// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Diagnostics.Metrics
internal static class RuntimeMetrics
[ThreadStatic] private static bool t_handlingFirstChanceException;
private const string MeterName = "System.Runtime";
private static readonly Meter s_meter = new(MeterName);
// These MUST align to the possible attribute values defined in the semantic conventions (TODO: link to the spec)
private static readonly string[] s_genNames = ["gen0", "gen1", "gen2", "loh", "poh"];
private static readonly int s_maxGenerations = Math.Min(GC.GetGCMemoryInfo().GenerationInfo.Length, s_genNames.Length);
private static readonly Counter<long> s_exceptions;
public static void EnsureInitialized()
// Dummy method to ensure that the static constructor run and created the meters
static RuntimeMetrics()
unit: "{collection}",
description: "The number of garbage collections that have occurred since the process has started.");
() => Environment.WorkingSet,
unit: "By",
description: "The number of bytes of physical memory mapped to the process context.");
() => GC.GetTotalAllocatedBytes(),
unit: "By",
description: "The approximate number of bytes allocated on the managed GC heap since the process has started. The returned value does not include any native allocations.");
() => GC.GetGCMemoryInfo().TotalCommittedBytes,
unit: "By",
description: "The amount of committed virtual memory in use by the .NET GC, as observed during the latest garbage collection.");
unit: "By",
description: "The managed GC heap size (including fragmentation), as observed during the latest garbage collection.");
unit: "By",
description: "The heap fragmentation, as observed during the latest garbage collection.");
() => GC.GetTotalPauseDuration().TotalSeconds,
unit: "s",
description: "The total amount of time paused in GC since the process has started.");
() => Runtime.JitInfo.GetCompiledILBytes(),
unit: "By",
description: "Count of bytes of intermediate language that have been compiled since the process has started.");
() => Runtime.JitInfo.GetCompiledMethodCount(),
unit: "{method}",
description: "The number of times the JIT compiler (re)compiled methods since the process has started.");
() => Runtime.JitInfo.GetCompilationTime().TotalSeconds,
unit: "s",
description: "The number of times the JIT compiler (re)compiled methods since the process has started.");
() => Monitor.LockContentionCount,
unit: "{contention}",
description: "The number of times there was contention when trying to acquire a monitor lock since the process has started.");
() => (long)ThreadPool.ThreadCount,
unit: "{thread}",
description: "The number of thread pool threads that currently exist.");
() => ThreadPool.CompletedWorkItemCount,
unit: "{work_item}",
description: "The number of work items that the thread pool has completed since the process has started.");
() => ThreadPool.PendingWorkItemCount,
unit: "{work_item}",
description: "The number of work items that are currently queued to be processed by the thread pool.");
() => Timer.ActiveCount,
unit: "{timer}",
description: "The number of timer instances that are currently active. An active timer is registered to tick at some point in the future and has not yet been canceled.");
() => (long)AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Length,
unit: "{assembly}",
description: "The number of .NET assemblies that are currently loaded.");
s_exceptions = s_meter.CreateCounter<long>(
unit: "{exception}",
description: "The number of exceptions that have been thrown in managed code.");
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += (source, e) =>
// Avoid recursion if the listener itself throws an exception while recording the measurement
// in its `OnMeasurementRecorded` callback.
if (t_handlingFirstChanceException) return;
t_handlingFirstChanceException = true;
s_exceptions.Add(1, new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("error.type", e.Exception.GetType().Name));
t_handlingFirstChanceException = false;
() => (long)Environment.ProcessorCount,
unit: "{cpu}",
description: "The number of processors available to the process.");
if (!OperatingSystem.IsBrowser() && !OperatingSystem.IsWasi() && !OperatingSystem.IsTvOS() && !(OperatingSystem.IsIOS() && !OperatingSystem.IsMacCatalyst()))
unit: "s",
description: "CPU time used by the process.");
private static IEnumerable<Measurement<long>> GetGarbageCollectionCounts()
long collectionsFromHigherGeneration = 0;
for (int gen = GC.MaxGeneration; gen >= 0; --gen)
long collectionsFromThisGeneration = GC.CollectionCount(gen);
yield return new(collectionsFromThisGeneration - collectionsFromHigherGeneration, new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("gc.heap.generation", s_genNames[gen]));
collectionsFromHigherGeneration = collectionsFromThisGeneration;
private static IEnumerable<Measurement<double>> GetCpuTime()
Debug.Assert(!OperatingSystem.IsBrowser() && !OperatingSystem.IsWasi() &&!OperatingSystem.IsTvOS() && !(OperatingSystem.IsIOS() && !OperatingSystem.IsMacCatalyst()));
Environment.ProcessCpuUsage processCpuUsage = Environment.CpuUsage;
yield return new(processCpuUsage.UserTime.TotalSeconds, [new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("cpu.mode", "user")]);
yield return new(processCpuUsage.PrivilegedTime.TotalSeconds, [new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("cpu.mode", "system")]);
private static IEnumerable<Measurement<long>> GetHeapSizes()
GCMemoryInfo gcInfo = GC.GetGCMemoryInfo();
for (int i = 0; i < s_maxGenerations; ++i)
yield return new(gcInfo.GenerationInfo[i].SizeAfterBytes, new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("gc.heap.generation", s_genNames[i]));
private static IEnumerable<Measurement<long>> GetHeapFragmentation()
GCMemoryInfo gcInfo = GC.GetGCMemoryInfo();
for (int i = 0; i < s_maxGenerations; ++i)
yield return new(gcInfo.GenerationInfo[i].FragmentationAfterBytes, new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("gc.heap.generation", s_genNames[i]));