// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace System.Data.Common
internal partial class DbConnectionOptions
private const string ConnectionStringPattern = // may not contain embedded null except trailing last value
"([\\s;]*" // leading whitespace and extra semicolons
+ "(?![\\s;])" // key does not start with space or semicolon
+ "(?<key>([^=\\s\\p{Cc}]|\\s+[^=\\s\\p{Cc}]|\\s+==|==)+)" // allow any visible character for keyname except '=' which must quoted as '=='
+ "\\s*=(?!=)\\s*" // the equal sign divides the key and value parts
+ "(?<value>"
+ "(\"([^\"\u0000]|\"\")*\")" // double quoted string, " must be quoted as ""
+ "|"
+ "('([^'\u0000]|'')*')" // single quoted string, ' must be quoted as ''
+ "|"
+ "((?![\"'\\s])" // unquoted value must not start with " or ' or space, would also like = but too late to change
+ "([^;\\s\\p{Cc}]|\\s+[^;\\s\\p{Cc}])*" // control characters must be quoted
+ "(?<![\"']))" // unquoted value must not stop with " or '
+ ")(\\s*)(;|[\u0000\\s]*$)" // whitespace after value up to semicolon or end-of-line
+ ")*" // repeat the key-value pair
+ "[\\s;]*[\u0000\\s]*" // trailing whitespace/semicolons (DataSourceLocator), embedded nulls are allowed only in the end
private const string ConnectionStringPatternOdbc = // may not contain embedded null except trailing last value
"([\\s;]*" // leading whitespace and extra semicolons
+ "(?![\\s;])" // key does not start with space or semicolon
+ "(?<key>([^=\\s\\p{Cc}]|\\s+[^=\\s\\p{Cc}])+)" // allow any visible character for keyname except '='
+ "\\s*=\\s*" // the equal sign divides the key and value parts
+ "(?<value>"
+ "(\\{([^\\}\u0000]|\\}\\})*\\})" // quoted string, starts with { and ends with }
+ "|"
+ "((?![\\{\\s])" // unquoted value must not start with { or space, would also like = but too late to change
+ "([^;\\s\\p{Cc}]|\\s+[^;\\s\\p{Cc}])*" // control characters must be quoted
+ ")" // although the spec does not allow {} embedded within a value, the retail code does.
+ ")(\\s*)(;|[\u0000\\s]*$)" // whitespace after value up to semicolon or end-of-line
+ ")*" // repeat the key-value pair
+ "[\\s;]*[\u0000\\s]*" // trailing whitespace/semicolons (DataSourceLocator), embedded nulls are allowed only in the end
private static readonly Regex s_connectionStringRegex = CreateConnectionStringRegex();
private static readonly Regex s_connectionStringRegexOdbc = CreateConnectionStringRegexOdbc();
#if NET
[GeneratedRegex(ConnectionStringPattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)]
private static partial Regex CreateConnectionStringRegex();
[GeneratedRegex(ConnectionStringPatternOdbc, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)]
private static partial Regex CreateConnectionStringRegexOdbc();
private static Regex CreateConnectionStringRegex() => new Regex(ConnectionStringPattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static Regex CreateConnectionStringRegexOdbc() => new Regex(ConnectionStringPatternOdbc, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled);
internal const string DataDirectory = "|datadirectory|";
private static readonly Regex s_connectionStringValidKeyRegex = CreateConnectionStringValidKeyRegex(); // key not allowed to start with semi-colon or space or contain non-visible characters or end with space
private static readonly Regex s_connectionStringQuoteValueRegex = CreateConnectionStringQuoteValueRegex(); // generally do not quote the value if it matches the pattern
private static readonly Regex s_connectionStringQuoteOdbcValueRegex = CreateConnectionStringQuoteOdbcValueRegex(); // do not quote odbc value if it matches this pattern
#if NET
private static partial Regex CreateConnectionStringValidKeyRegex();
private static partial Regex CreateConnectionStringQuoteValueRegex();
[GeneratedRegex("^\\{([^\\}\u0000]|\\}\\})*\\}$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)]
private static partial Regex CreateConnectionStringQuoteOdbcValueRegex();
private static Regex CreateConnectionStringValidKeyRegex() => new Regex("^(?![;\\s])[^\\p{Cc}]+(?<!\\s)$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static Regex CreateConnectionStringQuoteValueRegex() => new Regex("^[^\"'=;\\s\\p{Cc}]*$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static Regex CreateConnectionStringQuoteOdbcValueRegex() => new Regex("^\\{([^\\}\u0000]|\\}\\})*\\}$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled);
// connection string common keywords
private static class KEY
internal const string Integrated_Security = "integrated security";
internal const string Password = "password";
internal const string Persist_Security_Info = "persist security info";
internal const string User_ID = "user id";
// known connection string common synonyms
private static class SYNONYM
internal const string Pwd = "pwd";
internal const string UID = "uid";
private readonly string _usersConnectionString;
private readonly Dictionary<string, string?> _parsetable;
internal readonly NameValuePair? _keyChain;
internal readonly bool _hasPasswordKeyword;
public string UsersConnectionString(bool hidePassword) =>
UsersConnectionString(hidePassword, false);
private string UsersConnectionString(bool hidePassword, bool forceHidePassword)
string connectionString = _usersConnectionString;
if (_hasPasswordKeyword && (forceHidePassword || (hidePassword && !HasPersistablePassword)))
ReplacePasswordPwd(out connectionString, false);
return connectionString ?? string.Empty;
internal bool HasPersistablePassword => _hasPasswordKeyword ?
ConvertValueToBoolean(KEY.Persist_Security_Info, false) :
true; // no password means persistable password so we don't have to munge
public bool ConvertValueToBoolean(string keyName, bool defaultValue)
string? value;
// TODO: Is it possible for _parsetable to contain a null value here? If so there's a bug here, investigate.
return _parsetable.TryGetValue(keyName, out value) ?
ConvertValueToBooleanInternal(keyName, value!) :
internal static bool ConvertValueToBooleanInternal(string keyName, string stringValue)
if (CompareInsensitiveInvariant(stringValue, "true") || CompareInsensitiveInvariant(stringValue, "yes"))
return true;
else if (CompareInsensitiveInvariant(stringValue, "false") || CompareInsensitiveInvariant(stringValue, "no"))
return false;
string tmp = stringValue.Trim(); // Remove leading & trailing whitespace.
if (CompareInsensitiveInvariant(tmp, "true") || CompareInsensitiveInvariant(tmp, "yes"))
return true;
else if (CompareInsensitiveInvariant(tmp, "false") || CompareInsensitiveInvariant(tmp, "no"))
return false;
throw ADP.InvalidConnectionOptionValue(keyName);
private static bool CompareInsensitiveInvariant(string strvalue, string strconst) =>
(0 == StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(strvalue, strconst));
static partial void DebugTraceKeyValuePair(string keyname, string? keyvalue, Dictionary<string, string>? synonyms);
private static string GetKeyName(StringBuilder buffer)
int count = buffer.Length;
while ((0 < count) && char.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[count - 1]))
count--; // trailing whitespace
return buffer.ToString(0, count).ToLowerInvariant();
private static string GetKeyValue(StringBuilder buffer, bool trimWhitespace)
int count = buffer.Length;
int index = 0;
if (trimWhitespace)
while ((index < count) && char.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[index]))
index++; // leading whitespace
while ((0 < count) && char.IsWhiteSpace(buffer[count - 1]))
count--; // trailing whitespace
return buffer.ToString(index, count - index);
// transition states used for parsing
private enum ParserState
NothingYet = 1, //start point
internal static int GetKeyValuePair(string connectionString, int currentPosition, StringBuilder buffer, bool useOdbcRules, out string? keyname, out string? keyvalue)
int startposition = currentPosition;
buffer.Length = 0;
keyname = null;
keyvalue = null;
char currentChar = '\0';
ParserState parserState = ParserState.NothingYet;
int length = connectionString.Length;
for (; currentPosition < length; ++currentPosition)
currentChar = connectionString[currentPosition];
switch (parserState)
case ParserState.NothingYet: // [\\s;]*
if ((';' == currentChar) || char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
if ('\0' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.NullTermination; continue; }
if (char.IsControl(currentChar))
{ throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); }
startposition = currentPosition;
if ('=' != currentChar)
parserState = ParserState.Key;
parserState = ParserState.KeyEqual;
case ParserState.Key: // (?<key>([^=\\s\\p{Cc}]|\\s+[^=\\s\\p{Cc}]|\\s+==|==)+)
if ('=' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.KeyEqual; continue; }
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
{ break; }
if (char.IsControl(currentChar))
{ throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); }
case ParserState.KeyEqual: // \\s*=(?!=)\\s*
if (!useOdbcRules && '=' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.Key; break; }
keyname = GetKeyName(buffer);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyname))
{ throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); }
buffer.Length = 0;
parserState = ParserState.KeyEnd;
goto case ParserState.KeyEnd;
case ParserState.KeyEnd:
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
{ continue; }
if (useOdbcRules)
if ('{' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.BraceQuoteValue; break; }
if ('\'' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.SingleQuoteValue; continue; }
if ('"' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.DoubleQuoteValue; continue; }
if (';' == currentChar)
{ goto ParserExit; }
if ('\0' == currentChar)
{ goto ParserExit; }
if (char.IsControl(currentChar))
{ throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); }
parserState = ParserState.UnquotedValue;
case ParserState.UnquotedValue: // "((?![\"'\\s])" + "([^;\\s\\p{Cc}]|\\s+[^;\\s\\p{Cc}])*" + "(?<![\"']))"
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
{ break; }
if (char.IsControl(currentChar) || ';' == currentChar)
{ goto ParserExit; }
case ParserState.DoubleQuoteValue: // "(\"([^\"\u0000]|\"\")*\")"
if ('"' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.DoubleQuoteValueQuote; continue; }
if ('\0' == currentChar)
{ throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); }
case ParserState.DoubleQuoteValueQuote:
if ('"' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.DoubleQuoteValue; break; }
keyvalue = GetKeyValue(buffer, false);
parserState = ParserState.QuotedValueEnd;
goto case ParserState.QuotedValueEnd;
case ParserState.SingleQuoteValue: // "('([^'\u0000]|'')*')"
if ('\'' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.SingleQuoteValueQuote; continue; }
if ('\0' == currentChar)
{ throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); }
case ParserState.SingleQuoteValueQuote:
if ('\'' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.SingleQuoteValue; break; }
keyvalue = GetKeyValue(buffer, false);
parserState = ParserState.QuotedValueEnd;
goto case ParserState.QuotedValueEnd;
case ParserState.BraceQuoteValue: // "(\\{([^\\}\u0000]|\\}\\})*\\})"
if ('}' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.BraceQuoteValueQuote; break; }
if ('\0' == currentChar)
{ throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); }
case ParserState.BraceQuoteValueQuote:
if ('}' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.BraceQuoteValue; break; }
keyvalue = GetKeyValue(buffer, false);
parserState = ParserState.QuotedValueEnd;
goto case ParserState.QuotedValueEnd;
case ParserState.QuotedValueEnd:
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
{ continue; }
if (';' == currentChar)
{ goto ParserExit; }
if ('\0' == currentChar)
{ parserState = ParserState.NullTermination; continue; }
throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); // unbalanced single quote
case ParserState.NullTermination: // [\\s;\u0000]*
if ('\0' == currentChar)
{ continue; }
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(currentChar))
{ continue; }
throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(currentPosition);
throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.InvalidParserState1);
switch (parserState)
case ParserState.Key:
case ParserState.DoubleQuoteValue:
case ParserState.SingleQuoteValue:
case ParserState.BraceQuoteValue:
// keyword not found/unbalanced double/single quote
throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition);
case ParserState.KeyEqual:
// equal sign at end of line
keyname = GetKeyName(buffer);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyname))
{ throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); }
case ParserState.UnquotedValue:
// unquoted value at end of line
keyvalue = GetKeyValue(buffer, true);
char tmpChar = keyvalue[keyvalue.Length - 1];
if (!useOdbcRules && (('\'' == tmpChar) || ('"' == tmpChar)))
throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(startposition); // unquoted value must not end in quote, except for odbc
case ParserState.DoubleQuoteValueQuote:
case ParserState.SingleQuoteValueQuote:
case ParserState.BraceQuoteValueQuote:
case ParserState.QuotedValueEnd:
// quoted value at end of line
keyvalue = GetKeyValue(buffer, false);
case ParserState.NothingYet:
case ParserState.KeyEnd:
case ParserState.NullTermination:
// do nothing
throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.InvalidParserState2);
if ((';' == currentChar) && (currentPosition < connectionString.Length))
return currentPosition;
#pragma warning disable CA2249 // Consider using 'string.Contains' instead of 'string.IndexOf'. This file is built into libraries that don't have string.Contains(char).
private static bool IsValueValidInternal(string? keyvalue)
if (null != keyvalue)
return (-1 == keyvalue.IndexOf('\u0000')); // string.Contains(char) is .NetCore2.1+ specific
return true;
private static bool IsKeyNameValid([NotNullWhen(true)] string? keyname)
if (null != keyname)
bool compValue = s_connectionStringValidKeyRegex.IsMatch(keyname);
Debug.Assert(((0 < keyname.Length) && (';' != keyname[0]) && !char.IsWhiteSpace(keyname[0]) && (-1 == keyname.IndexOf('\u0000'))) == compValue, "IsValueValid mismatch with regex");
// string.Contains(char) is .NetCore2.1+ specific
return ((0 < keyname.Length) && (';' != keyname[0]) && !char.IsWhiteSpace(keyname[0]) && (-1 == keyname.IndexOf('\u0000')));
return false;
#pragma warning restore CA2249 // Consider using 'string.Contains' instead of 'string.IndexOf'
private static Dictionary<string, string> SplitConnectionString(string connectionString, Dictionary<string, string>? synonyms, bool firstKey)
var parsetable = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Regex parser = (firstKey ? s_connectionStringRegexOdbc : s_connectionStringRegex);
const int KeyIndex = 1, ValueIndex = 2;
Debug.Assert(KeyIndex == parser.GroupNumberFromName("key"), "wrong key index");
Debug.Assert(ValueIndex == parser.GroupNumberFromName("value"), "wrong value index");
if (null != connectionString)
Match match = parser.Match(connectionString);
if (!match.Success || (match.Length != connectionString.Length))
throw ADP.ConnectionStringSyntax(match.Length);
int indexValue = 0;
CaptureCollection keyvalues = match.Groups[ValueIndex].Captures;
foreach (Capture keypair in match.Groups[KeyIndex].Captures)
string keyname = (firstKey ? keypair.Value : keypair.Value.Replace("==", "=")).ToLowerInvariant();
string? keyvalue = keyvalues[indexValue++].Value;
if (0 < keyvalue.Length)
if (!firstKey)
switch (keyvalue[0])
case '\"':
keyvalue = keyvalue.Substring(1, keyvalue.Length - 2).Replace("\"\"", "\"");
case '\'':
keyvalue = keyvalue.Substring(1, keyvalue.Length - 2).Replace("\'\'", "\'");
keyvalue = null;
DebugTraceKeyValuePair(keyname, keyvalue, synonyms);
string? synonym;
string? realkeyname = null != synonyms ?
(synonyms.TryGetValue(keyname, out synonym) ? synonym : null) : keyname;
if (!IsKeyNameValid(realkeyname))
throw ADP.KeywordNotSupported(keyname);
if (!firstKey || !parsetable.ContainsKey(realkeyname))
parsetable[realkeyname] = keyvalue!; // last key-value pair wins (or first)
return parsetable;
private static void ParseComparison(Dictionary<string, string?> parsetable, string connectionString, Dictionary<string, string>? synonyms, bool firstKey, Exception? e)
var parsedvalues = SplitConnectionString(connectionString, synonyms, firstKey);
foreach (var entry in parsedvalues)
string keyname = entry.Key;
string value1 = entry.Value;
string? value2;
bool parsetableContainsKey = parsetable.TryGetValue(keyname, out value2);
Debug.Assert(parsetableContainsKey, $"{nameof(ParseInternal)} code vs. regex mismatch keyname <{keyname}>");
Debug.Assert(value1 == value2, $"{nameof(ParseInternal)} code vs. regex mismatch keyvalue <{value1}> <{value2}>");
catch (ArgumentException f)
if (null != e)
string msg1 = e.Message;
string msg2 = f.Message;
const string KeywordNotSupportedMessagePrefix = "Keyword not supported:";
const string WrongFormatMessagePrefix = "Format of the initialization string";
bool isEquivalent = (msg1 == msg2);
if (!isEquivalent)
// We also accept cases were Regex parser (debug only) reports "wrong format" and
// retail parsing code reports format exception in different location or "keyword not supported"
if (msg2.StartsWith(WrongFormatMessagePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
if (msg1.StartsWith(KeywordNotSupportedMessagePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal) || msg1.StartsWith(WrongFormatMessagePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
isEquivalent = true;
Debug.Assert(isEquivalent, $"ParseInternal code vs regex message mismatch: <{msg1}> <{msg2}>");
Debug.Fail($"ParseInternal code vs regex throw mismatch {f.Message}");
e = null;
if (null != e)
Debug.Fail("ParseInternal code threw exception vs regex mismatch");
private static NameValuePair? ParseInternal(Dictionary<string, string?> parsetable, string connectionString, bool buildChain, Dictionary<string, string>? synonyms, bool firstKey)
Debug.Assert(null != connectionString, "null connectionstring");
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
NameValuePair? localKeychain = null, keychain = null;
int nextStartPosition = 0;
int endPosition = connectionString.Length;
while (nextStartPosition < endPosition)
int startPosition = nextStartPosition;
string? keyname, keyvalue;
nextStartPosition = GetKeyValuePair(connectionString, startPosition, buffer, firstKey, out keyname, out keyvalue);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyname))
DebugTraceKeyValuePair(keyname, keyvalue, synonyms);
Debug.Assert(IsKeyNameValid(keyname), "ParseFailure, invalid keyname");
Debug.Assert(IsValueValidInternal(keyvalue), "parse failure, invalid keyvalue");
string? synonym;
string? realkeyname = null != synonyms ?
(synonyms.TryGetValue(keyname, out synonym) ? synonym : null) :
if (!IsKeyNameValid(realkeyname))
throw ADP.KeywordNotSupported(keyname);
if (!firstKey || !parsetable.ContainsKey(realkeyname))
parsetable[realkeyname] = keyvalue; // last key-value pair wins (or first)
if (null != localKeychain)
localKeychain = localKeychain.Next = new NameValuePair(realkeyname, keyvalue, nextStartPosition - startPosition);
else if (buildChain)
// first time only - don't contain modified chain from UDL file
keychain = localKeychain = new NameValuePair(realkeyname, keyvalue, nextStartPosition - startPosition);
catch (ArgumentException e)
ParseComparison(parsetable, connectionString, synonyms, firstKey, e);
ParseComparison(parsetable, connectionString, synonyms, firstKey, null);
return keychain;
internal NameValuePair? ReplacePasswordPwd(out string constr, bool fakePassword)
bool expanded = false;
int copyPosition = 0;
NameValuePair? head = null, tail = null, next = null;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(_usersConnectionString.Length);
for (NameValuePair? current = _keyChain; null != current; current = current.Next)
if ((KEY.Password != current.Name) && (SYNONYM.Pwd != current.Name))
builder.Append(_usersConnectionString, copyPosition, current.Length);
if (fakePassword)
next = new NameValuePair(current.Name, current.Value, current.Length);
else if (fakePassword)
// replace user password/pwd value with *
const string equalstar = "=*;";
next = new NameValuePair(current.Name, "*", current.Name.Length + equalstar.Length);
expanded = true;
// drop the password/pwd completely in returning for user
expanded = true;
if (fakePassword)
if (null != tail)
tail = tail.Next = next;
tail = head = next;
copyPosition += current.Length;
Debug.Assert(expanded, "password/pwd was not removed");
constr = builder.ToString();
return head;