1 write to _count
System.Linq (1)
System\Linq\Grouping.cs (1)
15 references to _count
System.Linq (15)
System\Linq\Grouping.cs (12)
372if (_elements.Length == _count) 374Array.Resize(ref _elements, checked(_count * 2)); 377_elements[_count] = element; 383if (_elements.Length != _count) 385Array.Resize(ref _elements, _count); 391Debug.Assert(_count > 0, "A grouping should only have been created if an element was being added to it."); 392return new PartialArrayEnumerator<TElement>(_elements, _count); 399int ICollection<TElement>.Count => _count; 407bool ICollection<TElement>.Contains(TElement item) => Array.IndexOf(_elements, item, 0, _count) >= 0; 410Array.Copy(_elements, 0, array, arrayIndex, _count); 414int IList<TElement>.IndexOf(TElement item) => Array.IndexOf(_elements, item, 0, _count); 424if ((uint)index >= (uint)_count)
System\Linq\Join.cs (1)
63int count = g._count;
System\Linq\LeftJoin.cs (1)
65int count = g._count;
System\Linq\RightJoin.cs (1)
65int count = g._count;