2 writes to fInitInProgress
System.Data.Common (2)
System\Data\DataTable.cs (2)
2026fInitInProgress = true; 2044fInitInProgress = false; // It is must that we set off this flag after calling FinishInitxxx();
10 references to fInitInProgress
System.Data.Common (10)
System\Data\ConstraintCollection.cs (2)
200if (_table.fInitInProgress) 436if (_table.fInitInProgress && _delayLoadingConstraints != null)
System\Data\DataColumn.cs (1)
1101if ((table == null) || (!table.fInitInProgress && ((table.DataSet == null) || (!table.DataSet._fIsSchemaLoading && !table.DataSet._fInitInProgress))))
System\Data\DataColumnCollection.cs (4)
183if (!_table.fInitInProgress && column != null && column.Computed) 192if (_table.fInitInProgress) 343if (!_table.fInitInProgress && column.Computed) 596if (_table.fInitInProgress && _delayedAddRangeColumns != null)
System\Data\DataTable.cs (2)
1041public bool IsInitialized => !fInitInProgress; 1647if (fInitInProgress && value != null)
System\Data\DataView.cs (1)
573if (_delayedTable != null && _delayedTable.fInitInProgress)