1 write to _buffer
System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher (1)
System\IO\FileSystemWatcher.Linux.cs (1)
285_buffer = watcher.AllocateBuffer();
15 references to _buffer
System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher (15)
System\IO\FileSystemWatcher.Linux.cs (15)
286Debug.Assert(_buffer != null && _buffer.Length > (c_INotifyEventSize + NAME_MAX + 1)); 788Debug.Assert(_buffer != null); 789Debug.Assert(_buffer.Length > 0); 790Debug.Assert(_bufferAvailable >= 0 && _bufferAvailable <= _buffer.Length); 802fixed (byte* buf = &_buffer[0]) 804_bufferAvailable = Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.Read(_inotifyHandle, buf, this._buffer.Length)); 805Debug.Assert(_bufferAvailable <= this._buffer.Length); 834readEvent.wd = BitConverter.ToInt32(_buffer, _bufferPos); 835readEvent.mask = BitConverter.ToUInt32(_buffer, _bufferPos + 4); // +4 to get past wd 836readEvent.cookie = BitConverter.ToUInt32(_buffer, _bufferPos + 8); // +8 to get past wd, mask 837int nameLength = (int)BitConverter.ToUInt32(_buffer, _bufferPos + 12); // +12 to get past wd, mask, cookie 856Debug.Assert(nameLength >= 0 && (position + nameLength) <= _buffer.Length); 858int lengthWithoutNullTerm = _buffer.AsSpan(position, nameLength).IndexOf((byte)'\0'); 865Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_buffer, position, lengthWithoutNullTerm) :