File: System\Drawing\SystemFonts.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Drawing.Common\src\System.Drawing.Common.csproj (System.Drawing.Common)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing.Interop;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Drawing;
public static class SystemFonts
    public static Font? GetFontByName(string systemFontName)
        if (nameof(CaptionFont).Equals(systemFontName))
            return CaptionFont;
        else if (nameof(DefaultFont).Equals(systemFontName))
            return DefaultFont;
        else if (nameof(DialogFont).Equals(systemFontName))
            return DialogFont;
        else if (nameof(IconTitleFont).Equals(systemFontName))
            return IconTitleFont;
        else if (nameof(MenuFont).Equals(systemFontName))
            return MenuFont;
        else if (nameof(MessageBoxFont).Equals(systemFontName))
            return MessageBoxFont;
        else if (nameof(SmallCaptionFont).Equals(systemFontName))
            return SmallCaptionFont;
        else if (nameof(StatusFont).Equals(systemFontName))
            return StatusFont;
        return null;
    private static unsafe bool GetNonClientMetrics(out NONCLIENTMETRICSW metrics)
        metrics = new NONCLIENTMETRICSW { cbSize = (uint)sizeof(NONCLIENTMETRICSW) };
        return PInvokeCore.SystemParametersInfo(ref metrics);
    public static Font? CaptionFont
            Font? captionFont = null;
            if (GetNonClientMetrics(out NONCLIENTMETRICSW metrics))
                captionFont = GetFontFromData(in metrics.lfCaptionFont);
            return captionFont;
    public static Font? SmallCaptionFont
            Font? smcaptionFont = null;
            if (GetNonClientMetrics(out NONCLIENTMETRICSW metrics))
                smcaptionFont = GetFontFromData(in metrics.lfSmCaptionFont);
            return smcaptionFont;
    public static Font? MenuFont
            Font? menuFont = null;
            if (GetNonClientMetrics(out NONCLIENTMETRICSW metrics))
                menuFont = GetFontFromData(metrics.lfMenuFont);
            return menuFont;
    public static Font? StatusFont
            Font? statusFont = null;
            if (GetNonClientMetrics(out NONCLIENTMETRICSW metrics))
                statusFont = GetFontFromData(metrics.lfStatusFont);
            return statusFont;
    public static Font? MessageBoxFont
            Font? messageBoxFont = null;
            if (GetNonClientMetrics(out NONCLIENTMETRICSW metrics))
                messageBoxFont = GetFontFromData(metrics.lfMessageFont);
            return messageBoxFont;
    private static bool IsCriticalFontException(Exception ex) =>
        // In any of these cases we'll handle the exception.
        ex is not (ExternalException
            or ArgumentException
            // GDI+ throws this one for many reasons other than actual OOM.
            or OutOfMemoryException
            or InvalidOperationException
            or NotImplementedException
            or FileNotFoundException);
    public static unsafe Font? IconTitleFont
            Font? iconTitleFont = null;
            LOGFONT itfont = default;
            if (PInvokeCore.SystemParametersInfo(SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_ACTION.SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, (uint)sizeof(LOGFONT), &itfont, 0))
                iconTitleFont = GetFontFromData(in itfont);
            return iconTitleFont;
    public static Font DefaultFont
            Font? defaultFont = null;
            // For Arabic systems, always return Tahoma 8.
            if (PInvokeCore.GetSystemDefaultLCID() == PInvoke.LANG_ARABIC)
                    defaultFont = new Font("Tahoma", 8);
                catch (Exception ex) when (!IsCriticalFontException(ex)) { }
            // First try DEFAULT_GUI.
            if (defaultFont is null)
                HFONT handle = (HFONT)PInvokeCore.GetStockObject(GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS.DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
                    using Font fontInWorldUnits = Font.FromHfont(handle);
                    defaultFont = FontInPoints(fontInWorldUnits);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // This can happen in theory if we end up pulling a non-TrueType font
            // If DEFAULT_GUI didn't work, try Tahoma.
            if (defaultFont is null)
                    defaultFont = new Font("Tahoma", 8);
                catch (ArgumentException)
            // Use GenericSansSerif as a last resort - this will always work.
            defaultFont ??= new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8);
            if (defaultFont.Unit != GraphicsUnit.Point)
                defaultFont = FontInPoints(defaultFont);
            Debug.Assert(defaultFont is not null, "defaultFont wasn't set.");
            return defaultFont;
    public static Font DialogFont
            Font? dialogFont = null;
            if (PInvokeCore.GetSystemDefaultLCID() == PInvoke.LANG_JAPANESE)
                // Always return DefaultFont for Japanese cultures.
                dialogFont = DefaultFont;
                    // Use MS Shell Dlg 2, 8pt for anything other than Japanese.
                    dialogFont = new Font("MS Shell Dlg 2", 8);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // This can happen in theory if we end up pulling a non-TrueType font
            if (dialogFont is null)
                dialogFont = DefaultFont;
            else if (dialogFont.Unit != GraphicsUnit.Point)
                dialogFont = FontInPoints(dialogFont);
            // For Japanese cultures, SystemFonts.DefaultFont returns a new Font object every time it is invoked.
            // So for Japanese we return the DefaultFont with its SystemFontName set to DialogFont.
            return dialogFont;
    private static Font FontInPoints(Font font)
        return new Font(font.FontFamily, font.SizeInPoints, font.Style, GraphicsUnit.Point, font.GdiCharSet, font.GdiVerticalFont);
    private static Font GetFontFromData(in LOGFONTW logFont) =>
        GetFontFromData(Unsafe.As<LOGFONTW, LOGFONT>(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in logFont)));
    private static Font GetFontFromData(in LOGFONT logFont)
        Font? font = null;
            font = Font.FromLogFont(in logFont);
        catch (Exception ex) when (!IsCriticalFontException(ex)) { }
        return font is null
            ? DefaultFont
            : font.Unit != GraphicsUnit.Point ? FontInPoints(font) : font;