111 instantiations of ImageAttributes
System.Drawing.Common.Tests (99)
mono\System.Drawing\GraphicsTests.cs (1)
2756using ImageAttributes ia = new();
System\Drawing\Imaging\ImageAttributesTests.cs (96)
63ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 72using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 84ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 96using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 131using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 149using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 175using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 206using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 217ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 229using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 248using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 265using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 275using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 302using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 323ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 334using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 344using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 367using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 394using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 423using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 435ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 447using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 461using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 473using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 484using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 497using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 510using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 520ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 530using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 539using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 553using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 564ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 574using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 583using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 596using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 609using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 619ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 630using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 640using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 652ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 662using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 671using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 686using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 699ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 710using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 719using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 736using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 753using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 767ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 778using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 787using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 802using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 817using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 828ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 840using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 850using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 865using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 877ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 888using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 906using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 932using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 962using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 973ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 984using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1001using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1011using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1026using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1038ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1049using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1058using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1069ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1081using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1089using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1097using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1106using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1115using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1124using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1140using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1153ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1164using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1173using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1186using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1199using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1209ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1220using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1227using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1234using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1241using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1250using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1264using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1275ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1286using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1293ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1304ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1314using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1323using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new();
System\Drawing\TextureBrushTests.cs (2)
186yield return new object[] { ((Image)data[0]).Clone(), data[1], new ImageAttributes(), WrapMode.Clamp }; 188ImageAttributes customWrapMode = new();
System.Windows.Forms (11)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewImageCell.cs (1)
830using ImageAttributes attr = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewRowHeaderCell.cs (1)
1036using ImageAttributes attr = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\PropertyGrid\PropertyGridInternal\DropDownButton.DropDownButtonAdapter.cs (2)
94graphics.DrawImage(invertedImage, imageBounds, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, new ImageAttributes()); 98graphics.DrawImage(image, imageBounds, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, new ImageAttributes());
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripHighContrastRenderer.cs (1)
492using ImageAttributes attrs = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripRenderer.cs (1)
1029imgAttrib ??= new ImageAttributes();
System\Windows\Forms\Rendering\ControlPaint.cs (5)
503using ImageAttributes imageAttrib = new(); 1454ImageAttributes attributes = new(); 1559using ImageAttributes attributes = new(); 1578using ImageAttributes attributes = new(); 1625t_disabledImageAttr = new ImageAttributes();
System.Windows.Forms.Design (1)
System\ComponentModel\Design\DesignerActionPanel.EditorPropertyLine.EditorButton.cs (1)
130using ImageAttributes attributes = new();
114 references to ImageAttributes
System.Drawing (1)
System.Drawing.cs (1)
86[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes))]
System.Drawing.Common.Tests (102)
mono\System.Drawing\GraphicsTests.cs (1)
2756using ImageAttributes ia = new();
System\Drawing\Imaging\ImageAttributesTests.cs (98)
63ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 72using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 75using ImageAttributes clone = Assert.IsAssignableFrom<ImageAttributes>(imageAttr.Clone()); 84ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 96using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 131using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 149using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 175using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 206using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 217ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 229using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 248using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 265using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 275using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 302using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 323ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 334using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 344using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 367using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 394using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 423using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 435ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 447using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 461using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 473using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 484using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 497using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 510using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 520ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 530using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 539using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 553using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 564ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 574using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 583using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 596using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 609using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 619ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 630using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 640using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 652ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 662using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 671using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 686using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 699ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 710using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 719using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 736using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 753using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 767ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 778using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 787using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 802using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 817using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 828ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 840using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 850using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 865using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 877ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 888using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 906using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 932using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 962using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 973ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 984using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1001using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1011using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1026using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1038ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1049using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1058using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1069ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1081using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1089using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1097using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1106using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1115using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1124using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1140using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1153ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1164using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1173using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1186using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1199using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1209ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1220using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1227using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1234using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1241using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1250using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1264using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1275ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1286using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1293ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1304ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1314using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new(); 1323using ImageAttributes imageAttr = new();
System\Drawing\TextureBrushTests.cs (3)
188ImageAttributes customWrapMode = new(); 196public void Ctor_Image_Rectangle_ImageAttributes(Image image, Rectangle rectangle, ImageAttributes attributes, WrapMode expectedWrapMode) 218public void Ctor_Image_RectangleF_ImageAttributes(Image image, Rectangle rectangle, ImageAttributes attributes, WrapMode expectedWrapMode)
System.Windows.Forms (10)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewImageCell.cs (1)
830using ImageAttributes attr = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewRowHeaderCell.cs (1)
1036using ImageAttributes attr = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripHighContrastRenderer.cs (1)
492using ImageAttributes attrs = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripItemImageRenderEventArgs.cs (1)
50internal ImageAttributes? ImageAttributes { get; set; }
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripRenderer.cs (1)
1025private static Bitmap CreateDisabledImage(Image normalImage, ImageAttributes? imgAttrib)
System\Windows\Forms\Rendering\ControlPaint.cs (5)
55private static ImageAttributes? t_disabledImageAttr; // ImageAttributes used to render disabled images 503using ImageAttributes imageAttrib = new(); 1454ImageAttributes attributes = new(); 1559using ImageAttributes attributes = new(); 1578using ImageAttributes attributes = new();
System.Windows.Forms.Design (1)
System\ComponentModel\Design\DesignerActionPanel.EditorPropertyLine.EditorButton.cs (1)
130using ImageAttributes attributes = new();