artifacts\obj\System.Formats.Asn1\Debug\net10.0\System.SR.cs (35)
16internal static string @Argument_DestinationTooShort => GetResourceString("Argument_DestinationTooShort", @"Destination is too short.");
18internal static string @Argument_EnumeratedValueRequiresNonFlagsEnum => GetResourceString("Argument_EnumeratedValueRequiresNonFlagsEnum", @"ASN.1 Enumerated values only apply to enum types without the [Flags] attribute.");
20internal static string @Argument_EnumeratedValueBackingTypeNotSupported => GetResourceString("Argument_EnumeratedValueBackingTypeNotSupported", @"Enumerations with a backing type of '{0}' are not supported for ReadEnumeratedValue.");
22internal static string @Argument_InvalidOidValue => GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOidValue", @"The OID value is invalid.");
24internal static string @Argument_NamedBitListRequiresFlagsEnum => GetResourceString("Argument_NamedBitListRequiresFlagsEnum", @"Named bit list operations require an enum with the [Flags] attribute.");
26internal static string @Argument_SourceOverlapsDestination => GetResourceString("Argument_SourceOverlapsDestination", @"The destination buffer overlaps the source buffer.");
28internal static string @Argument_Tag_NotCharacterString => GetResourceString("Argument_Tag_NotCharacterString", @"The specified tag has the Universal TagClass, but the TagValue does not correspond with a known character string type.");
30internal static string @Argument_IntegerCannotBeEmpty => GetResourceString("Argument_IntegerCannotBeEmpty", @"An integer value cannot be empty.");
32internal static string @Argument_IntegerRedundantByte => GetResourceString("Argument_IntegerRedundantByte", @"The first 9 bits of the integer value all have the same value. Ensure the input is in big-endian byte order and that all redundant leading bytes have been removed.");
34internal static string @Argument_UniversalValueIsFixed => GetResourceString("Argument_UniversalValueIsFixed", @"Tags with TagClass Universal must have the appropriate TagValue value for the data type being read or written.");
36internal static string @Argument_UnusedBitCountMustBeZero => GetResourceString("Argument_UnusedBitCountMustBeZero", @"Unused bit count must be 0 when the bit string is empty.");
38internal static string @Argument_UnusedBitCountRange => GetResourceString("Argument_UnusedBitCountRange", @"Unused bit count must be between 0 and 7, inclusive.");
40internal static string @Argument_UnusedBitWasSet => GetResourceString("Argument_UnusedBitWasSet", @"One or more of the bits covered by the provided unusedBitCount value is set. All unused bits must be cleared.");
42internal static string @Argument_WriteEncodedValue_OneValueAtATime => GetResourceString("Argument_WriteEncodedValue_OneValueAtATime", @"The input to WriteEncodedValue must represent a single encoded value with no trailing data.");
44internal static string @ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum => GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum", @"Non-negative number required.");
46internal static string @AsnWriter_EncodeUnbalancedStack => GetResourceString("AsnWriter_EncodeUnbalancedStack", @"Encode cannot be called while a Sequence, Set-Of, or Octet String is still open.");
48internal static string @AsnWriter_ModifyingWhileEncoding => GetResourceString("AsnWriter_ModifyingWhileEncoding", @"The AsnWriter cannot be written to while performing the Encode callback.");
50internal static string @AsnWriter_PopWrongTag => GetResourceString("AsnWriter_PopWrongTag", @"Cannot pop the requested tag as it is not currently in progress.");
52internal static string @ContentException_CerRequiresIndefiniteLength => GetResourceString("ContentException_CerRequiresIndefiniteLength", @"A constructed tag used a definite length encoding, which is invalid for CER data. The input may be encoded with BER or DER.");
54internal static string @ContentException_ConstructedEncodingRequired => GetResourceString("ContentException_ConstructedEncodingRequired", @"The encoded value uses a primitive encoding, which is invalid for '{0}' values.");
56internal static string @ContentException_DefaultMessage => GetResourceString("ContentException_DefaultMessage", @"The ASN.1 value is invalid.");
58internal static string @ContentException_EnumeratedValueTooBig => GetResourceString("ContentException_EnumeratedValueTooBig", @"The encoded enumerated value is larger than the value size of the '{0}' enum.");
60internal static string @ContentException_InvalidUnderCer_TryBerOrDer => GetResourceString("ContentException_InvalidUnderCer_TryBerOrDer", @"The encoded value is not valid under the selected encoding, but it may be valid under the BER or DER encoding.");
62internal static string @ContentException_InvalidUnderCerOrDer_TryBer => GetResourceString("ContentException_InvalidUnderCerOrDer_TryBer", @"The encoded value is not valid under the selected encoding, but it may be valid under the BER encoding.");
64internal static string @ContentException_InvalidUnderDer_TryBerOrCer => GetResourceString("ContentException_InvalidUnderDer_TryBerOrCer", @"The encoded value is not valid under the selected encoding, but it may be valid under the BER or CER encoding.");
66internal static string @ContentException_InvalidTag => GetResourceString("ContentException_InvalidTag", @"The provided data does not represent a valid tag.");
68internal static string @ContentException_LengthExceedsPayload => GetResourceString("ContentException_LengthExceedsPayload", @"The encoded length exceeds the number of bytes remaining in the input buffer.");
70internal static string @ContentException_LengthRuleSetConstraint => GetResourceString("ContentException_LengthRuleSetConstraint", @"The encoded length is not valid under the requested encoding rules, the value may be valid under the BER encoding.");
72internal static string @ContentException_LengthTooBig => GetResourceString("ContentException_LengthTooBig", @"The encoded length exceeds the maximum supported by this library (Int32.MaxValue).");
74internal static string @ContentException_NamedBitListValueTooBig => GetResourceString("ContentException_NamedBitListValueTooBig", @"The encoded named bit list value is larger than the value size of the '{0}' enum.");
76internal static string @ContentException_OidTooBig => GetResourceString("ContentException_OidTooBig", @"The encoded object identifier (OID) exceeds the limits supported by this library. Supported OIDs are limited to 64 arcs and each subidentifier is limited to a 128-bit value.");
78internal static string @ContentException_PrimitiveEncodingRequired => GetResourceString("ContentException_PrimitiveEncodingRequired", @"The encoded value uses a constructed encoding, which is invalid for '{0}' values.");
80internal static string @ContentException_SetOfNotSorted => GetResourceString("ContentException_SetOfNotSorted", @"The encoded set is not sorted as required by the current encoding rules. The value may be valid under the BER encoding, or you can ignore the sort validation by specifying skipSortValidation=true.");
82internal static string @ContentException_TooMuchData => GetResourceString("ContentException_TooMuchData", @"The last expected value has been read, but the reader still has pending data. This value may be from a newer schema, or is corrupt.");
84internal static string @ContentException_WrongTag => GetResourceString("ContentException_WrongTag", @"The provided data is tagged with '{0}' class value '{1}', but it should have been '{2}' class value '{3}'.");