File: System\Linq\Expressions\Interpreter\InterpretedFrame.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Linq.Expressions\src\System.Linq.Expressions.csproj (System.Linq.Expressions)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System.Linq.Expressions.Interpreter
    internal sealed class InterpretedFrame
        private static InterpretedFrame? s_currentFrame;
        internal readonly Interpreter Interpreter;
        internal InterpretedFrame? _parent;
        private readonly int[]? _continuations;
        private int _continuationIndex;
        private int _pendingContinuation;
        private object? _pendingValue;
        public readonly object?[] Data;
        public readonly IStrongBox[]? Closure;
        public int StackIndex;
        public int InstructionIndex;
        // When a ThreadAbortException is raised from interpreted code this is the first frame that caught it.
        // No handlers within this handler re-abort the current thread when left.
        public ExceptionHandler CurrentAbortHandler;
        internal InterpretedFrame(Interpreter interpreter, IStrongBox[]? closure)
            Interpreter = interpreter;
            StackIndex = interpreter.LocalCount;
            Data = new object[StackIndex + interpreter.Instructions.MaxStackDepth];
            int c = interpreter.Instructions.MaxContinuationDepth;
            if (c > 0)
                _continuations = new int[c];
            Closure = closure;
            _pendingContinuation = -1;
            _pendingValue = Interpreter.NoValue;
        public DebugInfo? GetDebugInfo(int instructionIndex)
            return DebugInfo.GetMatchingDebugInfo(Interpreter._debugInfos, instructionIndex);
        public string? Name => Interpreter.Name;
        #region Data Stack Operations
        public void Push(object? value)
            Data[StackIndex++] = value;
        public void Push(bool value)
            Data[StackIndex++] = value ? Utils.BoxedTrue : Utils.BoxedFalse;
        public void Push(int value)
            Data[StackIndex++] = ScriptingRuntimeHelpers.Int32ToObject(value);
        public void Push(byte value)
            Data[StackIndex++] = value;
        public void Push(sbyte value)
            Data[StackIndex++] = value;
        public void Push(short value)
            Data[StackIndex++] = value;
        public void Push(ushort value)
            Data[StackIndex++] = value;
        public object? Pop()
            return Data[--StackIndex];
        internal void SetStackDepth(int depth)
            StackIndex = Interpreter.LocalCount + depth;
        public object? Peek()
            return Data[StackIndex - 1];
        public void Dup()
            int i = StackIndex;
            Data[i] = Data[i - 1];
            StackIndex = i + 1;
        #region Stack Trace
        public InterpretedFrame? Parent => _parent;
        public static bool IsInterpretedFrame(MethodBase method)
            return method.DeclaringType == typeof(Interpreter) && method.Name == "Run";
        public IEnumerable<InterpretedFrameInfo> GetStackTraceDebugInfo()
            InterpretedFrame? frame = this;
                yield return new InterpretedFrameInfo(frame.Name, frame.GetDebugInfo(frame.InstructionIndex));
                frame = frame.Parent;
            } while (frame != null);
        internal void SaveTraceToException(Exception exception)
            exception.Data[typeof(InterpretedFrameInfo)] ??= new List<InterpretedFrameInfo>(GetStackTraceDebugInfo()).ToArray();
        public static InterpretedFrameInfo[]? GetExceptionStackTrace(Exception exception)
            return exception.Data[typeof(InterpretedFrameInfo)] as InterpretedFrameInfo[];
        internal string[] Trace
                var trace = new List<string>();
                InterpretedFrame? frame = this;
                    frame = frame.Parent;
                } while (frame != null);
                return trace.ToArray();
        internal InterpretedFrame? Enter()
            InterpretedFrame? currentFrame = s_currentFrame;
            s_currentFrame = this;
            return _parent = currentFrame;
        internal static void Leave(InterpretedFrame? prevFrame)
            s_currentFrame = prevFrame;
        #region Continuations
        internal bool IsJumpHappened()
            return _pendingContinuation >= 0;
        public void RemoveContinuation()
        public void PushContinuation(int continuation)
            _continuations![_continuationIndex++] = continuation;
        public int YieldToCurrentContinuation()
            RuntimeLabel target = Interpreter._labels[_continuations![_continuationIndex - 1]];
            return target.Index - InstructionIndex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get called from the LeaveFinallyInstruction
        /// </summary>
        public int YieldToPendingContinuation()
            Debug.Assert(_pendingContinuation >= 0);
            RuntimeLabel pendingTarget = Interpreter._labels[_pendingContinuation];
            // the current continuation might have higher priority (continuationIndex is the depth of the current continuation):
            if (pendingTarget.ContinuationStackDepth < _continuationIndex)
                RuntimeLabel currentTarget = Interpreter._labels[_continuations![_continuationIndex - 1]];
                return currentTarget.Index - InstructionIndex;
            if (_pendingValue != Interpreter.NoValue)
                Data[StackIndex - 1] = _pendingValue;
            // Set the _pendingContinuation and _pendingValue to the default values if we finally gets to the Goto target
            _pendingContinuation = -1;
            _pendingValue = Interpreter.NoValue;
            return pendingTarget.Index - InstructionIndex;
        internal void PushPendingContinuation()
            _pendingContinuation = -1;
            _pendingValue = Interpreter.NoValue;
        internal void PopPendingContinuation()
            _pendingValue = Pop();
            _pendingContinuation = (int)Pop()!;
        public int Goto(int labelIndex, object? value, bool gotoExceptionHandler)
            // TODO: we know this at compile time (except for compiled loop):
            RuntimeLabel target = Interpreter._labels[labelIndex];
            Debug.Assert(!gotoExceptionHandler || (gotoExceptionHandler && _continuationIndex == target.ContinuationStackDepth),
                "When it's time to jump to the exception handler, all previous finally blocks should already be processed");
            if (_continuationIndex == target.ContinuationStackDepth)
                if (value != Interpreter.NoValue)
                    Data[StackIndex - 1] = value;
                return target.Index - InstructionIndex;
            // if we are in the middle of executing jump we forget the previous target and replace it by a new one:
            _pendingContinuation = labelIndex;
            _pendingValue = value;
            return YieldToCurrentContinuation();