File: System\IO\Compression\ZipBlocks.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.IO.Compression\src\System.IO.Compression.csproj (System.IO.Compression)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.IO.Compression
    // All blocks.TryReadBlock do a check to see if signature is correct. Generic extra field is slightly different
    // all of the TryReadBlocks will throw if there are not enough bytes in the stream
    internal struct ZipGenericExtraField
        private const int SizeOfHeader = 4;
        private ushort _tag;
        private ushort _size;
        private byte[] _data;
        public ushort Tag => _tag;
        // returns size of data, not of the entire block
        public ushort Size => _size;
        public byte[] Data => _data;
        public void WriteBlock(Stream stream)
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
        // shouldn't ever read the byte at position endExtraField
        // assumes we are positioned at the beginning of an extra field subfield
        public static bool TryReadBlock(BinaryReader reader, long endExtraField, out ZipGenericExtraField field)
            field = default;
            // not enough bytes to read tag + size
            if (endExtraField - reader.BaseStream.Position < 4)
                return false;
            field._tag = reader.ReadUInt16();
            field._size = reader.ReadUInt16();
            // not enough bytes to read the data
            if (endExtraField - reader.BaseStream.Position < field._size)
                return false;
            field._data = reader.ReadBytes(field._size);
            return true;
        // shouldn't ever read the byte at position endExtraField
        public static List<ZipGenericExtraField> ParseExtraField(Stream extraFieldData)
            List<ZipGenericExtraField> extraFields = new List<ZipGenericExtraField>();
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(extraFieldData))
                ZipGenericExtraField field;
                while (TryReadBlock(reader, extraFieldData.Length, out field))
            return extraFields;
        public static int TotalSize(List<ZipGenericExtraField> fields)
            int size = 0;
            foreach (ZipGenericExtraField field in fields)
                size += field.Size + SizeOfHeader; //size is only size of data
            return size;
        public static void WriteAllBlocks(List<ZipGenericExtraField> fields, Stream stream)
            foreach (ZipGenericExtraField field in fields)
    internal struct Zip64ExtraField
        // Size is size of the record not including the tag or size fields
        // If the extra field is going in the local header, it cannot include only
        // one of uncompressed/compressed size
        public const int OffsetToFirstField = 4;
        private const ushort TagConstant = 1;
        private ushort _size;
        private long? _uncompressedSize;
        private long? _compressedSize;
        private long? _localHeaderOffset;
        private uint? _startDiskNumber;
        public ushort TotalSize => (ushort)(_size + 4);
        public long? UncompressedSize
            get { return _uncompressedSize; }
            set { _uncompressedSize = value; UpdateSize(); }
        public long? CompressedSize
            get { return _compressedSize; }
            set { _compressedSize = value; UpdateSize(); }
        public long? LocalHeaderOffset
            get { return _localHeaderOffset; }
            set { _localHeaderOffset = value; UpdateSize(); }
        public uint? StartDiskNumber => _startDiskNumber;
        private void UpdateSize()
            _size = 0;
            if (_uncompressedSize != null) _size += 8;
            if (_compressedSize != null) _size += 8;
            if (_localHeaderOffset != null) _size += 8;
            if (_startDiskNumber != null) _size += 4;
        // There is a small chance that something very weird could happen here. The code calling into this function
        // will ask for a value from the extra field if the field was masked with FF's. It's theoretically possible
        // that a field was FF's legitimately, and the writer didn't decide to write the corresponding extra field.
        // Also, at the same time, other fields were masked with FF's to indicate looking in the zip64 record.
        // Then, the search for the zip64 record will fail because the expected size is wrong,
        // and a nulled out Zip64ExtraField will be returned. Thus, even though there was Zip64 data,
        // it will not be used. It is questionable whether this situation is possible to detect
        // unlike the other functions that have try-pattern semantics, these functions always return a
        // Zip64ExtraField. If a Zip64 extra field actually doesn't exist, all of the fields in the
        // returned struct will be null
        // If there are more than one Zip64 extra fields, we take the first one that has the expected size
        public static Zip64ExtraField GetJustZip64Block(Stream extraFieldStream,
            bool readUncompressedSize, bool readCompressedSize,
            bool readLocalHeaderOffset, bool readStartDiskNumber)
            Zip64ExtraField zip64Field;
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(extraFieldStream))
                ZipGenericExtraField currentExtraField;
                while (ZipGenericExtraField.TryReadBlock(reader, extraFieldStream.Length, out currentExtraField))
                    if (TryGetZip64BlockFromGenericExtraField(currentExtraField, readUncompressedSize,
                                readCompressedSize, readLocalHeaderOffset, readStartDiskNumber, out zip64Field))
                        return zip64Field;
            zip64Field = default;
            zip64Field._compressedSize = null;
            zip64Field._uncompressedSize = null;
            zip64Field._localHeaderOffset = null;
            zip64Field._startDiskNumber = null;
            return zip64Field;
        private static bool TryGetZip64BlockFromGenericExtraField(ZipGenericExtraField extraField,
            bool readUncompressedSize, bool readCompressedSize,
            bool readLocalHeaderOffset, bool readStartDiskNumber,
            out Zip64ExtraField zip64Block)
            zip64Block = default;
            zip64Block._compressedSize = null;
            zip64Block._uncompressedSize = null;
            zip64Block._localHeaderOffset = null;
            zip64Block._startDiskNumber = null;
            if (extraField.Tag != TagConstant)
                return false;
            zip64Block._size = extraField.Size;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(extraField.Data))
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms))
                // The spec section 4.5.3:
                //      The order of the fields in the zip64 extended
                //      information record is fixed, but the fields MUST
                //      only appear if the corresponding Local or Central
                //      directory record field is set to 0xFFFF or 0xFFFFFFFF.
                // However tools commonly write the fields anyway; the prevailing convention
                // is to respect the size, but only actually use the values if their 32 bit
                // values were all 0xFF.
                if (extraField.Size < sizeof(long))
                    return true;
                // Advancing the stream (by reading from it) is possible only when:
                // 1. There is an explicit ask to do that (valid files, corresponding boolean flag(s) set to true).
                // 2. When the size indicates that all the information is available ("slightly invalid files").
                bool readAllFields = extraField.Size >= sizeof(long) + sizeof(long) + sizeof(long) + sizeof(int);
                if (readUncompressedSize)
                    zip64Block._uncompressedSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                else if (readAllFields)
                    _ = reader.ReadInt64();
                if (ms.Position > extraField.Size - sizeof(long))
                    return true;
                if (readCompressedSize)
                    zip64Block._compressedSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                else if (readAllFields)
                    _ = reader.ReadInt64();
                if (ms.Position > extraField.Size - sizeof(long))
                    return true;
                if (readLocalHeaderOffset)
                    zip64Block._localHeaderOffset = reader.ReadInt64();
                else if (readAllFields)
                    _ = reader.ReadInt64();
                if (ms.Position > extraField.Size - sizeof(int))
                    return true;
                if (readStartDiskNumber)
                    zip64Block._startDiskNumber = reader.ReadUInt32();
                else if (readAllFields)
                    _ = reader.ReadInt32();
                // original values are unsigned, so implies value is too big to fit in signed integer
                if (zip64Block._uncompressedSize < 0) throw new InvalidDataException(SR.FieldTooBigUncompressedSize);
                if (zip64Block._compressedSize < 0) throw new InvalidDataException(SR.FieldTooBigCompressedSize);
                if (zip64Block._localHeaderOffset < 0) throw new InvalidDataException(SR.FieldTooBigLocalHeaderOffset);
                return true;
        public static Zip64ExtraField GetAndRemoveZip64Block(List<ZipGenericExtraField> extraFields,
            bool readUncompressedSize, bool readCompressedSize,
            bool readLocalHeaderOffset, bool readStartDiskNumber)
            Zip64ExtraField zip64Field = default;
            zip64Field._compressedSize = null;
            zip64Field._uncompressedSize = null;
            zip64Field._localHeaderOffset = null;
            zip64Field._startDiskNumber = null;
            List<ZipGenericExtraField> markedForDelete = new List<ZipGenericExtraField>();
            bool zip64FieldFound = false;
            foreach (ZipGenericExtraField ef in extraFields)
                if (ef.Tag == TagConstant)
                    if (!zip64FieldFound)
                        if (TryGetZip64BlockFromGenericExtraField(ef, readUncompressedSize, readCompressedSize,
                                    readLocalHeaderOffset, readStartDiskNumber, out zip64Field))
                            zip64FieldFound = true;
            foreach (ZipGenericExtraField ef in markedForDelete)
            return zip64Field;
        public static void RemoveZip64Blocks(List<ZipGenericExtraField> extraFields)
            List<ZipGenericExtraField> markedForDelete = new List<ZipGenericExtraField>();
            foreach (ZipGenericExtraField field in extraFields)
                if (field.Tag == TagConstant)
            foreach (ZipGenericExtraField field in markedForDelete)
        public void WriteBlock(Stream stream)
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
            if (_uncompressedSize != null) writer.Write(_uncompressedSize.Value);
            if (_compressedSize != null) writer.Write(_compressedSize.Value);
            if (_localHeaderOffset != null) writer.Write(_localHeaderOffset.Value);
            if (_startDiskNumber != null) writer.Write(_startDiskNumber.Value);
    internal struct Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator
        public const uint SignatureConstant = 0x07064B50;
        public const int SignatureSize = sizeof(uint);
        public const int SizeOfBlockWithoutSignature = 16;
        public uint NumberOfDiskWithZip64EOCD;
        public ulong OffsetOfZip64EOCD;
        public uint TotalNumberOfDisks;
        public static bool TryReadBlock(BinaryReader reader, out Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator zip64EOCDLocator)
            zip64EOCDLocator = default;
            if (reader.ReadUInt32() != SignatureConstant)
                return false;
            zip64EOCDLocator.NumberOfDiskWithZip64EOCD = reader.ReadUInt32();
            zip64EOCDLocator.OffsetOfZip64EOCD = reader.ReadUInt64();
            zip64EOCDLocator.TotalNumberOfDisks = reader.ReadUInt32();
            return true;
        public static void WriteBlock(Stream stream, long zip64EOCDRecordStart)
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
            writer.Write((uint)0); // number of disk with start of zip64 eocd
            writer.Write((uint)1); // total number of disks
    internal struct Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord
        private const uint SignatureConstant = 0x06064B50;
        private const ulong NormalSize = 0x2C; // the size of the data excluding the size/signature fields if no extra data included
        public ulong SizeOfThisRecord;
        public ushort VersionMadeBy;
        public ushort VersionNeededToExtract;
        public uint NumberOfThisDisk;
        public uint NumberOfDiskWithStartOfCD;
        public ulong NumberOfEntriesOnThisDisk;
        public ulong NumberOfEntriesTotal;
        public ulong SizeOfCentralDirectory;
        public ulong OffsetOfCentralDirectory;
        public static bool TryReadBlock(BinaryReader reader, out Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord zip64EOCDRecord)
            zip64EOCDRecord = default;
            if (reader.ReadUInt32() != SignatureConstant)
                return false;
            zip64EOCDRecord.SizeOfThisRecord = reader.ReadUInt64();
            zip64EOCDRecord.VersionMadeBy = reader.ReadUInt16();
            zip64EOCDRecord.VersionNeededToExtract = reader.ReadUInt16();
            zip64EOCDRecord.NumberOfThisDisk = reader.ReadUInt32();
            zip64EOCDRecord.NumberOfDiskWithStartOfCD = reader.ReadUInt32();
            zip64EOCDRecord.NumberOfEntriesOnThisDisk = reader.ReadUInt64();
            zip64EOCDRecord.NumberOfEntriesTotal = reader.ReadUInt64();
            zip64EOCDRecord.SizeOfCentralDirectory = reader.ReadUInt64();
            zip64EOCDRecord.OffsetOfCentralDirectory = reader.ReadUInt64();
            return true;
        public static void WriteBlock(Stream stream, long numberOfEntries, long startOfCentralDirectory, long sizeOfCentralDirectory)
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
            // write Zip 64 EOCD record
            writer.Write((ushort)ZipVersionNeededValues.Zip64); // version needed is 45 for zip 64 support
            writer.Write((ushort)ZipVersionNeededValues.Zip64); // version made by: high byte is 0 for MS DOS, low byte is version needed
            writer.Write((uint)0); // number of this disk is 0
            writer.Write((uint)0); // number of disk with start of central directory is 0
            writer.Write(numberOfEntries); // number of entries on this disk
            writer.Write(numberOfEntries); // number of entries total
    internal readonly struct ZipLocalFileHeader
        public const uint DataDescriptorSignature = 0x08074B50;
        public const uint SignatureConstant = 0x04034B50;
        public const int OffsetToCrcFromHeaderStart = 14;
        public const int OffsetToVersionFromHeaderStart = 4;
        public const int OffsetToBitFlagFromHeaderStart = 6;
        public const int SizeOfLocalHeader = 30;
        public static List<ZipGenericExtraField> GetExtraFields(BinaryReader reader)
            // assumes that TrySkipBlock has already been called, so we don't have to validate twice
            List<ZipGenericExtraField> result;
            const int OffsetToFilenameLength = 26; // from the point before the signature
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(OffsetToFilenameLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
            ushort filenameLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort extraFieldLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(filenameLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
            using (Stream str = new SubReadStream(reader.BaseStream, reader.BaseStream.Position, extraFieldLength))
                result = ZipGenericExtraField.ParseExtraField(str);
            return result;
        // will not throw end of stream exception
        public static bool TrySkipBlock(BinaryReader reader)
            const int OffsetToFilenameLength = 22; // from the point after the signature
            if (reader.ReadUInt32() != SignatureConstant)
                return false;
            if (reader.BaseStream.Length < reader.BaseStream.Position + OffsetToFilenameLength)
                return false;
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(OffsetToFilenameLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
            ushort filenameLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort extraFieldLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            if (reader.BaseStream.Length < reader.BaseStream.Position + filenameLength + extraFieldLength)
                return false;
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(filenameLength + extraFieldLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
            return true;
    internal struct ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader
        public const uint SignatureConstant = 0x02014B50;
        public byte VersionMadeByCompatibility;
        public byte VersionMadeBySpecification;
        public ushort VersionNeededToExtract;
        public ushort GeneralPurposeBitFlag;
        public ushort CompressionMethod;
        public uint LastModified; // convert this on the fly
        public uint Crc32;
        public long CompressedSize;
        public long UncompressedSize;
        public ushort FilenameLength;
        public ushort ExtraFieldLength;
        public ushort FileCommentLength;
        public uint DiskNumberStart;
        public ushort InternalFileAttributes;
        public uint ExternalFileAttributes;
        public long RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader;
        public byte[] Filename;
        public byte[] FileComment;
        public List<ZipGenericExtraField>? ExtraFields;
        // if saveExtraFieldsAndComments is false, FileComment and ExtraFields will be null
        // in either case, the zip64 extra field info will be incorporated into other fields
        public static bool TryReadBlock(BinaryReader reader, bool saveExtraFieldsAndComments, out ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader header)
            header = default;
            if (reader.ReadUInt32() != SignatureConstant)
                return false;
            header.VersionMadeBySpecification = reader.ReadByte();
            header.VersionMadeByCompatibility = reader.ReadByte();
            header.VersionNeededToExtract = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.GeneralPurposeBitFlag = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.CompressionMethod = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.LastModified = reader.ReadUInt32();
            header.Crc32 = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint compressedSizeSmall = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint uncompressedSizeSmall = reader.ReadUInt32();
            header.FilenameLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.ExtraFieldLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.FileCommentLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort diskNumberStartSmall = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.InternalFileAttributes = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.ExternalFileAttributes = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint relativeOffsetOfLocalHeaderSmall = reader.ReadUInt32();
            header.Filename = reader.ReadBytes(header.FilenameLength);
            bool uncompressedSizeInZip64 = uncompressedSizeSmall == ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
            bool compressedSizeInZip64 = compressedSizeSmall == ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
            bool relativeOffsetInZip64 = relativeOffsetOfLocalHeaderSmall == ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
            bool diskNumberStartInZip64 = diskNumberStartSmall == ZipHelper.Mask16Bit;
            Zip64ExtraField zip64;
            long endExtraFields = reader.BaseStream.Position + header.ExtraFieldLength;
            using (Stream str = new SubReadStream(reader.BaseStream, reader.BaseStream.Position, header.ExtraFieldLength))
                if (saveExtraFieldsAndComments)
                    header.ExtraFields = ZipGenericExtraField.ParseExtraField(str);
                    zip64 = Zip64ExtraField.GetAndRemoveZip64Block(header.ExtraFields,
                            uncompressedSizeInZip64, compressedSizeInZip64,
                            relativeOffsetInZip64, diskNumberStartInZip64);
                    header.ExtraFields = null;
                    zip64 = Zip64ExtraField.GetJustZip64Block(str,
                            uncompressedSizeInZip64, compressedSizeInZip64,
                            relativeOffsetInZip64, diskNumberStartInZip64);
            // There are zip files that have malformed ExtraField blocks in which GetJustZip64Block() silently bails out without reading all the way to the end
            // of the ExtraField block. Thus we must force the stream's position to the proper place.
            header.FileComment = reader.ReadBytes(header.FileCommentLength);
            header.UncompressedSize = zip64.UncompressedSize == null
                                                    ? uncompressedSizeSmall
                                                    : zip64.UncompressedSize.Value;
            header.CompressedSize = zip64.CompressedSize == null
                                                    ? compressedSizeSmall
                                                    : zip64.CompressedSize.Value;
            header.RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader = zip64.LocalHeaderOffset == null
                                                    ? relativeOffsetOfLocalHeaderSmall
                                                    : zip64.LocalHeaderOffset.Value;
            header.DiskNumberStart = zip64.StartDiskNumber == null
                                                    ? diskNumberStartSmall
                                                    : zip64.StartDiskNumber.Value;
            return true;
    internal struct ZipEndOfCentralDirectoryBlock
        public const uint SignatureConstant = 0x06054B50;
        public const int SignatureSize = sizeof(uint);
        // This is the minimum possible size, assuming the zip file comments variable section is empty
        public const int SizeOfBlockWithoutSignature = 18;
        // The end of central directory can have a variable size zip file comment at the end, but its max length can be 64K
        // The Zip File Format Specification does not explicitly mention a max size for this field, but we are assuming this
        // max size because that is the maximum value an ushort can hold.
        public const int ZipFileCommentMaxLength = ushort.MaxValue;
        public uint Signature;
        public ushort NumberOfThisDisk;
        public ushort NumberOfTheDiskWithTheStartOfTheCentralDirectory;
        public ushort NumberOfEntriesInTheCentralDirectoryOnThisDisk;
        public ushort NumberOfEntriesInTheCentralDirectory;
        public uint SizeOfCentralDirectory;
        public uint OffsetOfStartOfCentralDirectoryWithRespectToTheStartingDiskNumber;
        public byte[] ArchiveComment;
        public static void WriteBlock(Stream stream, long numberOfEntries, long startOfCentralDirectory, long sizeOfCentralDirectory, byte[] archiveComment)
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
            ushort numberOfEntriesTruncated = numberOfEntries > ushort.MaxValue ?
                                                        ZipHelper.Mask16Bit : (ushort)numberOfEntries;
            uint startOfCentralDirectoryTruncated = startOfCentralDirectory > uint.MaxValue ?
                                                        ZipHelper.Mask32Bit : (uint)startOfCentralDirectory;
            uint sizeOfCentralDirectoryTruncated = sizeOfCentralDirectory > uint.MaxValue ?
                                                        ZipHelper.Mask32Bit : (uint)sizeOfCentralDirectory;
            writer.Write((ushort)0); // number of this disk
            writer.Write((ushort)0); // number of disk with start of CD
            writer.Write(numberOfEntriesTruncated); // number of entries on this disk's cd
            writer.Write(numberOfEntriesTruncated); // number of entries in entire CD
            // Should be valid because of how we read archiveComment in TryReadBlock:
            Debug.Assert(archiveComment.Length <= ZipFileCommentMaxLength);
            writer.Write((ushort)archiveComment.Length); // zip file comment length
            if (archiveComment.Length > 0)
        public static bool TryReadBlock(BinaryReader reader, out ZipEndOfCentralDirectoryBlock eocdBlock)
            eocdBlock = default;
            if (reader.ReadUInt32() != SignatureConstant)
                return false;
            eocdBlock.Signature = SignatureConstant;
            eocdBlock.NumberOfThisDisk = reader.ReadUInt16();
            eocdBlock.NumberOfTheDiskWithTheStartOfTheCentralDirectory = reader.ReadUInt16();
            eocdBlock.NumberOfEntriesInTheCentralDirectoryOnThisDisk = reader.ReadUInt16();
            eocdBlock.NumberOfEntriesInTheCentralDirectory = reader.ReadUInt16();
            eocdBlock.SizeOfCentralDirectory = reader.ReadUInt32();
            eocdBlock.OffsetOfStartOfCentralDirectoryWithRespectToTheStartingDiskNumber = reader.ReadUInt32();
            ushort commentLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            eocdBlock.ArchiveComment = reader.ReadBytes(commentLength);
            return true;