// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
public interface ISymbolWriter
// Set the IMetadataEmitter that this symbol writer is associated
// with. This must be done only once before any other ISymbolWriter
// methods are called.
void Initialize(IntPtr emitter, string filename, bool fFullBuild);
// Define a source document. Guid's will be provided for the
// languages, vendors, and document types that we currently know
// about.
ISymbolDocumentWriter DefineDocument(string url,
Guid language,
Guid languageVendor,
Guid documentType);
// Define the method that the user has defined as their entrypoint
// for this module. This would be, perhaps, the user's main method
// rather than compiler generated stubs before main.
void SetUserEntryPoint(SymbolToken entryMethod);
// Open a method to emit symbol information into. The given method
// becomes the current method for calls do define sequence points,
// parameters and lexical scopes. There is an implicit lexical
// scope around the entire method. Re-opening a method that has
// been previously closed effectivley erases any previously
// defined symbols for that method.
// There can be only one open method at a time.
void OpenMethod(SymbolToken method);
// Close the current method. Once a method is closed, no more
// symbols can be defined within it.
void CloseMethod();
// Define a group of sequence points within the current method.
// Each line/column defines the start of a statement within a
// method. The arrays should be sorted by offset. The offset is
// always the offset from the start of the method, in bytes.
void DefineSequencePoints(ISymbolDocumentWriter document,
int[] offsets,
int[] lines,
int[] columns,
int[] endLines,
int[] endColumns);
// Open a new lexical scope in the current method. The scope
// becomes the new current scope and is effectivley pushed onto a
// stack of scopes. startOffset is the offset, in bytes from the
// beginning of the method, of the first instruction in the
// lexical scope. Scopes must form a hierarchy. Siblings are not
// allowed to overlap.
// OpenScope returns an opaque scope id that can be used with
// SetScopeRange to define a scope's start/end offset at a later
// time. In this case, the offsets passed to OpenScope and
// CloseScope are ignored.
// Note: scope id's are only valid in the current method.
// <TODO>@todo: should we require that startOffset and endOffset for
// scopes also be defined as sequence points?</TODO>
int OpenScope(int startOffset);
// Close the current lexical scope. Once a scope is closed no more
// variables can be defined within it. endOffset points past the
// last instruction in the scope.
void CloseScope(int endOffset);
// Define the offset range for a given lexical scope.
void SetScopeRange(int scopeID, int startOffset, int endOffset);
// Define a single variable in the current lexical
// scope. startOffset and endOffset are optional. If 0, then they
// are ignored and the variable is defined over the entire
// scope. If non-zero, then they must fall within the offsets of
// the current scope. This can be called multiple times for a
// variable of the same name that has multiple homes throughout a
// scope. (Note: start/end offsets must not overlap in such a
// case.)
void DefineLocalVariable(string name,
FieldAttributes attributes,
byte[] signature,
SymAddressKind addrKind,
int addr1,
int addr2,
int addr3,
int startOffset,
int endOffset);
// Define a single parameter in the current method. The type of
// each parameter is taken from its position (sequence) within the
// method's signature.
// Note: if parameters are defined in the metadata for a given
// method, then clearly one would not have to define them again
// with calls to this method. The symbol readers will have to be
// smart enough to check the normal metadata for these first then
// fall back to the symbol store.
void DefineParameter(string name,
ParameterAttributes attributes,
int sequence,
SymAddressKind addrKind,
int addr1,
int addr2,
int addr3);
// Define a single variable not within a method. This is used for
// certain fields in classes, bitfields, etc.
void DefineField(SymbolToken parent,
string name,
FieldAttributes attributes,
byte[] signature,
SymAddressKind addrKind,
int addr1,
int addr2,
int addr3);
// Define a single global variable.
void DefineGlobalVariable(string name,
FieldAttributes attributes,
byte[] signature,
SymAddressKind addrKind,
int addr1,
int addr2,
int addr3);
// Close will close the ISymbolWriter and commit the symbols
// to the symbol store. The ISymbolWriter becomes invalid
// after this call for further updates.
void Close();
// Defines a custom attribute based upon its name. Not to be
// confused with Metadata custom attributes, these attributes are
// held in the symbol store.
void SetSymAttribute(SymbolToken parent, string name, byte[] data);
// Opens a new namespace. Call this before defining methods or
// variables that live within a namespace. Namespaces can be nested.
void OpenNamespace(string name);
// Close the most recently opened namespace.
void CloseNamespace();
// Specifies that the given, fully qualified namespace name is
// being used within the currently open lexical scope. Closing the
// current scope will also stop using the namespace, and the
// namespace will be in use in all scopes that inherit from the
// currently open scope.
void UsingNamespace(string fullName);
// Specifies the true start and end of a method within a source
// file. Use this to specify the extent of a method independently
// of what sequence points exist within the method.
void SetMethodSourceRange(ISymbolDocumentWriter startDoc,
int startLine,
int startColumn,
ISymbolDocumentWriter endDoc,
int endLine,
int endColumn);
// Used to set the underlying ISymUnmanagedWriter that a
// managed ISymbolWriter may use to emit symbols with.
void SetUnderlyingWriter(IntPtr underlyingWriter);