of unknown type {unknownStreamType}.");
                            stream.Abort(QuicAbortDirection.Read, (long)Http3ErrorCode.StreamCreationError);
            catch (QuicException ex) when (ex.QuicError == QuicError.OperationAborted)
                // ignore the exception, we have already closed the connection
            catch (QuicException ex) when (ex.QuicError == QuicError.ConnectionAborted)
                Http3ErrorCode code = (Http3ErrorCode)ex.ApplicationErrorCode.Value;
                Abort(HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(code, SR.net_http_http3_connection_close));
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the server's control stream.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task ProcessServerControlStreamAsync(QuicStream stream, ArrayBuffer buffer)
                using (buffer)
                    // Read the first frame of the control stream. Per spec:
                    // A SETTINGS frame MUST be sent as the first frame of each control stream.
                    (Http3FrameType? frameType, long payloadLength) = await ReadFrameEnvelopeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (frameType == null)
                        // Connection closed prematurely, expected SETTINGS frame.
                        throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.ClosedCriticalStream);
                    if (frameType != Http3FrameType.Settings)
                        throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.MissingSettings);
                    await ProcessSettingsFrameAsync(payloadLength).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    // Read subsequent frames.
                    while (true)
                        (frameType, payloadLength) = await ReadFrameEnvelopeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                        switch (frameType)
                            case Http3FrameType.GoAway:
                                await ProcessGoAwayFrameAsync(payloadLength).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            case Http3FrameType.Settings:
                                // If an endpoint receives a second SETTINGS frame on the control stream, the endpoint MUST respond with a connection error of type H3_FRAME_UNEXPECTED.
                                throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.UnexpectedFrame);
                            case Http3FrameType.Headers: // Servers should not send these frames to a control stream.
                            case Http3FrameType.Data:
                            case Http3FrameType.MaxPushId:
                            case Http3FrameType.ReservedHttp2Priority: // These frames are explicitly reserved and must never be sent.
                            case Http3FrameType.ReservedHttp2Ping:
                            case Http3FrameType.ReservedHttp2WindowUpdate:
                            case Http3FrameType.ReservedHttp2Continuation:
                                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                                    Trace($"Received reserved frame: {frameType}");
                                throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.UnexpectedFrame);
                            case Http3FrameType.PushPromise:
                            case Http3FrameType.CancelPush:
                                // Because we haven't sent any MAX_PUSH_ID frame, it is invalid to receive any push-related frames as they will all reference a too-large ID.
                                throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.IdError);
                            case null:
                                // End of stream reached. If we're shutting down, stop looping. Otherwise, this is an error (this stream should not be closed for life of connection).
                                bool shuttingDown;
                                lock (SyncObj)
                                    shuttingDown = ShuttingDown;
                                if (!shuttingDown)
                                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                                        Trace($"Control stream closed by the server.");
                                    throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.ClosedCriticalStream);
                                await SkipUnknownPayloadAsync(payloadLength).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (QuicException ex) when (ex.QuicError == QuicError.StreamAborted)
                // Peers MUST NOT close the control stream
                throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.ClosedCriticalStream);
            async ValueTask<(Http3FrameType? frameType, long payloadLength)> ReadFrameEnvelopeAsync()
                long frameType, payloadLength;
                int bytesRead;
                while (!Http3Frame.TryReadIntegerPair(buffer.ActiveSpan, out frameType, out payloadLength, out bytesRead))
                    buffer.EnsureAvailableSpace(VariableLengthIntegerHelper.MaximumEncodedLength * 2);
                    bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AvailableMemory, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (bytesRead != 0)
                    else if (buffer.ActiveLength == 0)
                        // End of stream.
                        return (null, 0);
                        // Our buffer has partial frame data in it but not enough to complete the read: bail out.
                        throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.FrameError);
                return ((Http3FrameType)frameType, payloadLength);
            async ValueTask ProcessSettingsFrameAsync(long settingsPayloadLength)
                while (settingsPayloadLength != 0)
                    long settingId, settingValue;
                    int bytesRead;
                    while (!Http3Frame.TryReadIntegerPair(buffer.ActiveSpan, out settingId, out settingValue, out bytesRead))
                        buffer.EnsureAvailableSpace(VariableLengthIntegerHelper.MaximumEncodedLength * 2);
                        bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AvailableMemory, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        if (bytesRead != 0)
                            // Our buffer has partial frame data in it but not enough to complete the read: bail out.
                            throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.FrameError);
                    settingsPayloadLength -= bytesRead;
                    if (settingsPayloadLength < 0)
                        // An integer was encoded past the payload length.
                        // A frame payload that contains additional bytes after the identified fields or a frame payload that terminates before the end of the identified fields MUST be treated as a connection error of type H3_FRAME_ERROR.
                        throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.FrameError);
                    if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) Trace($"Applying setting {(Http3SettingType)settingId}={settingValue}");
                    switch ((Http3SettingType)settingId)
                        case Http3SettingType.MaxHeaderListSize:
                            _maxHeaderListSize = (uint)Math.Min((ulong)settingValue, uint.MaxValue);
                            _pool._lastSeenHttp3MaxHeaderListSize = _maxHeaderListSize;
                        case Http3SettingType.ReservedHttp2EnablePush:
                        case Http3SettingType.ReservedHttp2MaxConcurrentStreams:
                        case Http3SettingType.ReservedHttp2InitialWindowSize:
                        case Http3SettingType.ReservedHttp2MaxFrameSize:
                            // Per
                            // these settings IDs are reserved and must never be sent.
                            throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.SettingsError);
            async ValueTask ProcessGoAwayFrameAsync(long goawayPayloadLength)
                long firstRejectedStreamId;
                int bytesRead;
                while (!VariableLengthIntegerHelper.TryRead(buffer.ActiveSpan, out firstRejectedStreamId, out bytesRead))
                    bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AvailableMemory, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (bytesRead != 0)
                        // Our buffer has partial frame data in it but not enough to complete the read: bail out.
                        throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.FrameError);
                if (bytesRead != goawayPayloadLength)
                    // Frame contains unknown extra data after the integer.
                    throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.FrameError);
            async ValueTask SkipUnknownPayloadAsync(long payloadLength)
                while (payloadLength != 0)
                    if (buffer.ActiveLength == 0)
                        int bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AvailableMemory, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        if (bytesRead != 0)
                            // Our buffer has partial frame data in it but not enough to complete the read: bail out.
                            throw HttpProtocolException.CreateHttp3ConnectionException(Http3ErrorCode.FrameError);
                    long readLength = Math.Min(payloadLength, buffer.ActiveLength);
                    payloadLength -= readLength;