// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Diagnostics;
/// <summary>
/// FilterAndTransform represents on transformation specification from a DiagnosticsSource
/// to EventSource's 'Event' method. (e.g. MySource/MyEvent:out=prop1.prop2.prop3).
/// Its main method is 'Morph' which takes a DiagnosticSource object and morphs it into
/// a list of string,string key value pairs.
/// This method also contains that static 'Create/Destroy FilterAndTransformList, which
/// simply parse a series of transformation specifications.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class DsesFilterAndTransform : IDisposable
private const string c_ActivitySourcePrefix = "[AS]";
private const string c_ParentRatioSamplerPrefix = "ParentRatioSampler(";
/// <summary>
/// Parses filterAndPayloadSpecs which is a list of lines each of which has the from
/// DiagnosticSourceName/EventName:PAYLOAD_SPEC
/// where PAYLOADSPEC is a semicolon separated list of specifications of the form
/// OutputName=Prop1.Prop2.PropN
/// Into linked list of FilterAndTransform that together forward events from the given
/// DiagnosticSource's to 'eventSource'. Sets the 'specList' variable to this value
/// (destroying anything that was there previously).
/// By default any serializable properties of the payload object are also included
/// in the output payload, however this feature and be tuned off by prefixing the
/// PAYLOADSPEC with a '-'.
/// </summary>
public static IDisposable ParseFilterAndPayloadSpecs(
DiagnosticSourceEventSource eventSource,
string? filterAndPayloadSpecs)
filterAndPayloadSpecs ??= "";
DsesFilterAndTransform? specList = null;
DsesFilterAndTransform? activitySourceSpecList = null;
// Points just beyond the last point in the string that has yet to be parsed. Thus we start with the whole string.
int endIdx = filterAndPayloadSpecs.Length;
while (true)
// Skip trailing whitespace.
while (0 < endIdx && char.IsWhiteSpace(filterAndPayloadSpecs[endIdx - 1]))
int newlineIdx = filterAndPayloadSpecs.LastIndexOf('\n', endIdx - 1, endIdx);
int startIdx = 0;
if (0 <= newlineIdx)
startIdx = newlineIdx + 1; // starts after the newline, or zero if we don't find one.
// Skip leading whitespace
while (startIdx < endIdx && char.IsWhiteSpace(filterAndPayloadSpecs[startIdx]))
if (IsActivitySourceEntry(filterAndPayloadSpecs, startIdx, endIdx))
activitySourceSpecList = CreateActivitySourceTransform(eventSource, filterAndPayloadSpecs, startIdx, endIdx, activitySourceSpecList);
specList = CreateTransform(eventSource, filterAndPayloadSpecs, startIdx, endIdx, specList);
endIdx = newlineIdx;
if (endIdx < 0)
DsesActivitySourceListener? activitySourceListener = activitySourceSpecList != null
? DsesActivitySourceListener.Create(eventSource, activitySourceSpecList)
: null;
return new ParsedFilterAndPayloadSpecs(specList, activitySourceListener);
private static bool IsActivitySourceEntry(string filterAndPayloadSpec, int startIdx, int endIdx) =>
filterAndPayloadSpec.AsSpan(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx).StartsWith(c_ActivitySourcePrefix.AsSpan(), StringComparison.Ordinal);
/// <summary>
/// Creates one FilterAndTransform specification from filterAndPayloadSpec starting at 'startIdx' and ending just before 'endIdx'.
/// This FilterAndTransform will subscribe to DiagnosticSources specified by the specification and forward them to 'eventSource.
/// For convenience, the 'Next' field is set to the 'next' parameter, so you can easily form linked lists.
/// </summary>
private static DsesFilterAndTransform? CreateTransform(
DiagnosticSourceEventSource eventSource,
string filterAndPayloadSpec,
int startIdx,
int endIdx,
DsesFilterAndTransform? next)
Debug.Assert(filterAndPayloadSpec != null && startIdx >= 0 && startIdx <= endIdx && endIdx <= filterAndPayloadSpec.Length);
string? listenerNameFilter = null; // Means WildCard.
string? eventNameFilter = null; // Means WildCard.
string? activityName = null;
bool noImplicitTransforms = false;
TransformSpec? explicitTransforms = null;
var startTransformIdx = startIdx;
var endEventNameIdx = endIdx;
var colonIdx = filterAndPayloadSpec.IndexOf(':', startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);
if (0 <= colonIdx)
endEventNameIdx = colonIdx;
startTransformIdx = colonIdx + 1;
// Parse the Source/Event name into listenerNameFilter and eventNameFilter
var slashIdx = filterAndPayloadSpec.IndexOf('/', startIdx, endEventNameIdx - startIdx);
if (0 <= slashIdx)
listenerNameFilter = filterAndPayloadSpec.Substring(startIdx, slashIdx - startIdx);
var atIdx = filterAndPayloadSpec.IndexOf('@', slashIdx + 1, endEventNameIdx - slashIdx - 1);
if (0 <= atIdx)
activityName = filterAndPayloadSpec.Substring(atIdx + 1, endEventNameIdx - atIdx - 1);
eventNameFilter = filterAndPayloadSpec.Substring(slashIdx + 1, atIdx - slashIdx - 1);
eventNameFilter = filterAndPayloadSpec.Substring(slashIdx + 1, endEventNameIdx - slashIdx - 1);
else if (startIdx < endEventNameIdx)
listenerNameFilter = filterAndPayloadSpec.Substring(startIdx, endEventNameIdx - startIdx);
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: Enabling '" + (listenerNameFilter ?? "*") + "/" + (eventNameFilter ?? "*") + "'");
// If the transform spec begins with a - it means you don't want implicit transforms.
if (startTransformIdx < endIdx && filterAndPayloadSpec[startTransformIdx] == '-')
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: suppressing implicit transforms.");
noImplicitTransforms = true;
// Parse all the explicit transforms, if present
if (startTransformIdx < endIdx)
while (true)
int specStartIdx = startTransformIdx;
int semiColonIdx = filterAndPayloadSpec.LastIndexOf(';', endIdx - 1, endIdx - startTransformIdx);
if (0 <= semiColonIdx)
specStartIdx = semiColonIdx + 1;
// Ignore empty specifications.
if (specStartIdx < endIdx)
if (eventSource.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Informational, DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Keywords.Messages))
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: Parsing Explicit Transform '" + filterAndPayloadSpec.Substring(specStartIdx, endIdx - specStartIdx) + "'");
explicitTransforms = new TransformSpec(eventSource, filterAndPayloadSpec, specStartIdx, endIdx, explicitTransforms);
if (startTransformIdx == specStartIdx)
endIdx = semiColonIdx;
var transform = new DsesFilterAndTransform(
sourceName: null,
activityName: null,
activityEvents: default,
sampleFunc: null);
transform.SetupDiagnosticListenerSubscription(listenerNameFilter, eventNameFilter, activityName);
return transform;
private static DsesFilterAndTransform? CreateActivitySourceTransform(
DiagnosticSourceEventSource eventSource,
string filterAndPayloadSpec,
int startIdx,
int endIdx,
DsesFilterAndTransform? next)
Debug.Assert(endIdx - startIdx >= 4);
Debug.Assert(IsActivitySourceEntry(filterAndPayloadSpec, startIdx, endIdx));
bool noImplicitTransforms = false;
TransformSpec? explicitTransforms = null;
ReadOnlySpan<char> eventName;
ReadOnlySpan<char> activitySourceName;
DsesActivityEvents supportedEvent = DsesActivityEvents.All; // Default events
DsesSampleActivityFunc sampleFunc = static (bool hasActivityContext, ref ActivityCreationOptions<ActivityContext> options)
=> ActivitySamplingResult.AllDataAndRecorded; // Default sampler
int colonIdx = filterAndPayloadSpec.IndexOf(':', startIdx + c_ActivitySourcePrefix.Length, endIdx - startIdx - c_ActivitySourcePrefix.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<char> entry = filterAndPayloadSpec.AsSpan(
startIdx + c_ActivitySourcePrefix.Length,
(colonIdx >= 0 ? colonIdx : endIdx) - startIdx - c_ActivitySourcePrefix.Length)
int eventNameIndex = entry.IndexOf('/');
if (eventNameIndex >= 0)
activitySourceName = entry.Slice(0, eventNameIndex).Trim();
ReadOnlySpan<char> suffixPart = entry.Slice(eventNameIndex + 1).Trim();
int samplingResultIndex = suffixPart.IndexOf('-');
if (samplingResultIndex >= 0)
// We have the format "[AS]SourceName/[EventName]-[SamplingResult]
eventName = suffixPart.Slice(0, samplingResultIndex).Trim();
suffixPart = suffixPart.Slice(samplingResultIndex + 1).Trim();
if (suffixPart.Length > 0)
if (suffixPart.Equals("Propagate".AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
sampleFunc = static (bool hasActivityContext, ref ActivityCreationOptions<ActivityContext> options) => ActivitySamplingResult.PropagationData;
else if (suffixPart.Equals("Record".AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
sampleFunc = static (bool hasActivityContext, ref ActivityCreationOptions<ActivityContext> options) => ActivitySamplingResult.AllData;
else if (suffixPart.StartsWith(c_ParentRatioSamplerPrefix.AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
int endingLocation = suffixPart.IndexOf(')');
if (endingLocation < 0
|| !double.TryParse(suffixPart.Slice(c_ParentRatioSamplerPrefix.Length, endingLocation - c_ParentRatioSamplerPrefix.Length).ToString(), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double ratio))
|| !double.TryParse(suffixPart.Slice(c_ParentRatioSamplerPrefix.Length, endingLocation - c_ParentRatioSamplerPrefix.Length), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double ratio))
if (eventSource.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Warning, DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Keywords.Messages))
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: Ignoring filterAndPayloadSpec '[AS]" + entry.ToString() + "' because sampling ratio was invalid");
return next;
sampleFunc = DsesSamplerBuilder.CreateParentRatioSampler(ratio);
if (eventSource.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Warning, DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Keywords.Messages))
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: Ignoring filterAndPayloadSpec '[AS]" + entry.ToString() + "' because sampling method was invalid");
return next;
// We have the format "[AS]SourceName/[EventName]
eventName = suffixPart;
if (eventName.Length > 0)
if (eventName.Equals("Start".AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
supportedEvent = DsesActivityEvents.ActivityStart;
else if (eventName.Equals("Stop".AsSpan(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
supportedEvent = DsesActivityEvents.ActivityStop;
if (eventSource.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Warning, DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Keywords.Messages))
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: Ignoring filterAndPayloadSpec '[AS]" + entry.ToString() + "' because event name was invalid");
return next;
// We have the format "[AS]SourceName"
activitySourceName = entry;
string? activityName = null;
int plusSignIndex = activitySourceName.IndexOf('+');
if (plusSignIndex >= 0)
activityName = activitySourceName.Slice(plusSignIndex + 1).Trim().ToString();
activitySourceName = activitySourceName.Slice(0, plusSignIndex).Trim();
if (activityName.Length > 0 && activitySourceName.Length == 1 && activitySourceName[0] == '*')
if (eventSource.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Warning, DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Keywords.Messages))
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: Ignoring filterAndPayloadSpec '[AS]" + entry.ToString() + "' because activity name cannot be specified for wildcard activity sources");
return next;
if (colonIdx >= 0)
int startTransformIdx = colonIdx + 1;
// If the transform spec begins with a - it means you don't want implicit transforms.
if (startTransformIdx < endIdx && filterAndPayloadSpec[startTransformIdx] == '-')
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: suppressing implicit transforms.");
noImplicitTransforms = true;
// Parse all the explicit transforms, if present
if (startTransformIdx < endIdx)
while (true)
int specStartIdx = startTransformIdx;
int semiColonIdx = filterAndPayloadSpec.LastIndexOf(';', endIdx - 1, endIdx - startTransformIdx);
if (0 <= semiColonIdx)
specStartIdx = semiColonIdx + 1;
// Ignore empty specifications.
if (specStartIdx < endIdx)
if (eventSource.IsEnabled(EventLevel.Informational, DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Keywords.Messages))
eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: Parsing Explicit Transform '" + filterAndPayloadSpec.Substring(specStartIdx, endIdx - specStartIdx) + "'");
explicitTransforms = new TransformSpec(eventSource, filterAndPayloadSpec, specStartIdx, endIdx, explicitTransforms);
if (startTransformIdx == specStartIdx)
endIdx = semiColonIdx;
return new DsesFilterAndTransform(
private DsesFilterAndTransform(
DiagnosticSourceEventSource eventSource,
DsesFilterAndTransform? next,
bool noImplicitTransforms,
TransformSpec? explicitTransforms,
string? sourceName,
string? activityName,
DsesActivityEvents activityEvents,
DsesSampleActivityFunc? sampleFunc)
_eventSource = eventSource;
_noImplicitTransforms = noImplicitTransforms;
_explicitTransforms = explicitTransforms;
Next = next;
SourceName = sourceName;
ActivityName = activityName;
Events = activityEvents;
SampleFunc = sampleFunc;
public void Dispose()
if (_diagnosticsListenersSubscription != null)
_diagnosticsListenersSubscription = null;
if (_liveSubscriptions != null)
Subscriptions? subscr = _liveSubscriptions;
_liveSubscriptions = null;
while (subscr != null)
subscr = subscr.Next;
public List<KeyValuePair<string, string?>> Morph(object? args)
// Transform the args into a bag of key-value strings.
var outputArgs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string?>>();
if (args != null)
if (!_noImplicitTransforms)
// given the type, fetch the implicit transforms for that type and put it in the implicitTransforms variable.
Type argType = args.GetType();
TransformSpec? implicitTransforms;
// First check the one-element cache _firstImplicitTransformsEntry
ImplicitTransformEntry? cacheEntry = _firstImplicitTransformsEntry;
if (cacheEntry != null && cacheEntry.Type == argType)
implicitTransforms = cacheEntry.Transforms; // Yeah we hit the cache.
else if (cacheEntry == null)
// _firstImplicitTransformsEntry is empty, we should fill it.
// Note that it is OK that two threads may race and both call MakeImplicitTransforms on their own
// (that is we don't expect exactly once initialization of _firstImplicitTransformsEntry)
implicitTransforms = MakeImplicitTransforms(_eventSource, argType);
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _firstImplicitTransformsEntry,
new ImplicitTransformEntry() { Type = argType, Transforms = implicitTransforms }, null);
// This should only happen when you are wildcarding your events (reasonably rare).
// In that case you will probably need many types
// Note currently we don't limit the cache size, but it is limited by the number of
// distinct types of objects passed to DiagnosticSource.Write.
if (_implicitTransformsTable == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _implicitTransformsTable,
new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, TransformSpec?>(1, 8), null);
implicitTransforms = _implicitTransformsTable.GetOrAdd(argType, t => MakeImplicitTransforms(_eventSource, t));
// implicitTransformas now fetched from cache or constructed, use it to Fetch all the implicit fields.
if (implicitTransforms != null)
for (TransformSpec? serializableArg = implicitTransforms; serializableArg != null; serializableArg = serializableArg.Next)
if (_explicitTransforms != null)
for (TransformSpec? explicitTransform = _explicitTransforms; explicitTransform != null; explicitTransform = explicitTransform.Next)
var keyValue = explicitTransform.Morph(args);
if (keyValue.Value != null)
return outputArgs;
private void SetupDiagnosticListenerSubscription(
string? listenerNameFilter, // Means WildCard.
string? eventNameFilter, // Means WildCard.
string? activityName)
Action<string, string, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string?>>>? writeEvent = null;
if (activityName != null && activityName.Contains("Activity"))
writeEvent = activityName switch
nameof(DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Activity1Start) => _eventSource.Activity1Start,
nameof(DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Activity1Stop) => _eventSource.Activity1Stop,
nameof(DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Activity2Start) => _eventSource.Activity2Start,
nameof(DiagnosticSourceEventSource.Activity2Stop) => _eventSource.Activity2Stop,
nameof(DiagnosticSourceEventSource.RecursiveActivity1Start) => _eventSource.RecursiveActivity1Start,
nameof(DiagnosticSourceEventSource.RecursiveActivity1Stop) => _eventSource.RecursiveActivity1Stop,
_ => null
if (writeEvent == null)
_eventSource.Message("DiagnosticSource: Could not find Event to log Activity " + activityName);
writeEvent ??= _eventSource.Event;
// Set up a subscription that watches for the given Diagnostic Sources and events which will call back
// to the EventSource.
_diagnosticsListenersSubscription = DiagnosticListener.AllListeners.Subscribe(new CallbackObserver<DiagnosticListener>(delegate (DiagnosticListener newListener)
if (listenerNameFilter == null || listenerNameFilter == newListener.Name)
Predicate<string>? eventNameFilterPredicate = null;
if (eventNameFilter != null)
eventNameFilterPredicate = (string eventName) => eventNameFilter == eventName;
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
Justification = "DiagnosticSource.Write is marked with RequiresUnreferencedCode.")]
void OnEventWritten(KeyValuePair<string, object?> evnt)
// The filter given to the DiagnosticSource may not work if users don't is 'IsEnabled' as expected.
// Thus we look for any events that may have snuck through and filter them out before forwarding.
if (eventNameFilter != null && eventNameFilter != evnt.Key)
var outputArgs = this.Morph(evnt.Value);
var eventName = evnt.Key;
writeEvent(newListener.Name, eventName, outputArgs);
var subscription = newListener.Subscribe(new CallbackObserver<KeyValuePair<string, object?>>(OnEventWritten), eventNameFilterPredicate);
_liveSubscriptions = new Subscriptions(subscription, _liveSubscriptions);
public DsesFilterAndTransform? Next { get; }
// Specific ActivitySource Transforms information
internal string? SourceName { get; }
internal string? ActivityName { get; }
internal DsesActivityEvents Events { get; }
internal DsesSampleActivityFunc? SampleFunc { get; }
private sealed class ParsedFilterAndPayloadSpecs : IDisposable
private DsesFilterAndTransform? _specList;
private DsesActivitySourceListener? _activitySourceListener;
public ParsedFilterAndPayloadSpecs(
DsesFilterAndTransform? specList,
DsesActivitySourceListener? activitySourceListener)
_specList = specList;
_activitySourceListener = activitySourceListener;
/// <summary>
/// This destroys (turns off) the FilterAndTransform stopping the forwarding started with CreateFilterAndTransformList
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
_activitySourceListener = null;
var curSpec = _specList;
_specList = null; // Null out the list
while (curSpec != null) // Dispose everything in the list.
curSpec = curSpec.Next;
// This olds one the implicit transform for one type of object.
// We remember this type-transform pair in the _firstImplicitTransformsEntry cache.
private sealed class ImplicitTransformEntry
public Type? Type;
public TransformSpec? Transforms;
/// <summary>
/// Transform spec represents a string that describes how to extract a piece of data from
/// the DiagnosticSource payload. An example string is OUTSTR=EVENT_VALUE.PROP1.PROP2.PROP3
/// It has a Next field so they can be chained together in a linked list.
/// </summary>
private sealed class TransformSpec
/// <summary>
/// parse the strings 'spec' from startIdx to endIdx (points just beyond the last considered char)
/// The syntax is ID1=ID2.ID3.ID4 .... Where ID1= is optional.
/// </summary>
public TransformSpec(DiagnosticSourceEventSource eventSource, string transformSpec, int startIdx, int endIdx, TransformSpec? next = null)
Debug.Assert(transformSpec != null && startIdx >= 0 && startIdx < endIdx && endIdx <= transformSpec.Length);
Next = next;
// Pick off the Var=
int equalsIdx = transformSpec.IndexOf('=', startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);
if (0 <= equalsIdx)
_outputName = transformSpec.Substring(startIdx, equalsIdx - startIdx);
startIdx = equalsIdx + 1;
// Working from back to front, create a PropertySpec for each .ID in the string.
while (startIdx < endIdx)
int dotIdx = transformSpec.LastIndexOf('.', endIdx - 1, endIdx - startIdx);
int idIdx = startIdx;
if (0 <= dotIdx)
idIdx = dotIdx + 1;
string propertyName = transformSpec.Substring(idIdx, endIdx - idIdx);
_fetches = new PropertySpec(eventSource, propertyName, _fetches);
// If the user did not explicitly set a name, it is the last one (first to be processed from the end).
_outputName ??= propertyName;
endIdx = dotIdx; // This works even when LastIndexOf return -1.
/// <summary>
/// Given the DiagnosticSourcePayload 'obj', compute a key-value pair from it. For example
/// if the spec is OUTSTR=EVENT_VALUE.PROP1.PROP2.PROP3 and the ultimate value of PROP3 is
/// 10 then the return key value pair is KeyValuePair("OUTSTR","10")
/// </summary>
public KeyValuePair<string, string?> Morph(object? obj)
for (PropertySpec? cur = _fetches; cur != null; cur = cur.Next)
if (obj != null || cur.IsStatic)
obj = cur.Fetch(obj);
return new KeyValuePair<string, string?>(_outputName, obj?.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// A public field that can be used to form a linked list.
/// </summary>
public TransformSpec? Next;
#region private
/// <summary>
/// A PropertySpec represents information needed to fetch a property from
/// and efficiently. Thus it represents a '.PROP' in a TransformSpec
/// (and a transformSpec has a list of these).
/// </summary>
private sealed class PropertySpec
private const string CurrentActivityPropertyName = "*Activity";
private const string EnumeratePropertyName = "*Enumerate";
/// <summary>
/// Make a new PropertySpec for a property named 'propertyName'.
/// For convenience you can set he 'next' field to form a linked
/// list of PropertySpecs.
/// </summary>
public PropertySpec(DiagnosticSourceEventSource eventSource, string propertyName, PropertySpec? next)
_eventSource = eventSource;
_propertyName = propertyName;
Next = next;
// detect well-known names that are static functions
if (_propertyName == CurrentActivityPropertyName)
IsStatic = true;
public bool IsStatic { get; }
public PropertySpec? Next { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Given an object fetch the property that this PropertySpec represents.
/// obj may be null when IsStatic is true, otherwise it must be non-null.
/// </summary>
public object? Fetch(object? obj)
PropertyFetch? fetch = _fetchForExpectedType;
Debug.Assert(obj != null || IsStatic);
Type? objType = obj?.GetType();
if (fetch == null || fetch.Type != objType)
_fetchForExpectedType = fetch = PropertyFetch.FetcherForProperty(_eventSource, objType, _propertyName);
object? ret = null;
// Avoid the exception which can be thrown during accessing the object properties.
try { ret = fetch!.Fetch(obj); } catch (Exception e) { _eventSource.Message($"Property {objType}.{_propertyName} threw the exception {e}"); }
return ret;
#region private
/// <summary>
/// PropertyFetch is a helper class. It takes a PropertyInfo and then knows how
/// to efficiently fetch that property from a .NET object (See Fetch method).
/// It hides some slightly complex generic code.
/// </summary>
private class PropertyFetch
public PropertyFetch(Type? type)
Type = type;
/// <summary>
/// The type of the object that the property is fetched from. For well-known static methods that
/// aren't actually property getters this will return null.
/// </summary>
internal Type? Type { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a property fetcher for a propertyName
/// </summary>
public static PropertyFetch FetcherForProperty(DiagnosticSourceEventSource eventSource, Type? type, string propertyName)
if (propertyName == null)
return new PropertyFetch(type); // returns null on any fetch.
if (propertyName == CurrentActivityPropertyName)
return new CurrentActivityPropertyFetch();
Debug.Assert(type != null, "Type should only be null for the well-known static fetchers already checked");
TypeInfo typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
if (propertyName == EnumeratePropertyName)
// If there are multiple implementations of IEnumerable<T>, this arbitrarily uses the first one
foreach (Type iFaceType in typeInfo.GetInterfaces())
TypeInfo iFaceTypeInfo = iFaceType.GetTypeInfo();
if (!iFaceTypeInfo.IsGenericType ||
iFaceTypeInfo.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(IEnumerable<>))
return CreateEnumeratePropertyFetch(type, iFaceTypeInfo);
// no implementation of IEnumerable<T> found, return a null fetcher
eventSource.Message($"*Enumerate applied to non-enumerable type {type}");
return new PropertyFetch(type);
PropertyInfo? propertyInfo = typeInfo.GetDeclaredProperty(propertyName);
if (propertyInfo == null)
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in typeInfo.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
if (pi.Name == propertyName)
propertyInfo = pi;
if (propertyInfo == null)
eventSource.Message($"Property {propertyName} not found on {type}. Ensure the name is spelled correctly. If you published the application with PublishTrimmed=true, ensure the property was not trimmed away.");
return new PropertyFetch(type);
// Delegate creation below is incompatible with static properties.
else if (propertyInfo.GetMethod?.IsStatic == true || propertyInfo.SetMethod?.IsStatic == true)
eventSource.Message($"Property {propertyName} is static.");
return new PropertyFetch(type);
return CreatePropertyFetch(typeInfo, propertyInfo);
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("AOT", "IL3050:RequiresDynamicCode",
Justification = "MakeGenericType is only called when IsDynamicCodeSupported is true or only with ref types.")]
private static PropertyFetch CreateEnumeratePropertyFetch(Type type, TypeInfo enumerableOfTType)
Type elemType = enumerableOfTType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
#if NET
if (!RuntimeFeature.IsDynamicCodeSupported && elemType.IsValueType)
return new EnumeratePropertyFetch(type);
Type instantiatedTypedPropertyFetcher = typeof(EnumeratePropertyFetch<>)
return (PropertyFetch)Activator.CreateInstance(instantiatedTypedPropertyFetcher, type)!;
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("AOT", "IL3050:RequiresDynamicCode",
Justification = "MakeGenericType is only called when IsDynamicCodeSupported is true or only with ref types.")]
private static PropertyFetch CreatePropertyFetch(Type type, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
#if NET
if (!RuntimeFeature.IsDynamicCodeSupported && (propertyInfo.DeclaringType!.IsValueType || propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsValueType))
return new ReflectionPropertyFetch(type, propertyInfo);
Type typedPropertyFetcher = type.IsValueType ?
typeof(ValueTypedFetchProperty<,>) : typeof(RefTypedFetchProperty<,>);
Type instantiatedTypedPropertyFetcher = typedPropertyFetcher.GetTypeInfo().MakeGenericType(
propertyInfo.DeclaringType!, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
return (PropertyFetch)Activator.CreateInstance(instantiatedTypedPropertyFetcher, type, propertyInfo)!;
/// <summary>
/// Given an object, fetch the property that this propertyFech represents.
/// </summary>
public virtual object? Fetch(object? obj) { return null; }
#region private
private sealed class RefTypedFetchProperty<TObject, TProperty> : PropertyFetch
public RefTypedFetchProperty(Type type, PropertyInfo property) : base(type)
_propertyFetch = (Func<TObject, TProperty>)property.GetMethod!.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<TObject, TProperty>));
public override object? Fetch(object? obj)
Debug.Assert(obj is TObject);
return _propertyFetch((TObject)obj);
private readonly Func<TObject, TProperty> _propertyFetch;
private delegate TProperty StructFunc<TStruct, TProperty>(ref TStruct thisArg);
// Value types methods require that the first argument is passed by reference. This requires a different delegate signature
// from the reference type case.
private sealed class ValueTypedFetchProperty<TStruct, TProperty> : PropertyFetch
public ValueTypedFetchProperty(Type type, PropertyInfo property) : base(type)
Debug.Assert(typeof(TStruct) == type);
_propertyFetch = (StructFunc<TStruct, TProperty>)property.GetMethod!.CreateDelegate(typeof(StructFunc<TStruct, TProperty>));
public override object? Fetch(object? obj)
Debug.Assert(obj is TStruct);
// It is uncommon for property getters to mutate the struct, but if they do the change will be lost.
// We are calling the getter on an unboxed copy
TStruct structObj = (TStruct)obj;
return _propertyFetch(ref structObj);
private readonly StructFunc<TStruct, TProperty> _propertyFetch;
#if NET
/// <summary>
/// A fetcher that can be used when MakeGenericType isn't available.
/// </summary>
private sealed class ReflectionPropertyFetch : PropertyFetch
private readonly MethodInvoker _getterInvoker;
public ReflectionPropertyFetch(Type type, PropertyInfo property) : base(type)
_getterInvoker = MethodInvoker.Create(property.GetMethod!);
public override object? Fetch(object? obj) => _getterInvoker.Invoke(obj);
/// <summary>
/// A fetcher that enumerates and formats an IEnumerable when MakeGenericType isn't available.
/// </summary>
private sealed class EnumeratePropertyFetch : PropertyFetch
public EnumeratePropertyFetch(Type type) : base(type) { }
public override object? Fetch(object? obj)
IEnumerable? enumerable = obj as IEnumerable;
Debug.Assert(enumerable is not null);
// string.Join for a non-generic IEnumerable
IEnumerator en = enumerable.GetEnumerator();
using (IDisposable? disposable = en as IDisposable)
if (!en.MoveNext())
return string.Empty;
object? currentValue = en.Current;
string? firstString = currentValue?.ToString();
// If there's only 1 item, simply return the ToString of that
if (!en.MoveNext())
// Only one value available
return firstString ?? string.Empty;
var result = new ValueStringBuilder(stackalloc char[256]);
currentValue = en.Current;
if (currentValue != null)
while (en.MoveNext());
return result.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// A fetcher that returns the result of Activity.Current
/// </summary>
private sealed class CurrentActivityPropertyFetch : PropertyFetch
public CurrentActivityPropertyFetch() : base(null) { }
public override object? Fetch(object? obj)
return Activity.Current;
/// <summary>
/// A fetcher that enumerates and formats an IEnumerable
/// </summary>
private sealed class EnumeratePropertyFetch<ElementType> : PropertyFetch
public EnumeratePropertyFetch(Type type) : base(type) { }
public override object? Fetch(object? obj)
Debug.Assert(obj is IEnumerable<ElementType>);
return string.Join(",", (IEnumerable<ElementType>)obj);
private readonly DiagnosticSourceEventSource _eventSource;
private readonly string _propertyName;
private volatile PropertyFetch? _fetchForExpectedType;
private readonly string _outputName = null!;
private readonly PropertySpec? _fetches;
/// <summary>
/// CallbackObserver is an adapter class that creates an observer (which you can pass
/// to IObservable.Subscribe), and calls the given callback every time the 'next'
/// operation on the IObserver happens.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
private sealed class CallbackObserver<T> : IObserver<T>
public CallbackObserver(Action<T> callback) { _callback = callback; }
#region private
public void OnCompleted() { }
public void OnError(Exception error) { }
public void OnNext(T value) { _callback(value); }
private readonly Action<T> _callback;
// A linked list of IObservable subscriptions (which are IDisposable).
// We use this to keep track of the DiagnosticSource subscriptions.
// We use this linked list for thread atomicity
private sealed class Subscriptions
public Subscriptions(IDisposable subscription, Subscriptions? next)
Subscription = subscription;
Next = next;
public IDisposable Subscription;
public Subscriptions? Next;
// Given a type generate all the implicit transforms for type (that is for every field
// generate the spec that fetches it).
private static TransformSpec? MakeImplicitTransforms(DiagnosticSourceEventSource eventSource, Type type)
TransformSpec? newSerializableArgs = null;
TypeInfo curTypeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in curTypeInfo.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
// prevent TransformSpec from attempting to implicitly transform index properties
if (property.GetMethod == null || property.GetMethod!.GetParameters().Length > 0)
newSerializableArgs = new TransformSpec(eventSource, property.Name, 0, property.Name.Length, newSerializableArgs);
return Reverse(newSerializableArgs);
// Reverses a linked list (of TransformSpecs) in place.
private static TransformSpec? Reverse(TransformSpec? list)
TransformSpec? ret = null;
while (list != null)
var next = list.Next;
list.Next = ret;
ret = list;
list = next;
return ret;
private readonly DiagnosticSourceEventSource _eventSource;
private IDisposable? _diagnosticsListenersSubscription; // This is our subscription that listens for new Diagnostic source to appear.
private Subscriptions? _liveSubscriptions; // These are the subscriptions that we are currently forwarding to the EventSource.
private readonly bool _noImplicitTransforms; // Listener can say they don't want implicit transforms.
private ImplicitTransformEntry? _firstImplicitTransformsEntry; // The transform for _firstImplicitFieldsType
private ConcurrentDictionary<Type, TransformSpec?>? _implicitTransformsTable; // If there is more than one object type for an implicit transform, they go here.
private readonly TransformSpec? _explicitTransforms; // payload to include because the user explicitly indicated how to fetch the field.