1 write to DataStream
Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool (1)
src\ZipData.cs (1)
489entry.DataStream = signedStream;
17 references to DataStream
Microsoft.DotNet.SignCheckLibrary (1)
Verification\TarVerifier.cs (1)
54ContentStream = entry.DataStream,
Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool (4)
src\ZipData.cs (4)
66.Select(entry => (entry.Name, entry.DataStream, entry.Length)); 481if (entry.DataStream != null) 490entry.DataStream.Position = 0; 635tar.DataStream?.CopyTo(outputFileStream);
System.Formats.Tar (12)
System\Formats\Tar\TarEntry.cs (3)
541DataStream?.CopyTo(fs); 559if (DataStream != null) 562await DataStream.CopyToAsync(fs, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
System\Formats\Tar\TarReader.cs (7)
30/// <param name="leaveOpen"><see langword="false"/> to dispose the <paramref name="archiveStream"/> when this instance is disposed, as well as all the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances from the entries that were visited by this reader; <see langword="true"/> to leave all the streams open.</param> 51/// Disposes the current <see cref="TarReader"/> instance, closes the archive stream, and disposes the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances of all the entries that were read from the archive if the <c>leaveOpen</c> argument was set to <see langword="false"/> in the constructor. 53/// <remarks>The <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> property of any entry can be replaced with a new stream. If the user decides to replace it on a <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance that was obtained using a <see cref="TarReader"/>, the underlying stream gets disposed immediately, freeing the <see cref="TarReader"/> of origin from the responsibility of having to dispose it.</remarks> 76/// Asynchronously disposes the current <see cref="TarReader"/> instance, and disposes the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances of all the entries that were read from the archive. 78/// <remarks>The <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> property of any entry can be replaced with a new stream. If the user decides to replace it on a <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance that was obtained using a <see cref="TarReader"/>, the underlying stream gets disposed immediately, freeing the <see cref="TarReader"/> of origin from the responsibility of having to dispose it.</remarks> 104/// <para>Set it to <see langword="false"/> if the data should not be copied into a new stream. If the underlying stream is unseekable, the user has the responsibility of reading and processing the <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> immediately after calling this method.</para> 163/// <para>Set it to <see langword="false"/> if the data should not be copied into a new stream. If the underlying stream is unseekable, the user has the responsibility of reading and processing the <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> immediately after calling this method.</para>
System\Formats\Tar\TarWriter.cs (2)
190/// <remarks><para>Before writing an entry to the archive, if you wrote data into the entry's <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/>, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position.</para> 234/// <remarks><para>Before writing an entry to the archive, if you wrote data into the entry's <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/>, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position.</para>