// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.IO;
internal static class KeyParser
private const char Escape = '\e';
private const char Delete = '\u007F';
private const char VtSequenceEndTag = '~';
private const char ModifierSeparator = ';';
private const int MinimalSequenceLength = 3;
private const int SequencePrefixLength = 2; // ^[[ ("^[" stands for Escape)
internal static ConsoleKeyInfo Parse(char[] buffer, TerminalFormatStrings terminalFormatStrings, byte posixDisableValue, byte veraseCharacter, ref int startIndex, int endIndex)
int length = endIndex - startIndex;
Debug.Assert(length > 0);
// VERASE overrides anything from Terminfo. Both settings can be different for Linux and macOS.
if (buffer[startIndex] != posixDisableValue && buffer[startIndex] == veraseCharacter)
// the original char is preserved on purpose (backward compat + consistency)
return new ConsoleKeyInfo(buffer[startIndex++], ConsoleKey.Backspace, false, false, false);
// Escape Sequences start with Escape. But some terminals like PuTTY and rxvt prepend Escape to express that for given sequence Alt was pressed.
if (length >= MinimalSequenceLength + 1 && buffer[startIndex] == Escape && buffer[startIndex + 1] == Escape)
if (TryParseTerminalInputSequence(buffer, terminalFormatStrings, out ConsoleKeyInfo parsed, ref startIndex, endIndex))
return new ConsoleKeyInfo(parsed.KeyChar, parsed.Key, (parsed.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Shift) != 0, alt: true, (parsed.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Control) != 0);
else if (length >= MinimalSequenceLength && TryParseTerminalInputSequence(buffer, terminalFormatStrings, out ConsoleKeyInfo parsed, ref startIndex, endIndex))
return parsed;
if (length == 2 && buffer[startIndex] == Escape && buffer[startIndex + 1] != Escape)
startIndex++; // skip the Escape
return ParseFromSingleChar(buffer[startIndex++], isAlt: true);
return ParseFromSingleChar(buffer[startIndex++], isAlt: false);
private static bool TryParseTerminalInputSequence(char[] buffer, TerminalFormatStrings terminalFormatStrings, out ConsoleKeyInfo parsed, ref int startIndex, int endIndex)
ReadOnlySpan<char> input = buffer.AsSpan(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
parsed = default;
// sequences start with either "^[[" or "^[O". "^[" stands for Escape (27).
if (input.Length < MinimalSequenceLength || input[0] != Escape || (input[1] != '[' && input[1] != 'O'))
return false;
Dictionary<string, ConsoleKeyInfo>.AlternateLookup<ReadOnlySpan<char>> terminfoDb = // the most important source of truth
ConsoleModifiers modifiers = ConsoleModifiers.None;
ConsoleKey key;
// Is it a three character sequence? (examples: '^[[H' (Home), '^[OP' (F1))
if (input[1] == 'O' || char.IsAsciiLetter(input[2]) || input.Length == MinimalSequenceLength)
if (!terminfoDb.TryGetValue(buffer.AsSpan(startIndex, MinimalSequenceLength), out parsed))
// All terminals which use "^[O{letter}" escape sequences don't define conflicting mappings.
// Example: ^[OH either means Home or simply is not used by given terminal.
// But with "^[[{character}" sequences, there are conflicts between rxvt and SCO.
// Example: "^[[a" is Shift+UpArrow for rxvt and Shift+F3 for SCO.
(key, modifiers) = input[1] == 'O' || terminalFormatStrings.IsRxvtTerm
? MapKeyIdOXterm(input[2], terminalFormatStrings.IsRxvtTerm)
: MapSCO(input[2]);
if (key == default)
return false; // it was not a known sequence
char keyChar = key switch
ConsoleKey.Enter => '\r', // "^[OM" should produce new line character (was not previously mapped this way)
ConsoleKey.Add => '+',
ConsoleKey.Subtract => '-',
ConsoleKey.Divide => '/',
ConsoleKey.Multiply => '*',
_ => default
parsed = Create(keyChar, key, modifiers);
startIndex += MinimalSequenceLength;
return true;
// Is it a four character sequence used by Linux Console or PuTTy configured to emulate it? (examples: '^[[[A' (F1), '^[[[B' (F2))
if (input[1] == '[' && input[2] == '[' && char.IsBetween(input[3], 'A', 'E'))
if (!terminfoDb.TryGetValue(buffer.AsSpan(startIndex, 4), out parsed))
parsed = new ConsoleKeyInfo(default, ConsoleKey.F1 + input[3] - 'A', false, false, false);
startIndex += 4;
return true;
// If sequence does not start with a letter, it must start with one or two digits that represent the Sequence Number
int digitCount = !char.IsBetween(input[SequencePrefixLength], '1', '9') // not using IsAsciiDigit as 0 is invalid
? 0
: char.IsDigit(input[SequencePrefixLength + 1]) ? 2 : 1;
if (digitCount == 0 // it does not start with a digit, it's not a sequence
|| SequencePrefixLength + digitCount >= input.Length) // it's too short to be a complete sequence
parsed = default;
return false;
if (IsSequenceEndTag(input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount]))
// it's a VT Sequence like ^[[11~ or rxvt like ^[[11^
int sequenceLength = SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 1;
if (!terminfoDb.TryGetValue(buffer.AsSpan(startIndex, sequenceLength), out parsed))
key = MapEscapeSequenceNumber(byte.Parse(input.Slice(SequencePrefixLength, digitCount)));
if (key == default)
return false; // it was not a known sequence
if (IsRxvtModifier(input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount]))
modifiers = MapRxvtModifiers(input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount]);
parsed = Create(default, key, modifiers);
startIndex += sequenceLength;
return true;
// If Sequence Number is not followed by the VT Seqence End Tag,
// it can be followed only by a Modifier Separator, Modifier (2-8) and Key ID or VT Sequence End Tag.
if (input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount] is not ModifierSeparator
|| SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 2 >= input.Length
|| !char.IsBetween(input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 1], '2', '8')
|| (!char.IsAsciiLetterUpper(input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 2]) && input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 2] is not VtSequenceEndTag))
return false;
modifiers = MapXtermModifiers(input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 1]);
key = input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 2] is VtSequenceEndTag
? MapEscapeSequenceNumber(byte.Parse(input.Slice(SequencePrefixLength, digitCount)))
: MapKeyIdOXterm(input[SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 2], terminalFormatStrings.IsRxvtTerm).key;
if (key == default)
return false;
startIndex += SequencePrefixLength + digitCount + 3; // 3 stands for separator, modifier and end tag or id
parsed = Create(default, key, modifiers);
return true;
// maps "^[O{character}" for all Terminals and "^[[{character}" for rxvt Terminals
static (ConsoleKey key, ConsoleModifiers modifiers) MapKeyIdOXterm(char character, bool isRxvt)
=> character switch
'A' or 'x' => (ConsoleKey.UpArrow, 0), // lowercase used by rxvt
'a' => (ConsoleKey.UpArrow, ConsoleModifiers.Shift), // rxvt
'B' or 'r' => (ConsoleKey.DownArrow, 0), // lowercase used by rxv
'b' => (ConsoleKey.DownArrow, ConsoleModifiers.Shift), // used by rxvt
'C' or 'v' => (ConsoleKey.RightArrow, 0), // lowercase used by rxv
'c' => (ConsoleKey.RightArrow, ConsoleModifiers.Shift), // used by rxvt
'D' or 't' => (ConsoleKey.LeftArrow, 0), // lowercase used by rxv
'd' => (ConsoleKey.LeftArrow, ConsoleModifiers.Shift), // used by rxvt
'E' => (ConsoleKey.NoName, 0), // ^[OE maps to Begin, but we don't have such Key. To reproduce press Num5.
'F' or 'q' => (ConsoleKey.End, 0),
'H' => (ConsoleKey.Home, 0),
'j' => (ConsoleKey.Multiply, 0), // used by both xterm and rxvt
'k' => (ConsoleKey.Add, 0), // used by both xterm and rxvt
'm' => (ConsoleKey.Subtract, 0), // used by both xterm and rxvt
'M' => (ConsoleKey.Enter, 0), // used by xterm, rxvt (they have it Terminfo) and tmux (no record in Terminfo)
'n' => (ConsoleKey.Delete, 0), // rxvt
'o' => (ConsoleKey.Divide, 0), // used by both xterm and rxvt
'P' => (ConsoleKey.F1, 0),
'p' => (ConsoleKey.Insert, 0), // rxvt
'Q' => (ConsoleKey.F2, 0),
'R' => (ConsoleKey.F3, 0),
'S' => (ConsoleKey.F4, 0),
's' => (ConsoleKey.PageDown, 0), // rxvt
'T' => (ConsoleKey.F5, 0), // VT 100+
'U' => (ConsoleKey.F6, 0), // VT 100+
'u' => (ConsoleKey.NoName, 0), // it should be Begin, but we don't have such (press Num5 in rxvt to reproduce)
'V' => (ConsoleKey.F7, 0), // VT 100+
'W' => (ConsoleKey.F8, 0), // VT 100+
'w' when isRxvt => (ConsoleKey.Home, 0),
'w' when !isRxvt => (ConsoleKey.End, 0),
'X' => (ConsoleKey.F9, 0), // VT 100+
'Y' => (ConsoleKey.F10, 0), // VT 100+
'y' => (ConsoleKey.PageUp, 0), // rxvt
'Z' => (ConsoleKey.F11, 0), // VT 100+
'[' => (ConsoleKey.F12, 0), // VT 100+
_ => default
// maps "^[[{character}" for SCO terminals, based on https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/chapter6.html
static (ConsoleKey key, ConsoleModifiers modifiers) MapSCO(char character)
=> character switch
'A' => (ConsoleKey.UpArrow, 0),
'B' => (ConsoleKey.DownArrow, 0),
'C' => (ConsoleKey.RightArrow, 0),
'D' => (ConsoleKey.LeftArrow, 0),
'F' => (ConsoleKey.End, 0),
'G' => (ConsoleKey.PageDown, 0),
'H' => (ConsoleKey.Home, 0),
'I' => (ConsoleKey.PageUp, 0),
_ when char.IsBetween(character, 'M', 'X') => (ConsoleKey.F1 + character - 'M', 0),
_ when char.IsBetween(character, 'Y', 'Z') => (ConsoleKey.F1 + character - 'Y', ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
_ when char.IsBetween(character, 'a', 'j') => (ConsoleKey.F3 + character - 'a', ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
_ when char.IsBetween(character, 'k', 'v') => (ConsoleKey.F1 + character - 'k', ConsoleModifiers.Control),
_ when char.IsBetween(character, 'w', 'z') => (ConsoleKey.F1 + character - 'w', ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
'@' => (ConsoleKey.F5, ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
'[' => (ConsoleKey.F6, ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
'<' or '\\' => (ConsoleKey.F7, ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift), // the Spec says <, PuTTy uses \.
']' => (ConsoleKey.F8, ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
'^' => (ConsoleKey.F9, ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
'_' => (ConsoleKey.F10, ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
'`' => (ConsoleKey.F11, ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
'{' => (ConsoleKey.F12, ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift),
_ => default
// based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Fe_Escape_sequences
static ConsoleKey MapEscapeSequenceNumber(byte number)
=> number switch
1 or 7 => ConsoleKey.Home,
2 => ConsoleKey.Insert,
3 => ConsoleKey.Delete,
4 or 8 => ConsoleKey.End,
5 => ConsoleKey.PageUp,
6 => ConsoleKey.PageDown,
// Limitation: 10 is mapped to F0, ConsoleKey does not define it so it's not supported.
11 => ConsoleKey.F1,
12 => ConsoleKey.F2,
13 => ConsoleKey.F3,
14 => ConsoleKey.F4,
15 => ConsoleKey.F5,
17 => ConsoleKey.F6,
18 => ConsoleKey.F7,
19 => ConsoleKey.F8,
20 => ConsoleKey.F9,
21 => ConsoleKey.F10,
23 => ConsoleKey.F11,
24 => ConsoleKey.F12,
25 => ConsoleKey.F13,
26 => ConsoleKey.F14,
28 => ConsoleKey.F15,
29 => ConsoleKey.F16,
31 => ConsoleKey.F17,
32 => ConsoleKey.F18,
33 => ConsoleKey.F19,
34 => ConsoleKey.F20,
// 9, 16, 22, 27, 30 and 35 have no mapping
_ => default
// based on https://www.xfree86.org/current/ctlseqs.html
static ConsoleModifiers MapXtermModifiers(char modifier)
=> modifier switch
'2' => ConsoleModifiers.Shift,
'3' => ConsoleModifiers.Alt,
'4' => ConsoleModifiers.Shift | ConsoleModifiers.Alt,
'5' => ConsoleModifiers.Control,
'6' => ConsoleModifiers.Shift | ConsoleModifiers.Control,
'7' => ConsoleModifiers.Alt | ConsoleModifiers.Control,
'8' => ConsoleModifiers.Shift | ConsoleModifiers.Alt | ConsoleModifiers.Control,
_ => default
static bool IsSequenceEndTag(char character) => character is VtSequenceEndTag || IsRxvtModifier(character);
static bool IsRxvtModifier(char character) => MapRxvtModifiers(character) != default;
static ConsoleModifiers MapRxvtModifiers(char modifier)
=> modifier switch
'^' => ConsoleModifiers.Control,
'$' => ConsoleModifiers.Shift,
'@' => ConsoleModifiers.Control | ConsoleModifiers.Shift,
_ => default
static ConsoleKeyInfo Create(char keyChar, ConsoleKey key, ConsoleModifiers modifiers)
=> new(keyChar, key, (modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Shift) != 0, (modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Alt) != 0, (modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Control) != 0);
private static ConsoleKeyInfo ParseFromSingleChar(char single, bool isAlt)
bool isShift = false, isCtrl = false;
char keyChar = single;
ConsoleKey key = single switch
'\b' => ConsoleKey.Backspace,
'\t' => ConsoleKey.Tab,
'\r' or '\n' => ConsoleKey.Enter,
' ' => ConsoleKey.Spacebar,
Escape => ConsoleKey.Escape, // Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+3 are also mapped to 27. Limitation: Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+3 can't be mapped.
Delete => ConsoleKey.Backspace, // Ctrl+8 and Backspace are mapped to 127 (ASCII Delete key). Limitation: Ctrl+8 can't be mapped.
'*' => ConsoleKey.Multiply, // We can't distinguish Dx+Shift and Multiply (Numeric Keypad). Limitation: Shift+Dx can't be mapped.
'/' => ConsoleKey.Divide, // We can't distinguish OemX and Divide (Numeric Keypad). Limitation: OemX keys can't be mapped.
'-' => ConsoleKey.Subtract, // We can't distinguish OemMinus and Subtract (Numeric Keypad). Limitation: OemMinus can't be mapped.
'+' => ConsoleKey.Add, // We can't distinguish OemPlus and Add (Numeric Keypad). Limitation: OemPlus can't be mapped.
'=' => default, // '+' is not mapped to OemPlus, so `=` is not mapped to Shift+OemPlus. Limitation: Shift+OemPlus can't be mapped.
'!' or '@' or '#' or '$' or '%' or '^' or '&' or '&' or '*' or '(' or ')' => default, // We can't make assumptions about keyboard layout neither read it. Limitation: Shift+Dx keys can't be mapped.
',' => ConsoleKey.OemComma, // was not previously mapped this way
'.' => ConsoleKey.OemPeriod, // was not previously mapped this way
_ when char.IsAsciiLetterLower(single) => ConsoleKey.A + single - 'a',
_ when char.IsAsciiLetterUpper(single) => UppercaseCharacter(single, out isShift),
_ when char.IsAsciiDigit(single) => ConsoleKey.D0 + single - '0', // We can't distinguish DX and Ctrl+DX as they produce same values. Limitation: Ctrl+DX can't be mapped.
_ when char.IsBetween(single, (char)1, (char)26) => ControlAndLetterPressed(single, isAlt, out keyChar, out isCtrl),
_ when char.IsBetween(single, (char)28, (char)31) => ControlAndDigitPressed(single, out keyChar, out isCtrl),
'\u0000' => ControlAndDigitPressed(single, out keyChar, out isCtrl),
_ => default
if (single is '\b' or '\n')
isCtrl = true; // Ctrl+Backspace is mapped to '\b' (8), Ctrl+Enter to '\n' (10)
if (isAlt)
isAlt = key != default; // two char sequences starting with Escape are Alt+$Key only when we can recognize the key
return new ConsoleKeyInfo(keyChar, key, isShift, isAlt, isCtrl);
static ConsoleKey UppercaseCharacter(char single, out bool isShift)
// Previous implementation assumed that all uppercase characters were typed using Shift.
// Limitation: Caps Lock+(a-z) is always mapped to Shift+(a-z).
isShift = true;
return ConsoleKey.A + single - 'A';
static ConsoleKey ControlAndLetterPressed(char single, bool isAlt, out char keyChar, out bool isCtrl)
// Ctrl+(a-z) characters are mapped to values from 1 to 26.
// Ctrl+H is mapped to 8, which also maps to Ctrl+Backspace.
// Ctrl+I is mapped to 9, which also maps to Tab.
// Ctrl+J is mapped to 10, which also maps to Ctrl+Enter ('\n').
// Ctrl+M is mapped to 13, which also maps to Enter ('\r').
// Limitation: Ctrl+H, Ctrl+I, Ctrl+J and Crl+M can't be mapped. More: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/563469/conflict-ctrl-i-with-tab-in-normal-mode
Debug.Assert(single != 'b' && single != '\t' && single != '\n' && single != '\r');
isCtrl = true;
// Preserve the original character the same way Windows does (#75795),
// but only when Alt was not pressed at the same time.
keyChar = isAlt ? default : single;
return ConsoleKey.A + single - 1;
static ConsoleKey ControlAndDigitPressed(char single, out char keyChar, out bool isCtrl)
// Ctrl+(D3-D7) characters are mapped to values from 27 to 31. Escape is also mapped to 27.
// Limitation: Ctrl+(D1, D3, D8, D9 and D0) can't be mapped.
Debug.Assert(single == default || char.IsBetween(single, (char)28, (char)31));
isCtrl = true;
keyChar = default; // consistent with Windows
return single switch
'\u0000' => ConsoleKey.D2, // was not previously mapped this way
_ => ConsoleKey.D4 + single - 28