// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Signals = Interop.Termios.Signals;
namespace System.IO.Ports
internal sealed partial class SerialStream : Stream
private const int TimeoutResolution = 30;
// time [ms] loop has to be idle before it stops
private const int IOLoopIdleTimeout = 2000;
private bool _ioLoopFinished;
private SafeSerialDeviceHandle _handle;
private int _baudRate;
private StopBits _stopBits;
private Parity _parity;
private int _dataBits = 8;
private readonly bool _rtsEnable;
private int _readTimeout;
private int _writeTimeout;
private readonly byte[] _tempBuf = new byte[1];
private Task _ioLoop;
private readonly object _ioLoopLock = new object();
private bool _hasCancelledTasksToProcess;
// Use a Queue with locking instead of ConcurrentQueue because ConcurrentQueue preserves segments for
// observation when using TryPeek(). These segments will not clear out references after a dequeue
// and as a result they hold on to SerialStreamIORequest instances so that they cannot be GC'ed.
// This in turn means that any buffers that the client supplied are not eligible for GC either.
private readonly Queue<SerialStreamIORequest> _readQueue = new();
private readonly object _readQueueLock = new();
private readonly Queue<SerialStreamIORequest> _writeQueue = new();
private readonly object _writeQueueLock = new();
private long _totalBytesRead;
private long TotalBytesAvailable => _totalBytesRead + BytesToRead;
private long _lastTotalBytesAvailable;
// called when one character is received.
private SerialDataReceivedEventHandler _dataReceived;
internal event SerialDataReceivedEventHandler DataReceived
bool wasNull = _dataReceived == null;
_dataReceived += value;
if (wasNull)
_dataReceived -= value;
// called when any of the pin/ring-related triggers occurs
private SerialPinChangedEventHandler _pinChanged;
internal event SerialPinChangedEventHandler PinChanged
bool wasNull = _pinChanged == null;
_pinChanged += value;
if (wasNull)
_pinChanged -= value;
// ----SECTION: inherited properties from Stream class ------------*
// These six properties are required for SerialStream to inherit from the abstract Stream class.
// Note four of them are always true or false, and two of them throw exceptions, so these
// are not usefully queried by applications which know they have a SerialStream, etc...
public override int ReadTimeout
get { return _readTimeout; }
if (value < 0 && value != SerialPort.InfiniteTimeout)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(ReadTimeout), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Timeout);
if (_handle == null) {
_readTimeout = value;
public override int WriteTimeout
get { return _writeTimeout; }
if (value < 0 && value != SerialPort.InfiniteTimeout)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(ReadTimeout), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Timeout);
if (_handle == null) {
_writeTimeout = value;
private static void CheckBaudRate(int baudRate)
if (baudRate <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(BaudRate), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum);
internal int BaudRate
return Interop.Termios.TermiosGetSpeed(_handle);
if (value != _baudRate)
if (Interop.Termios.TermiosSetSpeed(_handle, value) < 0)
throw GetLastIOError();
_baudRate = value;
public bool BreakState
get { return _inBreak; }
if (value)
// Unlike Windows, there is no infinite break and positive value is platform dependent.
// As best guess, send break with default duration.
Interop.Termios.TermiosSendBreak(_handle, 0);
_inBreak = value;
internal int BytesToWrite
get { return Interop.Termios.TermiosGetAvailableBytes(_handle, false); }
internal int BytesToRead
get { return Interop.Termios.TermiosGetAvailableBytes(_handle, true); }
internal bool CDHolding
int status = Interop.Termios.TermiosGetSignal(_handle, Interop.Termios.Signals.SignalDcd);
if (status < 0)
throw GetLastIOError();
return status == 1;
internal bool CtsHolding
int status = Interop.Termios.TermiosGetSignal(_handle, Interop.Termios.Signals.SignalCts);
if (status < 0)
throw GetLastIOError();
return status == 1;
internal bool DsrHolding
int status = Interop.Termios.TermiosGetSignal(_handle, Interop.Termios.Signals.SignalDsr);
if (status < 0)
throw GetLastIOError();
return status == 1;
internal bool DtrEnable
int status = Interop.Termios.TermiosGetSignal(_handle, Interop.Termios.Signals.SignalDtr);
if (status < 0)
throw GetLastIOError();
return status == 1;
if (Interop.Termios.TermiosGetSignal(_handle, Interop.Termios.Signals.SignalDtr, value ? 1 : 0) != 0)
throw GetLastIOError();
private bool RtsEnabledNative()
int status = Interop.Termios.TermiosGetSignal(_handle, Interop.Termios.Signals.SignalRts);
if (status < 0)
throw GetLastIOError();
return status == 1;
internal bool RtsEnable
if ((_handshake == Handshake.RequestToSend || _handshake == Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff))
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.CantSetRtsWithHandshaking);
return RtsEnabledNative();
if ((_handshake == Handshake.RequestToSend || _handshake == Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff))
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.CantSetRtsWithHandshaking);
if (Interop.Termios.TermiosGetSignal(_handle, Interop.Termios.Signals.SignalRts, value ? 1 : 0) != 0)
throw GetLastIOError();
internal Handshake Handshake
Debug.Assert(!(value < Handshake.None || value > Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff),
"An invalid value was passed to Handshake");
if (value != _handshake)
if (Interop.Termios.TermiosReset(_handle, _baudRate, _dataBits, _stopBits, _parity, value) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
_handshake = value;
internal int DataBits
Debug.Assert(!(value < MinDataBits || value > MaxDataBits), "An invalid value was passed to DataBits");
if (value != _dataBits)
if (Interop.Termios.TermiosReset(_handle, _baudRate, value, _stopBits, _parity, _handshake) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
_dataBits = value;
internal Parity Parity
Debug.Assert(!(value < Parity.None || value > Parity.Space), "An invalid value was passed to Parity");
if (value != _parity)
if (Interop.Termios.TermiosReset(_handle, _baudRate, _dataBits, _stopBits, value, _handshake) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
_parity = value;
internal StopBits StopBits
Debug.Assert(!(value < StopBits.One || value > StopBits.OnePointFive), "An invalid value was passed to StopBits");
if (value != _stopBits)
if (Interop.Termios.TermiosReset(_handle, _baudRate, _dataBits, value, _parity, _handshake) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
_stopBits = value;
#pragma warning disable CA1822
internal bool DiscardNull
// Ignore.
internal byte ParityReplace
// Ignore.
#pragma warning restore CA1822
private bool HasCancelledTasksToProcess
get => Volatile.Read(ref _hasCancelledTasksToProcess);
set => Volatile.Write(ref _hasCancelledTasksToProcess, value);
internal void DiscardInBuffer()
if (_handle == null) InternalResources.FileNotOpen();
// This may or may not work depending on hardware.
Interop.Termios.TermiosDiscard(_handle, Interop.Termios.Queue.ReceiveQueue);
internal void DiscardOutBuffer()
if (_handle == null) InternalResources.FileNotOpen();
// This may or may not work depending on hardware.
Interop.Termios.TermiosDiscard(_handle, Interop.Termios.Queue.SendQueue);
#pragma warning disable IDE0060
internal void SetBufferSizes(int readBufferSize, int writeBufferSize)
if (_handle == null) InternalResources.FileNotOpen();
// Ignore for now.
#pragma warning restore IDE0060
internal bool IsOpen => _handle != null;
// Flush dumps the contents of the serial driver's internal read and write buffers.
// We actually expose the functionality for each, but fulfilling Stream's contract
// requires a Flush() method. Fails if handle closed.
// Note: Serial driver's write buffer is *already* attempting to write it, so we can only wait until it finishes.
public override void Flush()
if (_handle == null) InternalResources.FileNotOpen();
SpinWait sw = default;
while (!IsWriteQueueEmpty())
internal int ReadByte(int timeout)
Read(_tempBuf, 0, 1, timeout);
return _tempBuf[0];
public override int Read(byte[] array, int offset, int count)
return Read(array, offset, count, ReadTimeout);
internal int Read(byte[] array, int offset, int count, int timeout)
using (CancellationTokenSource cts = GetCancellationTokenSourceFromTimeout(timeout))
Task<int> t = ReadAsync(array, offset, count, cts?.Token ?? CancellationToken.None);
return t.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
catch (OperationCanceledException)
throw new TimeoutException();
public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
=> EndReadWrite(asyncResult);
public override Task<int> ReadAsync(byte[] array, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CheckReadWriteArguments(array, offset, count);
if (count == 0)
return Task<int>.FromResult(0); // return immediately if no bytes requested; no need for overhead.
Memory<byte> buffer = new Memory<byte>(array, offset, count);
SerialStreamReadRequest result = new SerialStreamReadRequest(this, cancellationToken, buffer);
lock (_readQueueLock)
return result.Task;
public override ValueTask<int> ReadAsync(Memory<byte> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
if (buffer.IsEmpty)
return new ValueTask<int>(0);
SerialStreamReadRequest result = new SerialStreamReadRequest(this, cancellationToken, buffer);
lock (_readQueueLock)
return new ValueTask<int>(result.Task);
public override Task WriteAsync(byte[] array, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CheckWriteArguments(array, offset, count);
if (count == 0)
return Task.CompletedTask; // return immediately if no bytes to write; no need for overhead.
ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer = new ReadOnlyMemory<byte>(array, offset, count);
SerialStreamWriteRequest result = new SerialStreamWriteRequest(this, cancellationToken, buffer);
lock (_writeQueueLock)
return result.Task;
public override ValueTask WriteAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
if (buffer.IsEmpty)
return ValueTask.CompletedTask; // return immediately if no bytes to write; no need for overhead.
SerialStreamWriteRequest result = new SerialStreamWriteRequest(this, cancellationToken, buffer);
lock (_writeQueueLock)
return new ValueTask(result.Task);
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] array, int offset, int numBytes, AsyncCallback userCallback, object stateObject)
return TaskToAsyncResult.Begin(ReadAsync(array, offset, numBytes), userCallback, stateObject);
// Will wait `timeout` miliseconds or until reading or writing is possible
// If no operation is requested it will throw
// Returns event which has happened
private Interop.PollEvents PollEvents(int timeout, bool pollReadEvents, bool pollWriteEvents, out Interop.ErrorInfo? error)
if (!pollReadEvents && !pollWriteEvents)
Debug.Fail("This should not happen");
throw new Exception();
Interop.PollEvents eventsToPoll = Interop.PollEvents.POLLERR;
if (pollReadEvents)
eventsToPoll |= Interop.PollEvents.POLLIN;
if (pollWriteEvents)
eventsToPoll |= Interop.PollEvents.POLLOUT;
Interop.PollEvents events;
Interop.Error ret = Interop.Serial.Poll(
out events);
error = ret != Interop.Error.SUCCESS ? Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo() : (Interop.ErrorInfo?)null;
return events;
internal void Write(byte[] array, int offset, int count, int timeout)
using (CancellationTokenSource cts = GetCancellationTokenSourceFromTimeout(timeout))
Task t = WriteAsync(array, offset, count, cts?.Token ?? CancellationToken.None);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
throw new TimeoutException();
public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite(byte[] array, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback userCallback, object stateObject)
return TaskToAsyncResult.Begin(WriteAsync(array, offset, count), userCallback, stateObject);
public override void EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
=> EndReadWrite(asyncResult);
private static int EndReadWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
return TaskToAsyncResult.End<int>(asyncResult);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
throw new TimeoutException();
// this method is used by SerialPort upon SerialStream's creation
internal SerialStream(string portName, int baudRate, Parity parity, int dataBits, StopBits stopBits, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout, Handshake handshake,
bool dtrEnable, bool rtsEnable, bool _1 /*discardNull*/, byte _2 /*parityReplace*/)
// Error checking done in SerialPort.
SafeSerialDeviceHandle tempHandle = SafeSerialDeviceHandle.Open(portName);
_handle = tempHandle;
// set properties of the stream that exist as members in SerialStream
_portName = portName;
_handshake = handshake;
_parity = parity;
_readTimeout = readTimeout;
_writeTimeout = writeTimeout;
_baudRate = baudRate;
_stopBits = stopBits;
_dataBits = dataBits;
if (Interop.Termios.TermiosReset(_handle, _baudRate, _dataBits, _stopBits, _parity, _handshake) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException();
DtrEnable = dtrEnable;
catch (IOException) when (dtrEnable == false)
// An IOException can be thrown when using a virtual port from eg. socat, which doesn't implement
// the required termios command for setting DtrEnable, but it still works without setting the value
// so we ignore this error in the constructor only if being set to false (which is the default).
// When the property is set manually the exception is still thrown.
BaudRate = baudRate;
// now set this.RtsEnable to the specified value.
// Handshake takes precedence, this will be a nop if
// handshake is either RequestToSend or RequestToSendXOnXOff
if ((handshake != Handshake.RequestToSend && handshake != Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff))
// query and cache the initial RtsEnable value
// so that set_RtsEnable can do the (value != rtsEnable) optimization
_rtsEnable = RtsEnabledNative();
RtsEnable = rtsEnable;
catch (IOException) when (rtsEnable == false)
// An IOException can be thrown when using a virtual port from eg. socat, which doesn't implement
// the required termios command for setting RtsEnable, but it still works without setting the value
// so we ignore this error in the constructor only if being set to false (which is the default).
// When the property is set manually the exception is still thrown.
// if there are any exceptions after the call to CreateFile, we need to be sure to close the
// handle before we let them continue up.
_handle = null;
_processReadDelegate = ProcessRead;
_processWriteDelegate = ProcessWrite;
_lastTotalBytesAvailable = TotalBytesAvailable;
private void EnsureIOLoopRunning()
lock (_ioLoopLock)
if (_ioLoop == null)
Debug.Assert(_handle != null);
_ioLoop = Task.Factory.StartNew(
private void FinishPendingIORequests(Interop.ErrorInfo? error = null)
lock (_readQueueLock)
while (_readQueue.TryDequeue(out SerialStreamIORequest r))
r.Complete(error.HasValue ?
Interop.GetIOException(error.Value) :
lock (_writeQueueLock)
while (_writeQueue.TryDequeue(out SerialStreamIORequest r))
r.Complete(error.HasValue ?
Interop.GetIOException(error.Value) :
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
_ioLoopFinished = true;
if (disposing)
_dataReceived = null;
_pinChanged = null;
_ioLoop = null;
if (_handle != null)
_handle = null;
// RaiseDataReceivedChars and RaiseDataReceivedEof could be one function
// but are currently split to avoid allocation related to context
private void RaiseDataReceivedChars()
if (_dataReceived != null)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s => {
var thisRef = (SerialStream)s;
thisRef._dataReceived?.Invoke(thisRef, new SerialDataReceivedEventArgs(SerialData.Chars));
}, this);
private void RaisePinChanged(SerialPinChange pinChanged)
if (_pinChanged != null)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s => {
var thisRef = (SerialStream)s;
thisRef._pinChanged?.Invoke(thisRef, new SerialPinChangedEventArgs(pinChanged));
}, this);
private void RaiseDataReceivedEof()
if (_dataReceived != null)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(s => {
var thisRef = (SerialStream)s;
thisRef._dataReceived?.Invoke(thisRef, new SerialDataReceivedEventArgs(SerialData.Eof));
}, this);
// should return non-negative integer meaning numbers of bytes read/written (0 for errors)
private delegate int RequestProcessor(SerialStreamIORequest r);
private readonly RequestProcessor _processReadDelegate;
private readonly RequestProcessor _processWriteDelegate;
private unsafe int ProcessRead(SerialStreamIORequest r)
SerialStreamReadRequest readRequest = (SerialStreamReadRequest)r;
Span<byte> buff = readRequest.Buffer.Span;
fixed (byte* bufPtr = buff)
// assumes dequeue-ing happens on a single thread
int numBytes = Interop.Serial.Read(_handle, bufPtr, buff.Length);
if (numBytes < 0)
Interop.ErrorInfo lastError = Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo();
// ignore EWOULDBLOCK since we handle timeout elsewhere
if (lastError.Error != Interop.Error.EWOULDBLOCK)
else if (numBytes > 0)
return numBytes;
else // numBytes == 0
return 0;
private unsafe int ProcessWrite(SerialStreamIORequest r)
SerialStreamWriteRequest writeRequest = (SerialStreamWriteRequest)r;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> buff = writeRequest.Buffer.Span;
fixed (byte* bufPtr = buff)
// assumes dequeue-ing happens on a single thread
int numBytes = Interop.Serial.Write(_handle, bufPtr, buff.Length);
if (numBytes <= 0)
Interop.ErrorInfo lastError = Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo();
// ignore EWOULDBLOCK since we handle timeout elsewhere
// numBytes == 0 means that there might be an error
if (lastError.Error != Interop.Error.SUCCESS && lastError.Error != Interop.Error.EWOULDBLOCK)
if (writeRequest.Buffer.Length == 0)
return numBytes;
return 0;
// returns number of bytes read/written
private static int DoIORequest(Queue<SerialStreamIORequest> q, object queueLock, RequestProcessor op)
// assumes dequeue-ing happens on a single thread
while (TryPeekNextRequest(out SerialStreamIORequest r))
int ret = op(r);
Debug.Assert(ret >= 0);
if (r.IsCompleted)
lock (queueLock)
q.TryDequeue(out _);
return ret;
return 0;
bool TryPeekNextRequest(out SerialStreamIORequest r)
lock (queueLock)
while (q.TryPeek(out r))
if (!r.IsCompleted)
return true;
q.TryDequeue(out _);
r = default;
return false;
private void IOLoop()
bool eofReceived = false;
// we do not care about bytes we got before - only about changes
// loop just got started which means we just got request
bool lastIsIdle = false;
int ticksWhenIdleStarted = 0;
Signals lastSignals = _pinChanged != null ? Interop.Termios.TermiosGetAllSignals(_handle) : Signals.Error;
bool IsNoEventRegistered() => _dataReceived == null && _pinChanged == null;
while (IsOpen && !eofReceived && !_ioLoopFinished)
if (HasCancelledTasksToProcess)
HasCancelledTasksToProcess = false;
RemoveCompletedTasks(_readQueue, _readQueueLock);
RemoveCompletedTasks(_writeQueue, _writeQueueLock);
bool hasPendingReads = !IsReadQueueEmpty();
bool hasPendingWrites = !IsWriteQueueEmpty();
bool hasPendingIO = hasPendingReads || hasPendingWrites;
bool isIdle = IsNoEventRegistered() && !hasPendingIO;
if (!hasPendingIO)
if (isIdle)
if (!lastIsIdle)
// we've just started idling
ticksWhenIdleStarted = Environment.TickCount;
else if (Environment.TickCount - ticksWhenIdleStarted > IOLoopIdleTimeout)
// we are already idling for a while
// let's stop the loop until there is some work to do
lock (_ioLoopLock)
// double check we are done under lock
if (IsNoEventRegistered() && IsReadQueueEmpty() && IsWriteQueueEmpty())
_ioLoop = null;
// to make sure timer restarts
lastIsIdle = false;
Interop.PollEvents events = PollEvents(1,
pollReadEvents: hasPendingReads,
pollWriteEvents: hasPendingWrites,
out Interop.ErrorInfo? error);
if (error.HasValue)
if (events.HasFlag(Interop.PollEvents.POLLNVAL) ||
// bad descriptor or some other error we can't handle
if (events.HasFlag(Interop.PollEvents.POLLIN))
int bytesRead = DoIORequest(_readQueue, _readQueueLock, _processReadDelegate);
_totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
if (events.HasFlag(Interop.PollEvents.POLLOUT))
DoIORequest(_writeQueue, _writeQueueLock, _processWriteDelegate);
// check if there is any new data (either already read or in the driver input)
// this event is private and handled inside of SerialPort
// which then throttles it with the threshold
long totalBytesAvailable = TotalBytesAvailable;
if (totalBytesAvailable > _lastTotalBytesAvailable)
_lastTotalBytesAvailable = totalBytesAvailable;
if (_pinChanged != null)
// Checking for changes could technically speaking be done by waiting with ioctl+TIOCMIWAIT
// This would require spinning new thread and also would potentially trigger events when
// user didn't have time to respond.
// Diffing seems like a better solution.
Signals current = Interop.Termios.TermiosGetAllSignals(_handle);
// There is no really good action we can take when this errors so just ignore
// a sinle event.
if (current != Signals.Error && lastSignals != Signals.Error)
Signals changed = current ^ lastSignals;
if (changed != Signals.None)
lastSignals = current;
lastIsIdle = isIdle;
private static void RemoveCompletedTasks(Queue<SerialStreamIORequest> queue, object queueLock)
// assumes dequeue-ing happens on a single thread
lock (queueLock)
while (queue.TryPeek(out var r) && r.IsCompleted)
queue.TryDequeue(out _);
private bool IsReadQueueEmpty()
lock (_readQueueLock)
return _readQueue.Count == 0;
private bool IsWriteQueueEmpty()
lock (_writeQueueLock)
return _writeQueue.Count == 0;
private void NotifyPinChanges(Signals signals)
if (signals.HasFlag(Signals.SignalCts))
if (signals.HasFlag(Signals.SignalDsr))
if (signals.HasFlag(Signals.SignalDcd))
if (signals.HasFlag(Signals.SignalRng))
private static CancellationTokenSource GetCancellationTokenSourceFromTimeout(int timeoutMs)
return timeoutMs == SerialPort.InfiniteTimeout ?
null :
new CancellationTokenSource(Math.Max(timeoutMs, TimeoutResolution));
private static Exception GetLastIOError()
return Interop.GetIOException(Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo());
private abstract class SerialStreamIORequest : TaskCompletionSource<int>
public bool IsCompleted => Task.IsCompleted;
private readonly SerialStream _parent;
private readonly CancellationTokenRegistration _cancellationTokenRegistration;
protected SerialStreamIORequest(SerialStream parent, CancellationToken ct)
: base(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously)
_parent = parent;
_cancellationTokenRegistration = ct.Register(s =>
var request = (SerialStreamIORequest)s;
request._parent.HasCancelledTasksToProcess = true;
}, this);
internal void Complete(int numBytes)
internal void Complete(Exception exception)
private sealed class SerialStreamReadRequest : SerialStreamIORequest
public Memory<byte> Buffer { get; }
public SerialStreamReadRequest(SerialStream parent, CancellationToken ct, Memory<byte> buffer)
: base(parent, ct)
Buffer = buffer;
private sealed class SerialStreamWriteRequest : SerialStreamIORequest
public ReadOnlyMemory<byte> Buffer { get; private set; }
public SerialStreamWriteRequest(SerialStream parent, CancellationToken ct, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer)
: base(parent, ct)
Buffer = buffer;
internal void Complete()
Debug.Assert(Buffer.Length == 0);
internal void ProcessBytes(int numBytes)
Buffer = Buffer.Slice(numBytes);