File: System\Data\Common\DbMetaDataColumnNames.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Data.Common\src\System.Data.Common.csproj (System.Data.Common)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Data.Common
    public static class DbMetaDataColumnNames
        public static readonly string CollectionName = "CollectionName";
        public static readonly string ColumnSize = "ColumnSize";
        public static readonly string CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern = "CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern";
        public static readonly string CreateFormat = "CreateFormat";
        public static readonly string CreateParameters = "CreateParameters";
        public static readonly string DataSourceProductName = "DataSourceProductName";
        public static readonly string DataSourceProductVersion = "DataSourceProductVersion";
        public static readonly string DataType = "DataType";
        public static readonly string DataSourceProductVersionNormalized = "DataSourceProductVersionNormalized";
        public static readonly string GroupByBehavior = "GroupByBehavior";
        public static readonly string IdentifierCase = "IdentifierCase";
        public static readonly string IdentifierPattern = "IdentifierPattern";
        public static readonly string IsAutoIncrementable = "IsAutoIncrementable";
        public static readonly string IsBestMatch = "IsBestMatch";
        public static readonly string IsCaseSensitive = "IsCaseSensitive";
        public static readonly string IsConcurrencyType = "IsConcurrencyType";
        public static readonly string IsFixedLength = "IsFixedLength";
        public static readonly string IsFixedPrecisionScale = "IsFixedPrecisionScale";
        public static readonly string IsLiteralSupported = "IsLiteralSupported";
        public static readonly string IsLong = "IsLong";
        public static readonly string IsNullable = "IsNullable";
        public static readonly string IsSearchable = "IsSearchable";
        public static readonly string IsSearchableWithLike = "IsSearchableWithLike";
        public static readonly string IsUnsigned = "IsUnsigned";
        public static readonly string LiteralPrefix = "LiteralPrefix";
        public static readonly string LiteralSuffix = "LiteralSuffix";
        public static readonly string MaximumScale = "MaximumScale";
        public static readonly string MinimumScale = "MinimumScale";
        public static readonly string NumberOfIdentifierParts = "NumberOfIdentifierParts";
        public static readonly string NumberOfRestrictions = "NumberOfRestrictions";
        public static readonly string OrderByColumnsInSelect = "OrderByColumnsInSelect";
        public static readonly string ParameterMarkerFormat = "ParameterMarkerFormat";
        public static readonly string ParameterMarkerPattern = "ParameterMarkerPattern";
        public static readonly string ParameterNameMaxLength = "ParameterNameMaxLength";
        public static readonly string ParameterNamePattern = "ParameterNamePattern";
        public static readonly string ProviderDbType = "ProviderDbType";
        public static readonly string QuotedIdentifierCase = "QuotedIdentifierCase";
        public static readonly string QuotedIdentifierPattern = "QuotedIdentifierPattern";
        public static readonly string ReservedWord = "ReservedWord";
        public static readonly string StatementSeparatorPattern = "StatementSeparatorPattern";
        public static readonly string StringLiteralPattern = "StringLiteralPattern";
        public static readonly string SupportedJoinOperators = "SupportedJoinOperators";
        public static readonly string TypeName = "TypeName";