File: System\Data\Filter\Operators.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Data.Common\src\System.Data.Common.csproj (System.Data.Common)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Data
    internal static class Operators
        internal const int Noop = 0;
        /* Unary operations */
        internal const int Negative = 1;
        internal const int UnaryPlus = 2;
        internal const int Not = 3;
        /* Binary operations */
        internal const int BetweenAnd = 4;
        internal const int In = 5;
        internal const int Between = 6;
        /* Beginning of Comparison (relationa) operators */
        internal const int EqualTo = 7;     // =
        internal const int GreaterThen = 8; // >
        internal const int LessThen = 9;        // <
        internal const int GreaterOrEqual = 10; // >=
        internal const int LessOrEqual = 11;    // <=
        internal const int NotEqual = 12;       // <>
        /* End of Comparison (relational) operators */
        internal const int Is = 13;
        internal const int Like = 14;
        /* Beginning of arithmetic operators */
        internal const int Plus = 15;           // +
        internal const int Minus = 16;          // -
        internal const int Multiply = 17;       // *
        internal const int Divide = 18;     // /
        //internal const int IntegerDiv = 19;    // \
        internal const int Modulo = 20;     // %
        //internal const int Exponent = 21;    // **
        /* End of arithmetic operators */
        /* Beginning of bitwise operators */
        internal const int BitwiseAnd = 22; // &
        internal const int BitwiseOr = 23;      // |
        internal const int BitwiseXor = 24; // ^
        internal const int BitwiseNot = 25; // ~
        /* End of bitwise operators */
        /* Beginning of logical operators */
        internal const int And = 26;        // AND
        internal const int Or = 27;     // OR
        // internal final static int Not is in the unary ops
        /* End of logical operators */
        /* Calls/multi-valued stuff */
        internal const int Proc = 28;
        internal const int Iff = 29;
        internal const int Qual = 30;
        internal const int Dot = 31;
        /* 0-ary "operators" */
        internal const int Null = 32;
        internal const int True = 33;
        internal const int False = 34;
        internal const int Date = 35;           // Date constant
        internal const int GenUniqueId = 36;    // Generate unique ID
        internal const int GenGUID = 37;       // Generate GUID
        internal const int GUID = 38;          // GUID constant
        internal const int IsNot = 39;
        internal static bool IsArithmetical(int op)
            return (op == Plus || op == Minus || op == Multiply || op == Divide || op == Modulo);
        internal static bool IsLogical(int op)
            return (op == And || op == Or || op == Not || op == Is || op == IsNot);
        internal static bool IsRelational(int op)
            return ((EqualTo <= op) && (op <= NotEqual));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Operator priorities
        /// </summary>
        internal const byte PriStart = 0;
        internal const byte PriSubstr = 1;
        internal const byte PriParen = 2;
        internal const byte PriLow = 3;
        internal const byte PriImp = 4;
        internal const byte PriEqv = 5;
        internal const byte PriXor = 6;
        internal const byte PriOr = 7;
        internal const byte PriAnd = 8;
        internal const byte PriNot = 9;
        internal const byte PriIs = 10;
        internal const byte PriBetweenInLike = 11;
        internal const byte PriBetweenAnd = 12;
        internal const byte PriRelOp = 13;
        internal const byte PriConcat = 14;
        internal const byte PriContains = 15;
        internal const byte PriPlusMinus = 16;
        internal const byte PriMod = 17;
        internal const byte PriIDiv = 18;
        internal const byte PriMulDiv = 19;
        internal const byte PriNeg = 20;
        internal const byte PriExp = 21;
        internal const byte PriProc = 22;
        internal const byte PriDot = 23;
        internal const byte PriMax = 24;
        /// <summary>Mapping from Operator to priorities.</summary>
        internal static int Priority(int op)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> priorities =
                PriStart,  // Noop
                PriNeg, PriNeg, PriNot, // Unary -, +, Not
                PriBetweenAnd, PriBetweenInLike, PriBetweenInLike,
                PriRelOp, PriRelOp, PriRelOp, PriRelOp, PriRelOp, PriRelOp,
                PriBetweenInLike,                       // Like
                PriPlusMinus, PriPlusMinus,             // +, -
                PriMulDiv, PriMulDiv, PriIDiv, PriMod,  // *, /, \, Mod
                PriExp,                                 // **
                PriAnd, PriOr, PriXor, PriNot,
                PriAnd, PriOr,
                PriParen, PriProc, PriDot, PriDot,      // Proc, Iff, Qula, Dot..
                // anything beyond is PriMax
            return (uint)op < (uint)priorities.Length ? priorities[op] : PriMax;
        /// <summary>
        ///     this is array used for error messages.
        /// </summary>
        private static readonly string[] s_looks = new string[] {
            "", //Noop = 0;
            /* Unary operations */
            "-",    //Negative = 1;
            "+",    //UnaryPlus = 2;
            "Not",  //Not = 3;
            /* Binary operations */
            "BetweenAnd",   //BetweenAnd = 4;
            "In",   //In = 5;
            "Between", //Between = 6;
            /* Beginning of Comparison (relationa) operators */
            "=",    //EqualTo = 7;        // =
            ">", //GreaterThen = 8;    // >
            "<",    //LessThen = 9;        // <
            ">=", //GreaterOrEqual = 10;// >=
            "<=",       //LessOrEqual = 11;    // <=
            "<>", //NotEqual = 12;        // <>
            /* End of Comparison (relational) operators */
            "Is",       //Is = 13;
            "Like", //Like = 14;
            /* Beginning of arithmetic operators */
            "+",    //Plus = 15;            // +
            "-", //Minus = 16;            // -
            "*", //Multiply = 17;        // *
            "/",    //Divide = 18;        // /
            "\\", //IntegerDiv = 19;    // \
            "Mod", //Modulo = 20;        // %
            "**", //Exponent = 21;    // **
            /* End of arithmetic operators */
            /* Beginning of bitwise operators */
            "&",    //BitwiseAnd = 22;    // &
            "|",    //BitwiseOr = 23;        // |
            "^",    //BitwiseXor = 24;    // ^
            "~",    //BitwiseNot = 25;    // ~
            /* End of bitwise operators */
            /* Beginning of logical operators */
            "And",  //And = 26;        // AND
            "Or",       //Or = 27;        // OR
            // Not is in the unary ops
            /* End of logical operators */
            /* Calls/multi-valued stuff */
            "Proc", //Proc = 28;
            "Iff",  //Iff = 29;
            ".",    //Qual = 30;
            ".",    //Dot = 31;
            /* 0-ary "operators" */
            "Null", //Null = 32;
            "True", //True = 33;
            "False", //False = 34;
            "Date", //Date = 35;            // Date constant
            "GenUniqueId()",    //GenUniqueId = 36;    // Generate unique ID
            "GenGuid()",    //GenGUID = 37;        // Generate GUID
            "Guid {..}",    //GUID = 38;            // GUID constant
            "Is Not",   //IsNot = 39;            // internal only
        internal static string ToString(int op)
            string st;
            if ((uint)op < (uint)s_looks.Length)
                st = s_looks[op];
                st = "Unknown op";
            return st;