10 instantiations of DataKey
System.Data.Common (10)
System\Data\DataRelation.cs (2)
686_parentKey = new DataKey(parentColumns, true); 687_childKey = new DataKey(childColumns, true);
System\Data\DataRow.cs (2)
948DataKey key = new DataKey(columns, false); // temporary key, don't copy columns 1130DataKey key = new DataKey(columns, false); // temporary key, don't copy columns
System\Data\ForeignKeyConstraint.cs (2)
819_parentKey = new DataKey(parentColumns, true); 820_childKey = new DataKey(childColumns, true);
System\Data\Merger.cs (1)
643key = new DataKey(srcColumns, false); // DataKey will take ownership of srcColumns
System\Data\RelatedView.cs (2)
25_childKey = new DataKey(columns, true); 36_childKey = new DataKey(childKeyColumns, true);
System\Data\UniqueConstraint.cs (1)
384_key = new DataKey(columns, true);
47 references to DataKey
System.Data.Common (47)
System\Data\DataColumn.cs (2)
1569DataKey key = relation.ChildKey; 1645DataKey key;
System\Data\DataKey.cs (4)
8internal readonly struct DataKey : IEquatable<DataKey> 93internal bool ColumnsEqual(DataKey key) => ColumnsEqual(_columns, key._columns); 154return Equals((DataKey)value); 157public bool Equals(DataKey value)
System\Data\DataRelation.cs (10)
44private DataKey _childKey; 45private DataKey _parentKey; 165internal DataKey ChildKey 219internal static DataRow[] GetChildRows(DataKey parentKey, DataKey childKey, DataRow parentRow, DataRowVersion version) 234internal static DataRow[] GetParentRows(DataKey parentKey, DataKey childKey, DataRow childRow, DataRowVersion version) 246internal static DataRow? GetParentRow(DataKey parentKey, DataKey childKey, DataRow childRow, DataRowVersion version) 323internal DataKey ParentKey
System\Data\DataRelationCollection.cs (1)
784DataKey childKey = relation.ChildKey;
System\Data\DataRow.cs (7)
948DataKey key = new DataKey(columns, false); // temporary key, don't copy columns 952internal object[] GetKeyValues(DataKey key) 958internal object[] GetKeyValues(DataKey key, DataRowVersion version) 1077internal bool HasKeyChanged(DataKey key) => 1080internal bool HasKeyChanged(DataKey key, DataRowVersion version1, DataRowVersion version2) 1130DataKey key = new DataKey(columns, false); // temporary key, don't copy columns 1236internal void SetKeyValues(DataKey key, object[] keyValues)
System\Data\DataTable.cs (5)
2117internal static void SetKeyValues(DataKey key, object[] keyValues, int record) 2131internal DataRow? FindMergeTarget(DataRow row, DataKey key, Index ndx) 3042private DataRow? FindRow(DataKey key, object?[] values) 3053private DataRow? FindRow(DataKey key, object? value) 3366private static IndexField[] NewIndexDesc(DataKey key)
System\Data\ForeignKeyConstraint.cs (4)
28private DataKey _childKey; 29private DataKey _parentKey; 106internal DataKey ChildKey 896internal DataKey ParentKey
System\Data\Merger.cs (7)
200DataKey key = default(DataKey); 238DataKey key = default(DataKey); 626private static DataKey GetSrcKey(DataTable src, DataTable dst) 633DataKey key = default(DataKey);
System\Data\RecordManager.cs (1)
195internal static void SetKeyValues(int record, DataKey key, object[] keyValues)
System\Data\RelatedView.cs (3)
11private readonly DataKey? _parentKey; 12private readonly DataKey _childKey; 31public RelatedView(DataRowView parentRowView, DataKey parentKey, DataColumn[] childKeyColumns) : base(childKeyColumns[0].Table, false)
System\Data\UniqueConstraint.cs (3)
18private DataKey _key; 148Debug.Assert(DataKey.ColumnsEqual(_key.ColumnsReference, sortIndexColumns), "UniqueConstraint index columns do not match the key sort index"); 417internal DataKey Key