1 write to Row
System.Data.Common (1)
System\Xml\XmlDataDocument.cs (1)
239e.Row = r;
67 references to Row
System.Data.Common (67)
System\Xml\BaseTreeIterator.cs (1)
58return CurrentNode is XmlBoundElement be && be.Row != null;
System\Xml\DataPointer.cs (4)
53Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null); 71Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null); 72return rowElem.Row; 844DataRow? row = rowElem.Row;
System\Xml\DataSetMappper.cs (6)
103Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null); 153Debug.Assert((node is XmlBoundElement) ? ((XmlBoundElement)node).Row == null : true); 195internal static DataTable? GetTableSchemaForElement(XmlBoundElement be) => be.Row?.Table; 205internal static DataRow? GetRowFromElement(XmlElement? e) => (e as XmlBoundElement)?.Row; 207internal static DataRow? GetRowFromElement(XmlBoundElement be) => be.Row; 241Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null);
System\Xml\RegionIterator.cs (1)
25Debug.Assert(rowElement != null && rowElement.Row != null);
System\Xml\XmlDataDocument.cs (44)
120DataRow? r = be.Row; 158DataRow? r = be.Row; 414Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null); 443if (be != null && be.Row != null) 456Debug.Assert((node is XmlBoundElement) && (((XmlBoundElement)node).Row != null)); 598if (newState == ElementState.StrongFoliation && node.Row == null) 625Debug.Assert(node.Row != null); 675Debug.Assert(node.Row != null); 676Debug.Assert(node.Row.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted); 686DataRow row = node.Row; 1318Debug.Assert(be.Row != null); 1538if (be != null && be.Row != null) 1746Debug.Assert(child.Element == childElement && childElement.Row == child); 1960if (rowElem != null && rowElem.Row != null) 1982DataRow row = oldRowElem.Row!; 1985if (oldRowElem.Row!.RowState == DataRowState.Detached) 1991if (be != null && be.Row != null) 1993Debug.Assert(!IsRowLive(be.Row)); 2317Debug.Assert(iter.CurrentNode is XmlBoundElement && ((XmlBoundElement)(iter.CurrentNode)).Row != null); 2453DataRow? row = rowElement.Row; 2493Debug.Assert(rowElement.Row != null); 2496DataRow row = rowElement.Row; 2530if (be != null && be.Row != null) 2757Debug.Assert(!IsRowLive(be.Row!)); 2790Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null); 2792DataRow row = rowElem.Row; 2846Debug.Assert(IsRowLive(rowElem.Row)); 2853Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null); 2855DataRow row = rowElem.Row; 2898Debug.Assert(!IsRowLive(rowElem.Row)); 2907DataRow? row = rowElement.Row; 2924DataRow? row = rowElement.Row; 2938Debug.Assert(childRowElem.Row != null); 2948DataRow childRow = childRowElem.Row!; 2955Debug.Assert(parentRowElem.Row != null); 2956DataRow parentRow = parentRowElem.Row; 3049if (rowElement != null && rowElement.Row != null) 3050Debug.Assert(IsRowLive(rowElement.Row)); 3055Debug.Assert(rowElement!.Row != null); 3056Debug.Assert(IsRowLive(rowElement.Row)); 3072if (rowElement != null && rowElement.Row != null) 3073Debug.Assert(!IsRowLive(rowElement.Row)); 3078Debug.Assert(rowElement!.Row != null); 3079Debug.Assert(!IsRowLive(rowElement.Row));
System\Xml\XPathNodePointer.cs (11)
402DataRow row = curBoundElem.Row!; 437Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null); 453Debug.Assert(rowElem.Row != null); 454return rowElem.Row; 819DataRow? row = ((XmlBoundElement)parent).Row; 854curRow = ((XmlBoundElement)parent).Row; 1333DataRow? curRow = be.Row; 1417DataRow? curRow = be.Row; 1479DataRow? curRow = be.Row; 1571DataRow? curRow = be.Row; 1645DataRow? row = rowElem.Row;