// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace System.Formats.Asn1
public static partial class AsnDecoder
/// <summary>
/// Reads a GeneralizedTime value from <paramref name="source"/> with a specified tag under
/// the specified encoding rules.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The buffer containing encoded data.</param>
/// <param name="ruleSet">The encoding constraints to use when interpreting the data.</param>
/// <param name="bytesConsumed">
/// When this method returns, the total number of bytes for the encoded value.
/// This parameter is treated as uninitialized.
/// </param>
/// <param name="expectedTag">
/// The tag to check for before reading, or <see langword="null"/> for the default tag (Universal 24).
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The decoded value.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
/// <paramref name="ruleSet"/> is not defined.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="AsnContentException">
/// The next value does not have the correct tag.
/// -or-
/// The length encoding is not valid under the current encoding rules.
/// -or-
/// The contents are not valid under the current encoding rules.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// <paramref name="expectedTag"/>.<see cref="Asn1Tag.TagClass"/> is
/// <see cref="TagClass.Universal"/>, but
/// <paramref name="expectedTag"/>.<see cref="Asn1Tag.TagValue"/> is not correct for
/// the method.
/// </exception>
public static DateTimeOffset ReadGeneralizedTime(
ReadOnlySpan<byte> source,
AsnEncodingRules ruleSet,
out int bytesConsumed,
Asn1Tag? expectedTag = null)
byte[]? rented = null;
// An X.509 time is 15 characters (yyyyMMddHHmmssZ), beyond that is fractions (no limit) or
// BER specified offset.
const int StackBufSize = 64;
Span<byte> tmpSpace = stackalloc byte[StackBufSize];
ReadOnlySpan<byte> contents = GetOctetStringContents(
expectedTag ?? Asn1Tag.GeneralizedTime,
out int bytesRead,
ref rented,
DateTimeOffset value = ParseGeneralizedTime(ruleSet, contents);
if (rented != null)
CryptoPool.Return(rented, contents.Length);
bytesConsumed = bytesRead;
return value;
private static DateTimeOffset ParseGeneralizedTime(
AsnEncodingRules ruleSet,
ReadOnlySpan<byte> contentOctets)
// T-REC-X.680-201510 sec 46 defines a lot of formats for GeneralizedTime.
// All formats start with yyyyMMdd.
// "Local time" formats are
// [date]HH.fractionOfAnHourToAnArbitraryPrecision
// [date]HHmm.fractionOfAMinuteToAnArbitraryPrecision
// [date]HHmmss.fractionOfASecondToAnArbitraryPrecision
// "UTC time" formats are the local formats suffixed with 'Z'
// "UTC offset time" formats are the local formats suffixed with
// +HH
// +HHmm
// -HH
// -HHmm
// Since T-REC-X.680-201510 46.3(a)(1) and 46.3(a)(2) both specify the ISO 8601:2004
// Basic format, we shall presume that 46.3(a)(3) also meant only the Basic format,
// and therefore [+/-]HH:mm (with the colon) are prohibited. (based on ISO 8601:201x-DIS)
// Since DateTimeOffset doesn't have a notion of
// "I'm a local time, but with an unknown offset", the computer's current offset will
// be used.
// T-REC-X.690-201510 sec 11.7 binds CER and DER to a much smaller set of inputs:
// * Only the UTC/Z format can be used.
// * HHmmss must always be used
// * If fractions are present they will be separated by period, never comma.
// * If fractions are present the last digit mustn't be 0.
bool strict = ruleSet == AsnEncodingRules.DER || ruleSet == AsnEncodingRules.CER;
if (strict && contentOctets.Length < 15)
// yyyyMMddHHmmssZ
throw new AsnContentException(SR.ContentException_InvalidUnderCerOrDer_TryBer);
else if (contentOctets.Length < 10)
// yyyyMMddHH
throw new AsnContentException();
ReadOnlySpan<byte> contents = contentOctets;
int year = ParseNonNegativeIntAndSlice(ref contents, 4);
int month = ParseNonNegativeIntAndSlice(ref contents, 2);
int day = ParseNonNegativeIntAndSlice(ref contents, 2);
int hour = ParseNonNegativeIntAndSlice(ref contents, 2);
int? minute = null;
int? second = null;
ulong fraction = 0;
ulong fractionScale = 1;
byte lastFracDigit = 0xFF;
TimeSpan? timeOffset = null;
bool isZulu = false;
const byte HmsState = 0;
const byte FracState = 1;
const byte SuffixState = 2;
byte state = HmsState;
static byte? GetNextState(byte octet)
if (octet == 'Z' || octet == '-' || octet == '+')
return SuffixState;
if (octet == '.' || octet == ',')
return FracState;
return null;
// This while loop could be rewritten to include the FracState and Suffix
// processing steps. But since there's a forward flow to the state machine
// the loop body then needs to account for that.
while (state == HmsState && contents.Length != 0)
byte? nextState = GetNextState(contents[0]);
if (nextState == null)
if (minute == null)
minute = ParseNonNegativeIntAndSlice(ref contents, 2);
else if (second == null)
second = ParseNonNegativeIntAndSlice(ref contents, 2);
throw new AsnContentException();
state = nextState.Value;
if (state == FracState)
byte octet = contents[0];
Debug.Assert(state == GetNextState(octet));
if (octet == '.')
// Always valid
else if (octet == ',')
// Valid for BER, but not CER or DER.
// T-REC-X.690-201510 sec 11.7.4
if (strict)
throw new AsnContentException(SR.ContentException_InvalidUnderCerOrDer_TryBer);
Debug.Fail($"Unhandled value '{octet:X2}' in {nameof(FracState)}");
throw new AsnContentException();
contents = contents.Slice(1);
if (contents.IsEmpty)
throw new AsnContentException();
// There are 36,000,000,000 ticks per hour, and hour is our largest scale.
// In case the double -> Ticks conversion allows for rounding up we can allow
// for a 12th digit.
if (!Utf8Parser.TryParse(SliceAtMost(contents, 12), out fraction, out int fracLength) ||
fracLength == 0)
throw new AsnContentException();
lastFracDigit = (byte)(fraction % 10);
for (int i = 0; i < fracLength; i++)
fractionScale *= 10;
contents = contents.Slice(fracLength);
// Drain off any remaining digits.
// The unsigned parsers will not accept + or - as a leading character, so
// they won't eat timezone suffix.
// But Utf8Parser.TryParse reports false on overflow, so limit it to 9 digits at a time.
while (Utf8Parser.TryParse(SliceAtMost(contents, 9), out uint nonSemantic, out fracLength))
contents = contents.Slice(fracLength);
lastFracDigit = (byte)(nonSemantic % 10);
if (contents.Length != 0)
byte? nextState = GetNextState(contents[0]);
if (nextState == null)
throw new AsnContentException();
// If this produces FracState we'll finish with a non-empty contents, and still throw.
state = nextState.Value;
if (state == SuffixState)
byte octet = contents[0];
Debug.Assert(state == GetNextState(octet));
contents = contents.Slice(1);
if (octet == 'Z')
timeOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
isZulu = true;
bool isMinus;
if (octet == '+')
isMinus = false;
else if (octet == '-')
isMinus = true;
Debug.Fail($"Unhandled value '{octet:X2}' in {nameof(SuffixState)}");
throw new AsnContentException();
if (contents.IsEmpty)
throw new AsnContentException();
int offsetHour = ParseNonNegativeIntAndSlice(ref contents, 2);
int offsetMinute = 0;
if (contents.Length != 0)
offsetMinute = ParseNonNegativeIntAndSlice(ref contents, 2);
// ISO 8601:2004 4.2.1 restricts a "minute" value to [00,59].
// The "hour" value is effectively bound to [00,23] by the same section, but
// is bound to [00,14] by DateTimeOffset, so no additional check is required here.
if (offsetMinute > 59)
throw new AsnContentException();
TimeSpan tmp = new TimeSpan(offsetHour, offsetMinute, 0);
if (isMinus)
tmp = -tmp;
timeOffset = tmp;
// Was there data after a suffix, or fracstate went re-entrant?
if (!contents.IsEmpty)
throw new AsnContentException();
// T-REC-X.690-201510 sec 11.7
if (strict)
if (!isZulu || !second.HasValue)
throw new AsnContentException(SR.ContentException_InvalidUnderCerOrDer_TryBer);
if (lastFracDigit == 0)
throw new AsnContentException(SR.ContentException_InvalidUnderCerOrDer_TryBer);
double frac = (double)fraction / fractionScale;
TimeSpan fractionSpan = TimeSpan.Zero;
if (!minute.HasValue)
minute = 0;
second = 0;
if (fraction != 0)
// No minutes means this is fractions of an hour
fractionSpan = new TimeSpan((long)(frac * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour));
else if (!second.HasValue)
second = 0;
if (fraction != 0)
// No seconds means this is fractions of a minute
fractionSpan = new TimeSpan((long)(frac * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute));
else if (fraction != 0)
// Both minutes and seconds means fractions of a second.
fractionSpan = new TimeSpan((long)(frac * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));
DateTimeOffset value;
if (timeOffset == null)
// Use the local timezone offset since there's no information in the contents.
// T-REC-X.680-201510 sec 46.2(a).
value = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute.Value, second.Value));
// T-REC-X.680-201510 sec 46.2(b) or 46.2(c).
value = new DateTimeOffset(year, month, day, hour, minute.Value, second.Value, timeOffset.Value);
value += fractionSpan;
return value;
catch (Exception e)
throw new AsnContentException(SR.ContentException_DefaultMessage, e);
public partial class AsnReader
/// <summary>
/// Reads the next value as a GeneralizedTime with a specified tag.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expectedTag">
/// The tag to check for before reading, or <see langword="null"/> for the default tag (Universal 24).
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The decoded value.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="AsnContentException">
/// The next value does not have the correct tag.
/// -or-
/// The length encoding is not valid under the current encoding rules.
/// -or-
/// The contents are not valid under the current encoding rules.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// <paramref name="expectedTag"/>.<see cref="Asn1Tag.TagClass"/> is
/// <see cref="TagClass.Universal"/>, but
/// <paramref name="expectedTag"/>.<see cref="Asn1Tag.TagValue"/> is not correct for
/// the method.
/// </exception>
public DateTimeOffset ReadGeneralizedTime(Asn1Tag? expectedTag = null)
DateTimeOffset ret = AsnDecoder.ReadGeneralizedTime(_data.Span, RuleSet, out int consumed, expectedTag);
_data = _data.Slice(consumed);
return ret;