File: System\Linq\Expressions\Compiler\VariableBinder.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Linq.Expressions\src\System.Linq.Expressions.csproj (System.Linq.Expressions)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Dynamic.Utils;
namespace System.Linq.Expressions.Compiler
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines if variables are closed over in nested lambdas and need to
    /// be hoisted.
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class VariableBinder : ExpressionVisitor
        private readonly AnalyzedTree _tree = new AnalyzedTree();
        private readonly Stack<CompilerScope> _scopes = new Stack<CompilerScope>();
        private readonly Stack<BoundConstants> _constants = new Stack<BoundConstants>();
        private readonly StackGuard _guard = new StackGuard();
        private bool _inQuote;
        internal static AnalyzedTree Bind(LambdaExpression lambda)
            var binder = new VariableBinder();
            return binder._tree;
        private VariableBinder()
        [return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(node))]
        public override Expression? Visit(Expression? node)
            // When compiling deep trees, we run the risk of triggering a terminating StackOverflowException,
            // so we use the StackGuard utility here to probe for sufficient stack and continue the work on
            // another thread when we run out of stack space.
            if (!_guard.TryEnterOnCurrentStack())
                return _guard.RunOnEmptyStack((VariableBinder @this, Expression? e) => @this.Visit(e), this, node);
            return base.Visit(node);
        protected internal override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression node)
            // If we're in Quote, we can ignore constants completely
            if (_inQuote)
                return node;
            // Constants that can be emitted into IL don't need to be stored on
            // the delegate
            if (ILGen.CanEmitConstant(node.Value, node.Type))
                return node;
            _constants.Peek().AddReference(node.Value!, node.Type);
            return node;
        protected internal override Expression VisitUnary(UnaryExpression node)
            if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Quote)
                bool savedInQuote = _inQuote;
                _inQuote = true;
                _inQuote = savedInQuote;
            return node;
        protected internal override Expression VisitLambda<T>(Expression<T> node)
            _scopes.Push(_tree.Scopes[node] = new CompilerScope(node, true));
            _constants.Push(_tree.Constants[node] = new BoundConstants());
            return node;
        protected internal override Expression VisitInvocation(InvocationExpression node)
            LambdaExpression? lambda = node.LambdaOperand;
            // optimization: inline code for literal lambda's directly
            if (lambda != null)
                // visit the lambda, but treat it like a scope associated with invocation
                _scopes.Push(_tree.Scopes[node] = new CompilerScope(lambda, false));
                // visit the invoke's arguments
                for (int i = 0, n = node.ArgumentCount; i < n; i++)
                return node;
            return base.VisitInvocation(node);
        protected internal override Expression VisitBlock(BlockExpression node)
            if (node.Variables.Count == 0)
                return node;
            _scopes.Push(_tree.Scopes[node] = new CompilerScope(node, false));
            return node;
        protected override CatchBlock VisitCatchBlock(CatchBlock node)
            if (node.Variable == null)
                return node;
            _scopes.Push(_tree.Scopes[node] = new CompilerScope(node, false));
            return node;
        // If the immediate child is another scope, merge it into this one
        // This is an optimization to save environment allocations and
        // array accesses.
        private ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> MergeScopes(Expression node)
            ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> body;
            var lambda = node as LambdaExpression;
            if (lambda != null)
                body = new ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>(new[] { lambda.Body });
                body = ((BlockExpression)node).Expressions;
            CompilerScope currentScope = _scopes.Peek();
            // A block body is mergeable if the body only contains one single block node containing variables,
            // and the child block has the same type as the parent block.
            while (body.Count == 1 && body[0].NodeType == ExpressionType.Block)
                var block = (BlockExpression)body[0];
                if (block.Variables.Count > 0)
                    // Make sure none of the variables are shadowed. If any
                    // are, we can't merge it.
                    foreach (ParameterExpression v in block.Variables)
                        if (currentScope.Definitions.ContainsKey(v))
                            return body;
                    // Otherwise, merge it
                    currentScope.MergedScopes ??= new HashSet<BlockExpression>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
                    foreach (ParameterExpression v in block.Variables)
                        currentScope.Definitions.Add(v, VariableStorageKind.Local);
                body = block.Expressions;
            return body;
        protected internal override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
            Reference(node, VariableStorageKind.Local);
            // Track reference count so we can emit it in a more optimal way if
            // it is used a lot.
            CompilerScope? referenceScope = null;
            foreach (CompilerScope scope in _scopes)
                // There are two times we care about references:
                //   1. When we enter a lambda, we want to cache frequently
                //      used variables
                //   2. When we enter a scope with closed-over variables, we
                //      want to cache it immediately when we allocate the
                //      closure slot for it
                if (scope.IsMethod || scope.Definitions.ContainsKey(node))
                    referenceScope = scope;
            Debug.Assert(referenceScope != null);
            referenceScope.ReferenceCount ??= new Dictionary<ParameterExpression, int>();
            Helpers.IncrementCount(node, referenceScope.ReferenceCount);
            return node;
        protected internal override Expression VisitRuntimeVariables(RuntimeVariablesExpression node)
            foreach (ParameterExpression v in node.Variables)
                // Force hoisting of these variables
                Reference(v, VariableStorageKind.Hoisted);
            return node;
        private void Reference(ParameterExpression node, VariableStorageKind storage)
            CompilerScope? definition = null;
            foreach (CompilerScope scope in _scopes)
                if (scope.Definitions.ContainsKey(node))
                    definition = scope;
                scope.NeedsClosure = true;
                if (scope.IsMethod)
                    storage = VariableStorageKind.Hoisted;
            if (definition == null)
                throw Error.UndefinedVariable(node.Name, node.Type, CurrentLambdaName);
            if (storage == VariableStorageKind.Hoisted)
                if (node.IsByRef)
                    throw Error.CannotCloseOverByRef(node.Name, CurrentLambdaName);
                definition.Definitions[node] = VariableStorageKind.Hoisted;
        private string? CurrentLambdaName
                foreach (CompilerScope scope in _scopes)
                    if (scope.Node is LambdaExpression lambda)
                        return lambda.Name;
                throw ContractUtils.Unreachable;