File: System\Data\XDRSchema.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Data.Common\src\System.Data.Common.csproj (System.Data.Common)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml;
namespace System.Data
    internal sealed class XDRSchema : XMLSchema
        internal string _schemaName;
        internal string _schemaUri;
        internal XmlElement? _schemaRoot;
        internal DataSet _ds;
        internal XDRSchema(DataSet ds)
            _schemaUri = string.Empty;
            _schemaName = string.Empty;
            _schemaRoot = null;
            _ds = ds;
        internal void LoadSchema(XmlElement schemaRoot, DataSet ds)
            if (schemaRoot == null)
            _schemaRoot = schemaRoot;
            _ds = ds;
            _schemaName = schemaRoot.GetAttribute(Keywords.NAME);
            _schemaUri = string.Empty;
            Debug.Assert(FEqualIdentity(schemaRoot, Keywords.XDR_SCHEMA, Keywords.XDRNS), "Illegal node");
            // Get Locale and CaseSensitive properties
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_schemaName))
                _schemaName = "NewDataSet";
            ds.Namespace = _schemaUri;
            // Walk all the top level Element tags.
            for (XmlNode? n = schemaRoot.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling)
                if (!(n is XmlElement))
                XmlElement child = (XmlElement)n;
                if (FEqualIdentity(child, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENTTYPE, Keywords.XDRNS))
            _schemaName = XmlConvert.DecodeName(_schemaName);
            if (ds.Tables[_schemaName] == null)
                ds.DataSetName = _schemaName;
        internal static XmlElement? FindTypeNode(XmlElement node)
            string strType;
            XmlNode? vn;
            XmlNode vnRoof;
            Debug.Assert(FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                         FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_SCHEMA, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                         FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTE, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                         FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENTTYPE, Keywords.XDRNS),
                         "Invalid node type " + node.LocalName);
            if (FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENTTYPE, Keywords.XDRNS))
                return node;
            strType = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.TYPE);
            if (FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTE, Keywords.XDRNS))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strType))
                    return null;
                // Find an ELEMENTTYPE or ATTRIBUTETYPE with name=strType
                vn = node.OwnerDocument.FirstChild;
                vnRoof = node.OwnerDocument;
                while (vn != vnRoof)
                    if ((FEqualIdentity(vn, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENTTYPE, Keywords.XDRNS) &&
                         FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS)) ||
                        (FEqualIdentity(vn, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTETYPE, Keywords.XDRNS) &&
                         FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTE, Keywords.XDRNS)))
                        if (vn is XmlElement && ((XmlElement)vn).GetAttribute(Keywords.NAME) == strType)
                            return (XmlElement)vn;
                    // Move vn node
                    if (vn!.FirstChild != null)
                        vn = vn.FirstChild;
                    else if (vn.NextSibling != null)
                        vn = vn.NextSibling;
                        while (vn != vnRoof)
                            vn = vn.ParentNode;
                            if (vn!.NextSibling != null)
                                vn = vn.NextSibling;
                return null;
            return null;
        internal static bool IsTextOnlyContent(XmlElement node)
            Debug.Assert(FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENTTYPE, Keywords.XDRNS), $"Invalid node type {node.LocalName}");
            string value = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.CONTENT);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                string type = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.DT_TYPE, Keywords.DTNS);
                return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(type);
            if (value == Keywords.EMPTY || value == Keywords.ELTONLY || value == Keywords.ELEMENTONLY || value == Keywords.MIXED)
                return false;
            if (value == Keywords.TEXTONLY)
                return true;
            throw ExceptionBuilder.InvalidAttributeValue("content", value);
        internal static bool IsXDRField(XmlElement node, XmlElement typeNode)
            int min = 1;
            int max = 1;
            if (!IsTextOnlyContent(typeNode))
                return false;
            for (XmlNode? n = typeNode.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling)
                if (FEqualIdentity(n, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                    FEqualIdentity(n, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTE, Keywords.XDRNS))
                    return false;
            if (FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS))
                GetMinMax(node, ref min, ref max);
                if (max == -1 || max > 1)
                    return false;
            return true;
        internal DataTable? HandleTable(XmlElement node)
            XmlElement? typeNode;
            Debug.Assert(FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENTTYPE, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                         FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS), "Invalid node type");
            // Figure out if this really is a table.  If not, bail out.
            typeNode = FindTypeNode(node);
            string occurs = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.MINOCCURS);
            if (occurs != null && occurs.Length > 0)
                if ((Convert.ToInt32(occurs, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) > 1) && (typeNode == null))
                    return InstantiateSimpleTable(_ds, node);
            occurs = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.MAXOCCURS);
            if (occurs != null && occurs.Length > 0)
                if (!string.Equals(occurs, "1", StringComparison.Ordinal) && (typeNode == null))
                    return InstantiateSimpleTable(_ds, node);
            if (typeNode == null)
                return null;
            if (IsXDRField(node, typeNode))
                return null;
            return InstantiateTable(_ds, node, typeNode);
        private sealed class NameType : IComparable
            public string name;
            [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields)]
            public Type type;
            public NameType(string n, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields)] Type t)
                name = n;
                type = t;
            public int CompareTo(object? obj) { return string.Compare(name, (string?)obj, StringComparison.Ordinal); }
        // XDR spec:
        private static readonly NameType[] s_mapNameTypeXdr = {
            new NameType("bin.base64",  typeof(byte[])  ),
            new NameType("bin.hex",     typeof(byte[])  ),
            new NameType("boolean",     typeof(bool)    ),
            new NameType("byte",        typeof(sbyte)   ),
            new NameType("char",        typeof(char)    ),
            new NameType("date",        typeof(DateTime)),
            new NameType("dateTime",    typeof(DateTime)),
            new NameType("", typeof(DateTime)),
            new NameType("entities",    typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("entity",      typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("enumeration", typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("fixed.14.4",  typeof(decimal) ),
            new NameType("float",       typeof(double)  ),
            new NameType("i1",          typeof(sbyte)   ),
            new NameType("i2",          typeof(short)   ),
            new NameType("i4",          typeof(int)     ),
            new NameType("i8",          typeof(long)    ),
            new NameType("id",          typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("idref",       typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("idrefs",      typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("int",         typeof(int)     ),
            new NameType("nmtoken",     typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("nmtokens",    typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("notation",    typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("number",      typeof(decimal) ),
            new NameType("r4",          typeof(float)   ),
            new NameType("r8",          typeof(double)  ),
            new NameType("string",      typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("time",        typeof(DateTime)),
            new NameType("",     typeof(DateTime)),
            new NameType("ui1",         typeof(byte)    ),
            new NameType("ui2",         typeof(ushort)  ),
            new NameType("ui4",         typeof(uint)    ),
            new NameType("ui8",         typeof(ulong)   ),
            new NameType("uri",         typeof(string)  ),
            new NameType("uuid",        typeof(Guid)    ),
        private static NameType FindNameType(string name)
            for (int i = 1; i < s_mapNameTypeXdr.Length; ++i)
                Debug.Assert((s_mapNameTypeXdr[i - 1].CompareTo(s_mapNameTypeXdr[i].name)) < 0, "incorrect sorting");
            int index = Array.BinarySearch(s_mapNameTypeXdr, name);
            if (index < 0)
                // Let's check that we really don't have this name:
                foreach (NameType nt in s_mapNameTypeXdr)
                    Debug.Assert( != name, $"FindNameType('{name}') -- failed. Existed name not found");
                throw ExceptionBuilder.UndefinedDatatype(name);
            Debug.Assert(s_mapNameTypeXdr[index].name == name, $"FindNameType('{name}') -- failed. Wrong name found");
            return s_mapNameTypeXdr[index];
        private static readonly NameType s_enumerationNameType = FindNameType("enumeration");
        [return: DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)]
        private static Type ParseDataType(string dt, string dtValues)
            string strType = dt;
            Span<System.Range> parts = stackalloc System.Range[3];
            switch (dt.AsSpan().Split(parts, ':'))
                case 2:
                    // CONSIDER: check that we have valid prefix
                    strType = dt[parts[1]];
                case > 2:
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.InvalidAttributeValue("type", dt);
            NameType nt = FindNameType(strType);
            if (nt == s_enumerationNameType && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtValues))
                throw ExceptionBuilder.MissingAttribute("type", Keywords.DT_VALUES);
            return nt.type;
        internal static string GetInstanceName(XmlElement node)
            string instanceName;
            if (FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENTTYPE, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTETYPE, Keywords.XDRNS))
                instanceName = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.NAME);
                if (instanceName == null || instanceName.Length == 0)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.MissingAttribute("Element", Keywords.NAME);
                instanceName = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.TYPE);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instanceName))
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.MissingAttribute("Element", Keywords.TYPE);
            return instanceName;
        internal void HandleColumn(XmlElement node, DataTable table)
            Debug.Assert(FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                         FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTE, Keywords.XDRNS), "Illegal node type");
            string instanceName;
            string strName;
            Type type;
            string strType;
            string strValues;
            int minOccurs = 0;
            int maxOccurs = 1;
            string? strDefault;
            DataColumn? column;
            // Get the name
            if (node.Attributes.Count > 0)
                string strRef = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.REF);
                if (strRef != null && strRef.Length > 0)
                    return; //skip ref nodes. B2 item
                strName = instanceName = GetInstanceName(node);
                column = table.Columns[instanceName, _schemaUri];
                if (column != null)
                    if (column.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Attribute)
                        if (FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTE, Keywords.XDRNS))
                            throw ExceptionBuilder.DuplicateDeclaration(strName);
                        if (FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS))
                            throw ExceptionBuilder.DuplicateDeclaration(strName);
                    instanceName = GenUniqueColumnName(strName, table);
                instanceName = string.Empty;
            // Now get the type
            XmlElement? typeNode = FindTypeNode(node);
            SimpleType? xsdType = null;
            if (typeNode == null)
                strType = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.TYPE);
                throw ExceptionBuilder.UndefinedDatatype(strType);
            strType = typeNode.GetAttribute(Keywords.DT_TYPE, Keywords.DTNS);
            strValues = typeNode.GetAttribute(Keywords.DT_VALUES, Keywords.DTNS);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strType))
                strType = string.Empty;
                type = typeof(string);
                type = ParseDataType(strType, strValues);
                // HACK: temp work around special types
                if (strType == "float")
                    strType = string.Empty;
                if (strType == "char")
                    strType = string.Empty;
                    xsdType = SimpleType.CreateSimpleType(StorageType.Char, type);
                if (strType == "enumeration")
                    strType = string.Empty;
                    xsdType = SimpleType.CreateEnumeratedType(strValues);
                if (strType == "bin.base64")
                    strType = string.Empty;
                    xsdType = SimpleType.CreateByteArrayType();
                if (strType == "bin.hex")
                    strType = string.Empty;
                    xsdType = SimpleType.CreateByteArrayType();
            bool isAttribute = FEqualIdentity(node, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTE, Keywords.XDRNS);
            GetMinMax(node, ref minOccurs, ref maxOccurs);
            // Does XDR has default?
            strDefault = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.DEFAULT);
            bool bNullable = false;
            column = new DataColumn(XmlConvert.DecodeName(instanceName), type, null,
                isAttribute ? MappingType.Attribute : MappingType.Element);
            SetProperties(column, node.Attributes); // xmlschema.SetProperties will skipp setting expressions
            column.XmlDataType = strType;
            column.SimpleType = xsdType;
            column.AllowDBNull = (minOccurs == 0) || bNullable;
            column.Namespace = (isAttribute) ? string.Empty : _schemaUri;
            // We will skip handling expression columns in SetProperties, so we need set the expressions here
            if (node.Attributes != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < node.Attributes.Count; i++)
                    if (node.Attributes[i].NamespaceURI == Keywords.MSDNS)
                        if (node.Attributes[i].LocalName == "Expression")
                            column.Expression = node.Attributes[i].Value;
            string targetNamespace = node.GetAttribute(Keywords.TARGETNAMESPACE);
            if (targetNamespace != null && targetNamespace.Length > 0)
                column.Namespace = targetNamespace;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDefault))
                    column.DefaultValue = SqlConvert.ChangeTypeForXML(strDefault, type);
                catch (System.FormatException)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.CannotConvert(strDefault, type.FullName!);
        internal static void GetMinMax(XmlElement elNode, ref int minOccurs, ref int maxOccurs)
            string occurs = elNode.GetAttribute(Keywords.MINOCCURS);
            if (occurs != null && occurs.Length > 0)
                if (!int.TryParse(occurs, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out minOccurs))
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.AttributeValues(nameof(minOccurs), "0", "1");
            occurs = elNode.GetAttribute(Keywords.MAXOCCURS);
            if (occurs != null && occurs.Length > 0)
                int bZeroOrMore = string.Compare(occurs, Keywords.STAR, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (bZeroOrMore == 0)
                    maxOccurs = -1;
                else if (!int.TryParse(occurs, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out maxOccurs) || maxOccurs != 1)
                    throw ExceptionBuilder.AttributeValues(nameof(maxOccurs), "1", Keywords.STAR);
        internal void HandleTypeNode(XmlElement typeNode, DataTable table, ArrayList tableChildren)
            DataTable? tableChild;
            for (XmlNode? n = typeNode.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling)
                if (!(n is XmlElement))
                if (FEqualIdentity(n, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS))
                    tableChild = HandleTable((XmlElement)n);
                    if (tableChild != null)
                if (FEqualIdentity(n, Keywords.XDR_ATTRIBUTE, Keywords.XDRNS) ||
                    FEqualIdentity(n, Keywords.XDR_ELEMENT, Keywords.XDRNS))
                    HandleColumn((XmlElement)n, table);
        internal DataTable InstantiateTable(DataSet dataSet, XmlElement node, XmlElement typeNode)
            string typeName = string.Empty;
            XmlAttributeCollection attrs = node.Attributes;
            DataTable? table;
            int minOccurs = 1;
            int maxOccurs = 1;
            string? keys = null;
            ArrayList tableChildren = new ArrayList();
            if (attrs.Count > 0)
                typeName = GetInstanceName(node);
                table = dataSet.Tables.GetTable(typeName, _schemaUri);
                if (table != null)
                    return table;
            table = new DataTable(XmlConvert.DecodeName(typeName));
            // fxcop: new DataTable should inherit the CaseSensitive, Locale from DataSet and possibly updating during SetProperties
            table.Namespace = _schemaUri;
            GetMinMax(node, ref minOccurs, ref maxOccurs);
            table.MinOccurs = minOccurs;
            table.MaxOccurs = maxOccurs;
            HandleTypeNode(typeNode, table, tableChildren);
            SetProperties(table, attrs);
            // check to see if we fave unique constraint
            if (keys != null)
                string[] list = keys.TrimEnd(null).Split(null);
                int keyLength = list.Length;
                var cols = new DataColumn[keyLength];
                for (int i = 0; i < keyLength; i++)
                    DataColumn? col = table.Columns[list[i], _schemaUri];
                    if (col == null)
                        throw ExceptionBuilder.ElementTypeNotFound(list[i]);
                    cols[i] = col;
                table.PrimaryKey = cols;
            foreach (DataTable _tableChild in tableChildren)
                DataRelation? relation = null;
                DataRelationCollection childRelations = table.ChildRelations;
                for (int j = 0; j < childRelations.Count; j++)
                    if (!childRelations[j].Nested)
                    if (_tableChild == childRelations[j].ChildTable)
                        relation = childRelations[j];
                if (relation != null)
                DataColumn parentKey = table.AddUniqueKey();
                // foreign key in the child table
                DataColumn childKey = _tableChild.AddForeignKey(parentKey);
                // create relationship
                // setup relationship between parent and this table
                relation = new DataRelation(table.TableName + "_" + _tableChild.TableName, parentKey, childKey, true);
                relation.CheckMultipleNested = false; // disable the check for multiple nested parent
                relation.Nested = true;
                relation.CheckMultipleNested = true; // enable the check for multiple nested parent
            return table;
        internal DataTable InstantiateSimpleTable(DataSet dataSet, XmlElement node)
            string typeName;
            XmlAttributeCollection attrs = node.Attributes;
            DataTable? table;
            int minOccurs = 1;
            int maxOccurs = 1;
            typeName = GetInstanceName(node);
            table = dataSet.Tables.GetTable(typeName, _schemaUri);
            if (table != null)
                throw ExceptionBuilder.DuplicateDeclaration(typeName);
            string tbName = XmlConvert.DecodeName(typeName);
            table = new DataTable(tbName);
            // fxcop: new DataTable will either inherit the CaseSensitive, Locale from DataSet or be set during SetProperties
            table.Namespace = _schemaUri;
            GetMinMax(node, ref minOccurs, ref maxOccurs);
            table.MinOccurs = minOccurs;
            table.MaxOccurs = maxOccurs;
            SetProperties(table, attrs);
            table._repeatableElement = true;
            HandleColumn(node, table);
            table.Columns[0].ColumnName = tbName + "_Column";
            return table;