3 instantiations of TarWriter
Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool (1)
src\ZipData.cs (1)
477using (TarWriter writer = new(streamToCompress, leaveOpen: true))
System.Formats.Tar (2)
System\Formats\Tar\TarFile.cs (2)
330using (TarWriter writer = new TarWriter(destination, TarEntryFormat.Pax, leaveOpen)) 384TarWriter writer = new TarWriter(destination, TarEntryFormat.Pax, leaveOpen);
9 references to TarWriter
Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool (1)
src\ZipData.cs (1)
477using (TarWriter writer = new(streamToCompress, leaveOpen: true))
System.Formats.Tar (8)
System\Formats\Tar\TarEntry.cs (1)
249/// <remarks>If you write data to this data stream, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position before writing this entry into an archive using <see cref="TarWriter.WriteEntry(TarEntry)"/>.</remarks>
System\Formats\Tar\TarFile.cs (2)
330using (TarWriter writer = new TarWriter(destination, TarEntryFormat.Pax, leaveOpen)) 384TarWriter writer = new TarWriter(destination, TarEntryFormat.Pax, leaveOpen);
System\Formats\Tar\TarWriter.cs (5)
24/// Initializes a <see cref="TarWriter"/> instance that can write tar entries to the specified stream and closes the <paramref name="archiveStream"/> upon disposal of this instance. 36/// Initializes a <see cref="TarWriter"/> instance that can write tar entries to the specified stream and optionally leaves the stream open upon disposal of this instance. When using this constructor, the format of the resulting archive is <see cref="TarEntryFormat.Pax"/>. 48/// Initializes a <see cref="TarWriter"/> instance that can write tar entries to the specified stream, optionally leaves the stream open upon disposal of 87/// Disposes the current <see cref="TarWriter"/> instance, and closes the archive stream if the <c>leaveOpen</c> argument was set to <see langword="false"/> in the constructor. 108/// Asynchronously disposes the current <see cref="TarWriter"/> instance, and closes the archive stream if the <c>leaveOpen</c> argument was set to <see langword="false"/> in the constructor.