26 instantiations of BufferedGraphicsContext
System.Drawing.Common.Tests (26)
System\Drawing\BufferedGraphicsContextTests.cs (19)
13using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 20using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 32using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 44using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 56using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 78using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 100using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 122using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 129using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 137using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 145using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 158using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 178using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 186using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 199using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 208using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 213private static void AllocateBufferedGraphicsContext() => new BufferedGraphicsContext(); 228using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 240using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new();
System\Drawing\BufferedGraphicsTests.cs (7)
11using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 26using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 43using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 63using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 86using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 108using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 118using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new();
27 references to BufferedGraphicsContext
System.Drawing (1)
System.Drawing.cs (1)
10[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext))]
System.Drawing.Common.Tests (25)
System\Drawing\BufferedGraphicsContextTests.cs (18)
13using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 20using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 32using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 44using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 56using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 78using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 100using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 122using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 129using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 137using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 145using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 158using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 178using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 186using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 199using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 208using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 228using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 240using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new();
System\Drawing\BufferedGraphicsTests.cs (7)
11using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 26using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 43using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 63using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 86using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 108using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new(); 118using BufferedGraphicsContext context = new();
System.Windows.Forms (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Control.cs (1)
3218private static BufferedGraphicsContext BufferContext => BufferedGraphicsManager.Current;