// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
namespace System.Drawing.Tests;
public class ImageAnimatorManualTests
public static string OutputFolder { get; } = Path.Join(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "ImageAnimatorManualTests", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"));
[Fact(Skip = "Manual Test")]
public void AnimateAndCaptureFrames()
// This test animates the test gifs that we have and waits 60 seconds
// for the animations to progress. As the frame change events occur, we
// capture snapshots of the current frame, essentially extracting the
// frames from the GIF.
// The animation should progress at the expected pace to stay synchronized
// with the wall clock, and the animated timer images show the time duration
// within the image itself, so this can be manually verified for accuracy.
// The captured frames are stored in the `artifacts/bin/System.Drawing.Common.Tests`
// folder for each configuration, and then under an `ImageAnimatorManualTests` folder
// with a timestamped folder under that. Each animation image gets its own folder too.
string[] images =
Dictionary<string, EventHandler> handlers = [];
Dictionary<string, int> frameIndexes = [];
Dictionary<string, Bitmap> bitmaps = [];
Stopwatch stopwatch = new();
foreach (string imageName in images)
string testOutputFolder = Path.Join(OutputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName));
frameIndexes[imageName] = 0;
handlers[imageName] = new(new Action<object, EventArgs>((object o, EventArgs e) =>
Bitmap animation = (Bitmap)o;
// We save captures using jpg so that:
// a) The images don't get saved as animated gifs again, and just a single frame is saved
// b) Saving pngs in this test on Linux was leading to sporadic GDI+ errors; Jpeg is more reliable
string timestamp = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString("000000");
animation.Save(Path.Join(testOutputFolder, $"{++frameIndexes[imageName]}_{timestamp}.jpg"), ImageFormat.Jpeg);
bitmaps[imageName] = new Bitmap(Helpers.GetTestBitmapPath(imageName));
ImageAnimator.Animate(bitmaps[imageName], handlers[imageName]);
foreach (string imageName in images)
ImageAnimator.StopAnimate(bitmaps[imageName], handlers[imageName]);