2 overrides of GetSchema
System.Data.Odbc (1)
System\Data\Odbc\OdbcConnectionHelper.cs (1)
175public override DataTable GetSchema()
System.Data.OleDb (1)
artifacts\obj\System.Data.OleDb\Debug\net10.0\System.Data.OleDb.notsupported.cs (1)
119public override System.Data.DataTable GetSchema() { throw new System.PlatformNotSupportedException(System.SR.PlatformNotSupported_OleDb); }
5 references to GetSchema
System.Data.Common (5)
System\Data\Common\DbConnection.cs (5)
156/// If the connection is associated with a transaction, executing <see cref="GetSchema()" /> calls may cause 218/// This is the asynchronous version of <see cref="GetSchema()" />. 221/// The default implementation invokes the synchronous <see cref="GetSchema()" /> call and returns a completed 224/// Exceptions thrown by <see cref="GetSchema()" /> will be communicated via the returned Task Exception 238return Task.FromResult(GetSchema());