2 instantiations of LabelScopeInfo
System.Linq.Expressions (2)
System\Linq\Expressions\Interpreter\LightCompiler.cs (2)
286private LabelScopeInfo _labelBlock = new LabelScopeInfo(null, LabelScopeKind.Lambda); 1782_labelBlock = new LabelScopeInfo(_labelBlock, type);
29 references to LabelScopeInfo
System.Linq.Expressions (29)
System\Linq\Expressions\Interpreter\LabelInfo.cs (27)
12/// <seealso cref="LabelScopeInfo"/> 29private readonly List<LabelScopeInfo> _references = new List<LabelScopeInfo>(); 47internal void Reference(LabelScopeInfo block) 56internal void Define(LabelScopeInfo block) 61for (LabelScopeInfo? j = block; j != null; j = j.Parent) 75foreach (LabelScopeInfo r in _references) 96private void ValidateJump(LabelScopeInfo reference) 99for (LabelScopeInfo? j = reference; j != null; j = j.Parent) 124LabelScopeInfo def = FirstDefinition(); 125LabelScopeInfo? common = CommonNode(def, reference, b => b.Parent!); 128for (LabelScopeInfo? j = reference; j != common; j = j.Parent) 141for (LabelScopeInfo? j = def; j != common; j = j.Parent) 171private bool DefinedIn(LabelScopeInfo scope) 178if (_definitions is HashSet<LabelScopeInfo> definitions) 187private LabelScopeInfo FirstDefinition() 189if (_definitions is LabelScopeInfo scope) 193foreach (var x in (HashSet<LabelScopeInfo>)_definitions!) 200private void AddDefinition(LabelScopeInfo scope) 208HashSet<LabelScopeInfo>? set = _definitions as HashSet<LabelScopeInfo>; 211_definitions = set = new HashSet<LabelScopeInfo>() { (LabelScopeInfo)_definitions }; 217private bool HasMultipleDefinitions => _definitions is HashSet<LabelScopeInfo>; 279internal readonly LabelScopeInfo? Parent; 281internal LabelScopeInfo(LabelScopeInfo? parent, LabelScopeKind kind)
System\Linq\Expressions\Interpreter\LightCompiler.cs (2)
286private LabelScopeInfo _labelBlock = new LabelScopeInfo(null, LabelScopeKind.Lambda); 1917for (LabelScopeInfo? j = _labelBlock; j != null; j = j.Parent)