8 writes to root
System.Data.Common (8)
System\Data\RbTree.cs (8)
123root = NIL; 460root = y_id; 515root = y_id; 645root = newMainTreeNodeId; 707root = x_id; 909root = x_id; 1009root = satelliteRootId; 1067root = y_id;
31 references to root
System.Data.Common (31)
System\Data\RbTree.cs (22)
321Debug.Assert(_inUseNodeCount - 1 == SubTreeSize(root), "count mismatch"); 576int z_id = (root_id == NIL) ? root : root_id; //if non NIL, then use the specifid root_id as tree's root. 644if (root == z_id) 671position = SubTreeSize(root); // append 796SetColor(root, NodeColor.black); 811if (Parent(x_id._nodeID) == NIL && x_id._nodeID != root) //determine if x_id is a satellite root. 1007if (root == mNode) 1065if (root == z_id) 1104while (((root_id == NIL ? root : root_id) != x_id) && color(x_id) == NodeColor.black) 1148x_id = (root_id == NIL) ? root : root_id; 1200x_id = (root_id == NIL) ? root : root_id; 1217int x_id = (root_id == NIL) ? root : root_id; 1247int x_id = root; 1454x_id = ComputeNodeByIndex(root, unchecked(userIndex + 1)); 1480int x_id = root; 1641int x_id = Minimum(root); 1665int x_id = Minimum(root); 1918Debug.Assert(tree.root == node, "MainTreeNodeID parent change doesn't align"); 1939Debug.Assert((NIL == _mainTreeNodeID && tree.root == node) || 2052_mainTreeNodeId = tree.root; 2063_mainTreeNodeId = tree.root; 2117_mainTreeNodeId = _tree.root;
System\Data\Selection.cs (9)
298Debug.Assert(_records.CheckUnique(_records.root) != HasDuplicates, "CheckUnique difference"); 500GetUniqueKeyValues(list, _records.root); 544x = _records.root; 551x = _records.root; 585x = _records.root; 596x = _records.root; 611x = _records.root; 615x = _records.root; 632int x = _records.root;