File: System\Linq\AppendPrepend.SpeedOpt.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Linq\src\System.Linq.csproj (System.Linq)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Linq
    public static partial class Enumerable
        private sealed partial class AppendPrepend1Iterator<TSource>
            private TSource[] LazyToArray()
                Debug.Assert(GetCount(onlyIfCheap: true) == -1);
                TSource[] result;
                if (_source is ICollection<TSource> c)
                    // Allocate an array of the exact size needed. We have a collection
                    // with an additional item either before it or after it; copy them
                    // all to the new array appropriately.
                    result = new TSource[c.Count + 1];
                    if (_appending)
                        c.CopyTo(result, 0);
                        result[^1] = _item;
                        c.CopyTo(result, 1);
                        result[0] = _item;
                    SegmentedArrayBuilder<TSource>.ScratchBuffer scratch = default;
                    SegmentedArrayBuilder<TSource> builder = new(scratch);
                    if (_appending)
                    result = builder.ToArray();
                return result;
            public override TSource[] ToArray()
                int count = GetCount(onlyIfCheap: true);
                if (count == -1)
                    return LazyToArray();
                TSource[] array = new TSource[count];
                int index;
                if (_appending)
                    index = 0;
                    array[0] = _item;
                    index = 1;
                if (_source is ICollection<TSource> collection)
                    collection.CopyTo(array, index);
                    foreach (TSource item in _source)
                        array[index++] = item;
                if (_appending)
                    array[^1] = _item;
                return array;
            public override List<TSource> ToList()
                int count = GetCount(onlyIfCheap: true);
                if (count == 1)
                    // If GetCount returns 1, then _source is empty and only _item should be returned
                    return new List<TSource>(1) { _item };
                List<TSource> list = count == -1 ? [] : new List<TSource>(count);
                if (!_appending)
                if (_appending)
                return list;
            public override int GetCount(bool onlyIfCheap)
                if (_source is Iterator<TSource> iterator)
                    int count = iterator.GetCount(onlyIfCheap);
                    return count == -1 ? -1 : count + 1;
                return !onlyIfCheap || _source is ICollection<TSource> ? _source.Count() + 1 : -1;
            public override TSource? TryGetFirst(out bool found)
                if (_appending)
                    TSource? first = _source.TryGetFirst(out found);
                    if (found)
                        return first;
                found = true;
                return _item;
            public override TSource? TryGetLast(out bool found)
                if (!_appending)
                    TSource? last = _source.TryGetLast(out found);
                    if (found)
                        return last;
                found = true;
                return _item;
            public override TSource? TryGetElementAt(int index, out bool found)
                if (!_appending)
                    if (index == 0)
                        found = true;
                        return _item;
                    return _source.TryGetElementAt(index, out found);
                return base.TryGetElementAt(index, out found);
            public override bool Contains(TSource value) =>
                EqualityComparer<TSource>.Default.Equals(_item, value) ||
        private sealed partial class AppendPrependN<TSource>
            private TSource[] LazyToArray()
                Debug.Assert(GetCount(onlyIfCheap: true) == -1);
                if (_source is ICollection<TSource> c)
                    var result = new TSource[checked(_prependCount + c.Count + _appendCount)];
                    c.CopyTo(result, _prependCount);
                    return result;
                    // Create the new builder with the prepended content and source content. Then
                    // build the resulting array with enough space to also hold any appended content,
                    // and write the appended content directly into the resulting array.
                    SegmentedArrayBuilder<TSource>.ScratchBuffer scratch = default;
                    SegmentedArrayBuilder<TSource> builder = new(scratch);
                    for (SingleLinkedNode<TSource>? node = _prepended; node is not null; node = node.Linked)
                    TSource[] result = builder.ToArray(_appendCount);
                    return result;
            public override TSource[] ToArray()
                int count = GetCount(onlyIfCheap: true);
                if (count == -1)
                    return LazyToArray();
                TSource[] array = new TSource[count];
                int index = 0;
                for (SingleLinkedNode<TSource>? node = _prepended; node is not null; node = node.Linked)
                    array[index] = node.Item;
                if (_source is ICollection<TSource> sourceCollection)
                    sourceCollection.CopyTo(array, index);
                    foreach (TSource item in _source)
                        array[index] = item;
                index = array.Length;
                for (SingleLinkedNode<TSource>? node = _appended; node is not null; node = node.Linked)
                    array[index] = node.Item;
                return array;
            public override List<TSource> ToList()
                int count = GetCount(onlyIfCheap: true);
                List<TSource> list = count == -1 ? [] : new List<TSource>(count);
                _prepended?.Fill(SetCountAndGetSpan(list, _prependCount));
                _appended?.FillReversed(SetCountAndGetSpan(list, list.Count + _appendCount));
                return list;
            public override int GetCount(bool onlyIfCheap)
                if (_source is Iterator<TSource> iterator)
                    int count = iterator.GetCount(onlyIfCheap);
                    return count == -1 ? -1 : count + _appendCount + _prependCount;
                return !onlyIfCheap || _source is ICollection<TSource> ? _source.Count() + _appendCount + _prependCount : -1;
            public override bool Contains(TSource value)
                foreach (SingleLinkedNode<TSource>? head in (ReadOnlySpan<SingleLinkedNode<TSource>?>)[_appended, _prepended])
                    for (SingleLinkedNode<TSource>? node = head; node is not null; node = node.Linked)
                        if (EqualityComparer<TSource>.Default.Equals(node.Item, value))
                            return true;
                return _source.Contains(value);