7 instantiations of MyTypeDescriptorContext
System.Drawing.Common.Tests (7)
System\Drawing\Printing\MarginsConverterTests.cs (7)
19for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null) 34for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null) 47MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); 75Assert.True(mc.GetCreateInstanceSupported(new MyTypeDescriptorContext())); 85for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null) 107for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null) 126for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null)
6 references to MyTypeDescriptorContext
System.Drawing.Common.Tests (6)
System\Drawing\Printing\MarginsConverterTests.cs (6)
19for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null) 34for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null) 47MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); 85for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null) 107for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null) 126for (MyTypeDescriptorContext context = new(); context is not null; context = null)