// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
// OrderingQueryOperator.cs
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Linq.Parallel
/// <summary>
/// Represents operators AsOrdered and AsUnordered. In the current implementation, it
/// simply turns on preservation globally in the query.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TSource"></typeparam>
internal sealed class OrderingQueryOperator<TSource> : QueryOperator<TSource>
private readonly QueryOperator<TSource> _child;
private readonly OrdinalIndexState _ordinalIndexState;
public OrderingQueryOperator(QueryOperator<TSource> child, bool orderOn)
: base(orderOn, child.SpecifiedQuerySettings)
_child = child;
_ordinalIndexState = _child.OrdinalIndexState;
internal override QueryResults<TSource> Open(QuerySettings settings, bool preferStriping)
return _child.Open(settings, preferStriping);
internal override IEnumerator<TSource> GetEnumerator(ParallelMergeOptions? mergeOptions, bool suppressOrderPreservation)
if (_child is ScanQueryOperator<TSource> childAsScan)
return childAsScan.Data.GetEnumerator();
return base.GetEnumerator(mergeOptions, suppressOrderPreservation);
// Returns an enumerable that represents the query executing sequentially.
internal override IEnumerable<TSource> AsSequentialQuery(CancellationToken token)
return _child.AsSequentialQuery(token);
// Whether this operator performs a premature merge that would not be performed in
// a similar sequential operation (i.e., in LINQ to Objects).
internal override bool LimitsParallelism
get { return _child.LimitsParallelism; }
internal override OrdinalIndexState OrdinalIndexState
get { return _ordinalIndexState; }