// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Windows.Win32.UI.Shell;
namespace System.Drawing;
public static class SystemIcons
private static Icon? s_application;
private static Icon? s_asterisk;
private static Icon? s_error;
private static Icon? s_exclamation;
private static Icon? s_hand;
private static Icon? s_information;
private static Icon? s_question;
private static Icon? s_warning;
private static Icon? s_winlogo;
private static Icon? s_shield;
public static Icon Application => GetIcon(ref s_application, PInvokeCore.IDI_APPLICATION);
public static Icon Asterisk => GetIcon(ref s_asterisk, PInvokeCore.IDI_ASTERISK);
public static Icon Error => GetIcon(ref s_error, PInvokeCore.IDI_ERROR);
public static Icon Exclamation => GetIcon(ref s_exclamation, PInvokeCore.IDI_EXCLAMATION);
public static Icon Hand => GetIcon(ref s_hand, PInvokeCore.IDI_HAND);
public static Icon Information => GetIcon(ref s_information, PInvokeCore.IDI_INFORMATION);
public static Icon Question => GetIcon(ref s_question, PInvokeCore.IDI_QUESTION);
public static Icon Warning => GetIcon(ref s_warning, PInvokeCore.IDI_WARNING);
public static Icon WinLogo => GetIcon(ref s_winlogo, PInvokeCore.IDI_WINLOGO);
public static Icon Shield => s_shield ??= new Icon(typeof(SystemIcons), "ShieldIcon.ico");
private static Icon GetIcon(ref Icon? icon, PCWSTR iconId) =>
icon ??= new Icon(PInvokeCore.LoadIcon(HINSTANCE.Null, iconId));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the specified Windows shell stock icon.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stockIcon">The stock icon to retrieve.</param>
/// <param name="options">Options for retrieving the icon.</param>
/// <returns>The requested <see cref="Icon"/>.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// Unlike the static icon properties in <see cref="SystemIcons"/>, this API returns icons that are themed
/// for the running version of Windows. Additionally, the returned <see cref="Icon"/> is not cached and
/// should be disposed when no longer needed.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="stockIcon"/> is an invalid <see cref="StockIconId"/>.</exception>
public static unsafe Icon GetStockIcon(StockIconId stockIcon, StockIconOptions options = StockIconOptions.Default)
// Note that we don't explicitly check for invalid StockIconId to allow for accessing newer ids introduced
// in later OSes. The HRESULT returned for undefined ids gets converted to an ArgumentException.
cbSize = (uint)sizeof(SHSTOCKICONINFO),
HRESULT result = PInvoke.SHGetStockIconInfo(
// This only throws if there is an error.
return new Icon(info.hIcon, takeOwnership: true);
/// <inheritdoc cref="GetStockIcon(StockIconId, StockIconOptions)"/>
/// <param name="size">
/// The desired size. If the specified size does not exist, an existing size will be resampled to give the
/// requested size.
/// </param>
public static unsafe Icon GetStockIcon(StockIconId stockIcon, int size)
// Note that we don't explicitly check for invalid StockIconId to allow for accessing newer ids introduced
// in later OSes. The HRESULT returned for undefined ids gets converted to an ArgumentException.
cbSize = (uint)sizeof(SHSTOCKICONINFO),
HRESULT result = PInvoke.SHGetStockIconInfo(
// This only throws if there is an error.
HICON hicon;
result = PInvoke.SHDefExtractIcon(
(uint)(ushort)size << 16 | (ushort)size);
return new Icon(hicon, takeOwnership: true);