4 instantiations of CallInfo
Microsoft.CSharp (1)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\BinderHelper.cs (1)
370return new CallInfo(argCount - discard, argNames);
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (1)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\CompilerServices\IDOBinder.vb (1)
1241callInfo = New CallInfo(args.Length - valueArgs, argNames)
PresentationFramework-SystemCore (2)
DynamicAccessorImpl.cs (2)
200: base(new CallInfo(rank)) 216: base(new CallInfo(rank))
41 references to CallInfo
Microsoft.CSharp (1)
Microsoft\CSharp\RuntimeBinder\BinderHelper.cs (1)
338internal static CallInfo CreateCallInfo(ref IEnumerable<CSharpArgumentInfo> argInfos, int discard)
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (16)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\CompilerServices\IDOBinder.vb (16)
77Dim callInfo As CallInfo = Nothing 101Dim callInfo As CallInfo = Nothing 124Dim callInfo As CallInfo = Nothing 147Dim callInfo As CallInfo = Nothing 227Dim callInfo As CallInfo = Nothing 246Dim callInfo As CallInfo = Nothing 295ByVal callInfo As CallInfo, 377ByVal callInfo As CallInfo) 459Public Sub New(ByVal callInfo As CallInfo, ByVal lateCall As Boolean) 533Public Sub New(ByVal callInfo As CallInfo, ByVal reportErrors As Boolean) 602Public Sub New(ByVal callInfo As CallInfo, ByVal reportErrors As Boolean) 968Public Sub New(ByVal callInfo As CallInfo) 1039Public Sub New(ByVal callInfo As CallInfo, ByVal optimisticSet As Boolean, ByVal rValueBase As Boolean) 1208Public Shared Sub CopyBackArguments(ByVal callInfo As CallInfo, ByVal packedArgs As Object(), ByVal args As Object()) 1233ByRef callInfo As CallInfo) 1269ByVal callInfo As CallInfo,
netstandard (1)
netstandard.cs (1)
761[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Dynamic.CallInfo))]
System.Core (1)
System.Core.cs (1)
66[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Dynamic.CallInfo))]
System.Dynamic.Runtime (1)
System.Dynamic.Runtime.cs (1)
15[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Dynamic.CallInfo))]
System.Linq.Expressions (21)
System\Dynamic\CallInfo.cs (9)
33/// Creates a new <see cref="CallInfo"/> that represents arguments in the dynamic binding process. 37/// <returns>The new <see cref="CallInfo"/> instance.</returns> 44/// Creates a new <see cref="CallInfo"/> that represents arguments in the dynamic binding process. 48/// <returns>The new <see cref="CallInfo"/> instance.</returns> 73/// Serves as a hash function for the current <see cref="CallInfo"/>. 75/// <returns>A hash code for the current <see cref="CallInfo"/>.</returns> 82/// Determines whether the specified <see cref="CallInfo"/> instance is considered equal to the current instance. 84/// <param name="obj">The instance of <see cref="CallInfo"/> to compare with the current instance.</param> 88return obj is CallInfo other && ArgumentCount == other.ArgumentCount && ArgumentNames.ListEquals(other.ArgumentNames);
System\Dynamic\CreateInstanceBinder.cs (2)
20protected CreateInstanceBinder(CallInfo callInfo) 34public CallInfo CallInfo { get; }
System\Dynamic\DeleteIndexBinder.cs (2)
20protected DeleteIndexBinder(CallInfo callInfo) 34public CallInfo CallInfo { get; }
System\Dynamic\GetIndexBinder.cs (2)
20protected GetIndexBinder(CallInfo callInfo) 34public CallInfo CallInfo { get; }
System\Dynamic\InvokeBinder.cs (2)
20protected InvokeBinder(CallInfo callInfo) 34public CallInfo CallInfo { get; }
System\Dynamic\InvokeMemberBinder.cs (2)
22protected InvokeMemberBinder(string name, bool ignoreCase, CallInfo callInfo) 50public CallInfo CallInfo { get; }
System\Dynamic\SetIndexBinder.cs (2)
20protected SetIndexBinder(CallInfo callInfo) 34public CallInfo CallInfo { get; }