// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
public interface ISymbolDocument
// Properties of the document.
string URL { get; }
Guid DocumentType { get; }
// Language of the document.
Guid Language { get; }
Guid LanguageVendor { get; }
// Check sum information.
Guid CheckSumAlgorithmId { get; }
byte[] GetCheckSum();
// Given a line in this document that may or may not be a sequence
// point, return the closest line that is a sequence point.
int FindClosestLine(int line);
// Access to embedded source.
bool HasEmbeddedSource { get; }
int SourceLength { get; }
byte[] GetSourceRange(int startLine, int startColumn,
int endLine, int endColumn);