File: src\libraries\Common\src\Interop\Interop.Brotli.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.IO.Compression.Brotli\src\System.IO.Compression.Brotli.csproj (System.IO.Compression.Brotli)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
internal static partial class Interop
    internal static partial class Brotli
        internal static partial SafeBrotliDecoderHandle BrotliDecoderCreateInstance(IntPtr allocFunc, IntPtr freeFunc, IntPtr opaque);
        internal static unsafe partial int BrotliDecoderDecompressStream(
            SafeBrotliDecoderHandle state, ref nuint availableIn, byte** nextIn,
            ref nuint availableOut, byte** nextOut, out nuint totalOut);
        internal static unsafe partial BOOL BrotliDecoderDecompress(nuint availableInput, byte* inBytes, nuint* availableOutput, byte* outBytes);
        internal static partial void BrotliDecoderDestroyInstance(IntPtr state);
        internal static partial BOOL BrotliDecoderIsFinished(SafeBrotliDecoderHandle state);
        internal static partial SafeBrotliEncoderHandle BrotliEncoderCreateInstance(IntPtr allocFunc, IntPtr freeFunc, IntPtr opaque);
        internal static partial BOOL BrotliEncoderSetParameter(SafeBrotliEncoderHandle state, BrotliEncoderParameter parameter, uint value);
        internal static unsafe partial BOOL BrotliEncoderCompressStream(
            SafeBrotliEncoderHandle state, BrotliEncoderOperation op, ref nuint availableIn,
            byte** nextIn, ref nuint availableOut, byte** nextOut, out nuint totalOut);
        internal static partial BOOL BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput(SafeBrotliEncoderHandle state);
        internal static partial nuint BrotliEncoderMaxCompressedSize(nuint inputSize);
        internal static partial void BrotliEncoderDestroyInstance(IntPtr state);
        internal static unsafe partial BOOL BrotliEncoderCompress(int quality, int window, int v, nuint availableInput, byte* inBytes, nuint* availableOutput, byte* outBytes);